The Cauldron and the Drum: A Journey into Celtic Shamanism by Rhonda McCrimmon, HeatherAsh Amara
Rhonda McCrimmon brings the ancient, healing wisdom of Celtic shamanism to life so we can break free from the chains of past traumas, hurts, and heartaches and live a whole, connected, and more meaningful life.
Celtic shamanism is a spiritual tradition whose origins predate the arrival of Christianity in northern Europe. According to this ancient tradition, the root of a person's physical, spiritual, and emotional health comes from the balancing the body's three energy centers called the “three cauldrons,” the Cauldron of Warming, the Cauldron of Motion, and the Cauldron of Wisdom. The Celts believed a person must activate, nurture, and maintain all three cauldrons to live a whole, connected, meaningful life.
Now, Rhonda McCrimmon—a beloved shamanic teacher— takes readers on a spiritual journey from the lowest of the three energetic cauldrons to the highest, sharing practices to cultivate each cauldron’s unique potential.
* The Cauldron of Warming, the wellspring of our innate knowledge, can be drained by past traumas, leaving us anxious and fearful. McCrimmon teaches you how to replenish this cauldron and restore your birthright of inner peace and security.
* The Cauldron of Motion is on its side at birth but fills as we experience deep grief or joy. It is the source of our capacity to love and nurture. Learn how to balance this cauldron, establish healthy boundaries, and protect yourself from emotional drain.
* The Cauldron of Wisdom is upside down at birth. When it is righted, we receive one of the most sublime gifts of Celtic spirituality—a profoundly felt connection with nature.
In each chapter, McCrimmon provides self-reflections and other exercises designed to help readers:
* Activate and balance your inner cauldrons.
* Dispel fear by tapping into your innate wisdom.
* Work through past traumas, foster love, and nurture emotional resilience.
* Manifest creative potential through rituals and meditations.
The book also explores the tradition of Celtic fire festivals and the sacred practice of saining. Regardless of your ancestral roots, Rhonda McCrimmon invites you to explore this ancient wisdom and begin your journey down the shaman’s path. The book includes a foreword by HeatherAsh Amara, author of Warrior Goddess Training.
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