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Noituus & magia
- A E Waite (1)
- A. E. Waite (1)
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- Albert Björn (1)
- Alesteir Crowley (1)
- Alexander Skye (2)
- Amy Blackthorn (1)
- Amy Blackthorn, Natalie Zaman (1)
- Anjou Kiernan (4)
- Ann Moura (2)
- Anne Stallkamp and Werner Hartung (1)
- Ari Haasio, Markku Mattila, Elisa Kannasto (1)
- Arin Murphy-Hiscock (6)
- Ashleen O'Gaea (1)
- Aurora (1)
- Balihazar Blacke (1)
- Brad Steiger (1)
- Brian Cain, Jimahl Di Fiosa (1)
- Brian Cain, Maxine Sanders (1)
- C. G. Leland (4)
- Carl F. Neal (1)
- Casey Zabala (1)
- Cassandra Eason (2)
- Cassandra Snow (1)
- Cassie Uhl (1)
- Catharine Allan (1)
- Cerridwen Greenleaf (3)
- Charles G Leland (3)
- Christopher Penczac (1)
- Christopher Penczak (9)
- Claire Goodchild (1)
- Claire Nahmad (1)
- Clark Heinrich (1)
- Cory Thomas Hutcheson (1)
- Cory Thomas Huthcheson (1)
- Craig Spencer (1)
- D.J. Conway (2)
- David Conway (1)
- David Rankine (1)
- David Rankine, Paul Harry Barron (1)
- David Rankine, Sorita D'Este (1)
- Dayna Winters (1)
- Deborah Blake (2)
- Deborah Blake, Patti Wigington (1)
- Deborah Lipp, Thorn Mooney (1)
- Denise Alvarado (2)
- Devin Hunter (1)
- Diana L. Paxson (1)
- Diana Rajchel (1)
- Diane Ahlquist (2)
- Diane Purkiss (1)
- Diego de Oxossi (1)
- Dolores Cannon (1)
- Donyae Coles (1)
- Doreen Valiente (3)
- Dr Stephen Skinner (1)
- Dr Stephen Skinner, Daniel Clark (1)
- Dr. Christopher S. Hyatt, Delfina Marquez-Noe (1)
- Ellen Evert Hopman (1)
- Fanrong Chiza (1)
- Fez Inkwright (1)
- Francesca Black (1)
- Francesca Matteoni (1)
- Frater Barrabbas (1)
- Frater Barrabbas, Keith Ward (1)
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- Frater U.D. (1)
- Freya Aswynn (1)
- Graham (1)
- Gregoire Solotareff (1)
- Gypsey Elaine Teague, Orion Foxwood (1)
- Hannah Hawthorn (1)
- Heinrich Kramer, James Sprenger (1)
- Helena Domenic (1)
- Henry Cornelius Agrippa, James Freake, Donald Tyson (1)
- Holly Bellebuono (1)
- Ileana Abrev (1)
- Jason Mankey (3)
- Jennifer Teixeira (3)
- Jimahl Difiosa (3)
- Jon G. Hughes (5)
- Judy Ann Nock (2)
- Kelly-Ann Maddox (2)
- Lisa Chamberlain (3)
- Maia Toll (2)
- Mari Silva (2)
- Maria de Naglowska (2)
- Marie Bruce (2)
- Mat Auryn (2)
- Meri Mort (3)
- Morwyn (2)
- Nicholas Culpeper (2)
- Nigel Pennick (3)
- Raymond Buckland (2)
- Richard Webster (2)
- Scott Cunningham (5)
- Tarotpuoti (6)
- Thorn Mooney (2)
- Vivianne Crowley (3)
- Vladimir Megre, Leonid Sharashkin, John Woodsworth (2)
Notes from the Pagan Otherworlds - opaskirja, ei kortteja
UusiTarotpuodilla on ensimmäisenä (ainoana) tarjolla kertakaikkisen upea Uusi kustantamon (kyllä Uusi nimenä on otettu suomenkielestä, kuulosti ja n...
Katso lisääWaking the Witch : Reflections on Women, Magic, and Power - Pam Grossman
Pam GrossmanA whip-smart and illuminating exploration of the world's fascination with witches from podcast host and practicing witch Pam Grossman (The Witch Wa...
