The Sacred Andean Codes: 10 Shamanic Initiations to Heal Past Wounds, Awaken Your Conscious Evolution and Reveal Your Destiny - Marcela Lobos
Discover powerful energetic rites based on Andean shamanic teachings to heal the wounds of your past, further your spiritual evolution and reveal your sacred purpose.
Marcela Lobos presents the 10 rites of the Munay-Ki, which are gateways to the evolution of our consciousness. These teachings are based on initiatory practices of the shamans of the Andes and the Amazon, transformed for the modern age. She shares her personal journey and discoveries with the Quero healers, along with stories of how her and her students’ lives were changed, to inspire you on your own spiritual path.
‘Munay’ means ‘universal love’ in the Quechua language, while ‘ki’ is from the Japanese word for energy. Together, these words mean ‘energy of love’. After you go through the rites of the Munay-Ki, you can begin to dream the world into being – the world we want our children’s children to inherit.
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