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Atlantis - HP Blavatsky, Edouard Schure, AP Sinnett

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The book contains chapters:
- Genealogy, outline and geological eras related to Atlantis
- Primitive Atlantis
- A close connection with nature
- Instinctive clairvoyance
- The paradise of dreams and the reign of the gods
- Atlantean culture
- Consecrated kings
- The Toltec Empire
- The supremacy of the ego
- Debauchery and black magic
- Natural upheaval and flood
- Solar religion and emigration
- Scientific and geological evidence of the existence of several sunken continents
Subtitle: The Lost Continent
ISBN: 9789525728026
Language: Finland
Weight: 130 grams
Published: 2020-01-01
Publisher: Bio cost
Number of pages: 85

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