Katso lisääWhat Witches Do : A Modern Coven Revealed - Stewart Farrar
Stewart FarrarTuotteen kieli: Englanti What Witches Do: A Modern Coven Revealed on Stewart Farrarin klassikkoteos, joka tarjoaa ainutlaatuisen näkymän wiccalaise...
Katso lisääWild Once : A high priestess's guide to modern spirituality - Vivianne Crowley
Vivianne CrowleyTuotteen kieli: Englanti Wild Once: A High Priestess's Guide to Modern Spirituality on Vivianne Crowleyn inspiroiva ja henkilökohtainen teos, jossa...
Katso lisääThe Herbal Alchemist's Handbook: A Complete Guide to Magickal Herbs and How to Use Them - Karen Harrison, Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Karen Harrison, Arin Murphy-HiscockAn herbal magick grimoire of philtres, elixirs, essential oils, incense, and formulas with dozens of recipes from a trusted author. Herbs have been...
Katso lisääThe Night School: Lessons in Moonlight, Magic, and the Mysteries of Being Human - Maia Toll
Maia TollDelve into the mysteries of the Night -- from divination and astrology to ancient philosophy and self-exploration -- in The Night School, a magical...
Katso lisääThe Book of Goetia, or the Lesser Key of Solomon the King [Clavicula Salomonis]. Introductory Essay by Aleister Crowley
The Book of GoetiaProvides a clear and detailed account of the preparations and precautions necessary for the successful evocation of its 72 spirits, which are descr...
Katso lisääYear of the Magickal Dragon: A Seasonal Journey of Magick & Ritual - Virginia Chandler
Virginia ChandlerConnect to dragons and practice magick with them through the cycle of the year. This book introduces you to legendary dragon spirits connected to t...
Katso lisääLight Magic for Dark Times - Lisa Marie Basile
Lisa Marie BasileLight Magic for Dark Times: More than 100 Spells, Rituals, and Practices for Coping in a Crisis Your everyday practical spells covered, from "De...
Katso lisääThe Witch's Altar - Jason Mankey & Laura Tempest Zakroff
Jason Mankey & Laura Tempest ZakroffFrom prehistoric times to the modern day, the altar has been a pivotal tool for ritual and magick. The Witch's Altar is an in-depth exploration of ...
Katso lisääDrawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America - Margot Adler
Margot AdlerThe essential text and classic study of Neo-PaganismSince its original publication, Drawing Down the Moon continues to be the only detailed hist...
Katso lisääMagical Aromatherapy : The Power of Scent - Scott Cunningham
Scott CunninghamMagical Aromatherapy: The Power of Scent – Scott Cunningham (Kirja on englanninkielinen.) Scott Cunningham yhdistää tässä kirjassa eteeristen öljyj...
Katso lisääTemple of high witchcraft - ceremonies, spheres and the witches qabalah - Christopher Penczak
Christopher PenczakKieli: Englanti Temple of High Witchcraft: Ceremonies, Spheres and the Witches' Qabalah on Christopher Penczakin arvostetun noituutta käsittelevän ...
Katso lisääThe Art of Witch - Fiona Horne
Alexander SkyeOn the Back of the Book The Art of Witch moves beyond the bells, whistles, tools and potions and enters into a new wave of spiritual mastery for th...
Katso lisääAleister Crowley's Four Books of Magick: Liber ABA - Stephen Skinner
Alesteir CrowleyThis is the masterpiece of occultist, magician and philosopher Aleister Crowley, introduced for the first time by one of the world's leading exp...
Katso lisääA Witch's Travel Guide to Astral Realms – D.J. Conway
D.J. Conway"This is THE BEST book I have ever read on the subject."―Silver RavenWolf, author of To Ride a Silver Broomstick The astral realms are a source of ...
Katso lisääLänsi-Suomen lemmenloitsut
SalakirjatTaikoja tienristeyksessä. Verimagiaa. Eläinuhreja. Vierailuja hautausmaalla. Ruumiinnesteiden käyttöä loitsiessa. Kyse ei ole saatananpalvonnasta, ...
Katso lisääA Floral Grimoire: Plant Charms, Spells, Recipes, and Rituals - Patricia Telesco
Patricia TelescoA Floral Grimoire sets out to combine Wise Woman know-how with the Victorians’ floral fascination, blending folklore, history, and magic to create ...
Katso lisääRunes for the Green Witch: An Herbal Grimoire - Nicolette Miele
Nicolette MieleRunes for the Green Witch: An Herbal Grimoire - Nicolette Miele Runes for the Green Witch on maaginen opas, joka yhdistää Elder Futharkin 24 riimun...
Katso lisääMonthly Magickal Record - Kelly Cree, Jessica Mullen
Kelly Cree, Jessica MullenTuotteen kieli: englanti "Monthly Magickal Record" on Kelly Creen ja Jessica Mullenin luoma päiväkirjamainen työkalu noituuden ja henkisten harjoit...
Katso lisääMagical Herb Compendium : Correspondences, Spells, and Meditations - Aurora
AuroraExplore the Magical Properties of 90+ Herbs A sourcebook for all your botanical needs, Magical Herb Compendium features the knowledge and skills re...
Katso lisääThe Oxford Illustrated History of Witchcraft and Magic - Owen Davies
Owen DaviesThis richly illustrated history provides a readable and fresh approach to the extensive and complex story of witchcraft and magic.Telling the story...
Katso lisääFlower Magic of the Druids: How to Craft Potions, Spells, and Enchantments - Jon G. Hughes
Jon G. HughesA practical guide to using flowers in magical practice• Provides detailed instruction on every stage of the harvesting, crafting, and practical use...
Katso lisääA Place at the Table : The Human Legacy of Alex Sanders Continues - Jimahl Difiosa
Jimahl DifiosaIn this long awaited sequel to All the King's Children - the Human Legacy of Alex Sanders, Jimahl diFiosa brings together 16 new Alexandrian initia...
Katso lisääAll the King's Children : The Human Legacy of Alex Sanders, King of the Witches - Jimahl Difiosa
Jimahl DifiosaAll the King's Children: The Human Legacy of Alex Sanders, King of the Witches - Jimahl di Fiosa Kieli: Englanti All the King's Children tarjoaa sy...
Katso lisääA Coin for the Ferryman : The Death and Life of Alex Sanders, King of the Witches - Jimahl Difiosa
Jimahl DifiosaA Coin for the Ferryman: The Death and Life of Alex Sanders, King of the Witches - Jimahl do Fiosa Tuotteen kieli: Englanti Jimahl do Fiosan A Coin...
Katso lisääUltimate Spell-Caster: Over 60 Million Silly Spells - Mike Barfield
Mike BarfieldGandalf? A chump. Merlin? An amateur. Harry Potter? More like Harry Poser! With Ultimate Spell-Caster you'll have control over millions and million...
Katso lisääFlower Essences from the Witch's Garden: Plant Spirits in Magickal Herbalism - Nicholas Pearson, Christopher Penczak
Nicholas Pearson, Christopher PenczakFlower Essences from the Witch's Garden: Plant Spirits in Magickal Herbalism - Nicholas Pearson, Christopher Penczak Tämä opas esittelee yksi...
Katso lisääCandle Magic for Beginners: The Simplest Magic You Can Do - Richard Webster
Richard WebsterHave you ever made a wish before blowing out birthday candles? Lit a candle in memory of a loved one? Congratulations - you've already practiced ca...
Katso lisääThe Witch As Psychopomp - Sharon Day
Sharon DayKieli: Englanti The Witch As Psychopomp on Sharon Dayn syvällinen teos, joka tutkii noidan roolia henkisenä opastajana ja sielun saattajana. Psycho...
Katso lisääDruidry Handbook: Spiritual Practice Rooted in the Living Earth - John Michael Greer, Philip Carr-Gomm
John Michael Greer, Philip Carr-GommThe classic guide to living a spiritual life rooted in Celtic antiquity and revived to meet the challenges of contemporary life. Druidr...
Katso lisääSeal, Sigil & Call - J R Mascaro, Frater Barrabbas
J R Mascaro, Frater BarrabbasKieli: Englanti Seal, Sigil & Call (J. R. Mascaro, Frater Barrabbas) tarjoaa uuden lähestymistavan seremonialliseen magiaan yhdistämällä itäisi...
Katso lisääCulpeper's Complete Herbal: Herbalists, Healers, & Witches - Nicholas Culpeper
Nicholas CulpeperPaperback.Culpeper's Complete Herbal: A Compendium of Herbs and Their Uses, Annotated for Modern Herbalists, Healers, and Witches For the last 350 ...
Katso lisääNew World Witchery: A Trove of North American Folk Magic - Cory Thomas Hutcheson
Cory Thomas HutchesonIntegrate folk traditions into your life and deepen your understanding of the crossroads of folk and contemporary magic with this enormous collecti...
Katso lisääAn Illuminated Guide to Wicca: A Complete Visual Manual - Helena Domenic
Helena DomenicHave you always wanted to learn more about Wicca but didn’t know where to start? Start learning today with this beautiful, amply illustrated book t...
Katso lisääCeltic Tree Rituals - Sharlyn Hidalgo
Jon G. Hughes"Celebrate Celtic symbolism, mythology, and magic throughout the Wheel of the Year. Celtic Tree Rituals leads you through each tree month, providi...
Katso lisääDare to Be a Green Witch - Ehris Urban
Amy BlackthornIn this guide to living a more naturally grounded life, daughter and mother coauthors Ehris Urban and Velya Jancz-Urban combine their knowledge of...
Katso lisääThe Witch's Coin Prosperity and Money Magick - Christopher Penczak
Christopher PenczakKieli: Englanti The Witch's Coin: Prosperity and Money Magick tarjoaa kattavan oppaan vaurauden ja runsauden maagiseen työskentelyyn sekä resurs...
Katso lisääThe Witch's Shield: Protection Magick and Psychic Self-defense - Christopher Penczak
Christopher PenczakKieli: Englanti The Witch's Shield: Protection Magick and Psychic Self-Defense tarjoaa käytännöllisiä ohjeita itsensä ja energiansa suojaami...
Katso lisääWicca Candle Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Candle Spellcraft - Lisa Chamberlain
Lisa ChamberlainLearn to harness the power of candle magic and fire to enhance your spellwork.Many practitioners of Wicca and paganism use candles to work with fir...
Katso lisääModern Witchcraft: Facts Learned from Experience
Alaric AlbertssonIt is remarkable that an RAF fighter pilot should find himself in contact with a witchcraft coven as early as 1942. Outrageous and dangerous, the W...
Katso lisääIn Focus Wicca, In Focus Wicca Your Personal Guide - Tracie Long
Tracie LongWith this beautifully designed and accessible guide, learn the basics of Wicca and how to use it to manifest positive opportunities and events that...
Katso lisääNorthern Mysteries and Magick: Runes & Feminine Powers - Freya Aswynn
Freya AswynnBring the power of the ancient runes into your life for divination and magic with Northern Mysteries & Magick (revised edition of Leaves of Ygg...
Katso lisääAradia : Gospel of the Witches (Book Tree) - Charles Godfrey Leland
C. G. LelandPREFACEIf the reader has ever met with the works of the learned folk-lorist G. Pitré, or the articles contributed by "Lady Vere De Vere" to the It...
Katso lisääAncestral Grimoire: Connect with the Wisdom of the Ancestors Through Tarot, Oracles, and Magic Create Your Personal Book of Shadows- Nancy Hendrickson
Nancy HendricksonA practical workbook for connecting with ancestors and their magical powers so you can create your own ancestral spell book. Connect with Your Past...
Katso lisääHow to Become a Mage - Josephin Peladan
Josephin PeladanHow to Become a Mage is the first English translation of the enormously influential occultist Joséphin Péladan. This book is a fascinating disp...
Katso lisääCeltic Plant Magic: A Workbook for Alchemical Sex Rituals - Jon G. Hughes
Jon G. HughesA practical guide to creating plant extracts, essences, and complexes for use in Druidic sex magic rituals, Explores the identification, harvesting...
Katso lisääEveryday Voodoo - Beth Dolgner
TarotpuotiDid you know that Voodoo dolls are actually used for healing? Ever wonder what ingredients are inside a gris-gris bag—or even what one is? Find the...
Katso lisääNoituuden ja magian eri perinteet ja käytännöt.