Oluline teave "väljamüüdud" toodete kohta
Eeterlikud õlid ja difuusorid
- After Dark (5)
- Bach (1)
- Beatrice Anahata (1)
- Christina G Hagan (1)
- Clemente Hill (1)
- D. Gary Young, ND (1)
- Dennis Moeck (1)
- Destination Oils (2)
- Dr Ravi Ratan (1)
- Dr. Amanda L. Lukes, DC (1)
- Dr. Sharnael (1)
- Fiore d'Oriente (1)
- Green Tree Candle (1)
- Gretchen King-Ann M.B.A. (1)
- Heather Gabbert, MS, RD, CD (1)
- Joanne Kan (1)
- Jonathan S Hunt (2)
- Julia Lawless (1)
- Karin Opitz-Kreher, Johannes Huber (1)
- Karmen Price (1)
- Lauren Lingard (1)
- Lauren Marshall (1)
- Life & Science (1)
- Life & Science publishing (16)
- Life & Science Publishing (1)
- Marc J. Gian (1)
- Mary Young (1)
- Maura McDanel (1)
- Merja Lieppinen (2)
- Michelle M. Truman, ED. D (1)
- Plant Therapy (107)
- Propos'Nature (4)
- Richard Bliss Brooke (1)
- Rupert Granville Gates (1)
- Scott Cunningham (1)
- Simply Earth (1)
- Sysimaa (6)
- Taropuoti (1)
- Taropuoti Import (2)
- Taropuoti Imports (1)
- Tarotpuoti (12)
- Tarotpuoti Import (12)
- Teri Secrest (1)
- Unemployed Philosophers Guild (1)
- Young Living (3)
Read My Lip Balm The Raven - lip balm stick
Unemployed Philosophers GuildRead My Lip Balm The Raven - lip balm stick This unique Read My Lip Balm combines the care of a lip balm with literary inspiration. The cooling ...
Vaata lähemaltLove oil 15ml - Sysimaa
Sysimaa4.0 / 5.0
1 Ülevaade aadressil
Love oil 15ml Sysimaa magic oil: Love oil. To the magic of love. Use: Externally. Anoint candles and ritual objects. Add to herb ...
Vaata lähemaltLavender essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyLavender, or Lavandula Angustifolia, is a rich, steam-distilled oil from the flowers of the lavender plant. Lavender essen...
Vaata lähemaltCrystal wooden cap roll-on bottle 10ml for essential oils (several versions)
Tarotpuoti ImportFill this precious-looking 10ml glass roll-on bottle filled with crystals with your desired essential oil or other liquid. Several different crys...
Vaata lähemaltEssential Oils The Complete Home Reference (1st edition) - Life & Science Publishing
Life & Science publishingVaevalt on olemas põhjalikumat teost eeterlike õlide kasutamisest. Life & Science Publishing teeb oma väljaannetega tihedat koostööd Young Livingug...
Vaata lähemaltFrancinsence Serrata organic essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyFrankincense Serrata Organic essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Frankincense Serrata essential oil is prized for its versatile benefits and plea...
Vaata lähemaltPeppermint essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPeppermint essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Peppermint essential oil offers a strong and fresh aromatic scent that combines a cool mintiness w...
Vaata lähemaltSpirit oil 15ml - Sysimaa
SysimaaHenkiõli 15ml Sysimaan maagiaõli: Henkiõli (Spirit Oil). Ühendus esivanematega, vaimumaailmaga ja allilmaga. Kasutamine: Välispidine. Määri kü...
Vaata lähemaltPatchouli essential oil blend 10ml - Plant Therapy
TarotpuotiPatchouli sai kuulsaks 1960. aastatel Ameerika Ühendriikides noorte vastukultuuri inimeste eelistatud lõhnana, kuid seda on Aasias lõhnana kasutatu...
Vaata lähemaltCrystal silver cap roll-on bottle 10ml for essential oils (several versions)
Tarotpuoti ImportFill this precious-looking 10ml glass roll-on bottle filled with crystals with your desired essential oil or other liquid. Several different crys...
Vaata lähemaltCrystal roll-on bottle for essential oils with Tarotpuodi logo (various)
TarotpuotiWe are introducing new essential oil roll-on bottles to the market. These bottles are infused with natural rock crystals and make an excellent gift...
Vaata lähemaltBlues Buster essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyBlues Buster essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Blues Buster essential oil blend is designed to uplift your mood and increase your sense of emoti...
Vaata lähemaltEssential Oils The On The Go Field Reference (1st edition) - Life & Science
Life & Science PublishingPeaaegu taskusse mahtuv miniatuurne versioon põhiteosest. Life & Science Publishing teeb oma väljaannetega tihedat koostööd Young Livinguga ja seet...
Vaata lähemaltEnchanting oil 15ml - Sysimaa
SysimaaLumousõli 15ml Sysimaan maagiaõli: Lumuseõli (Enchantment oil).Lummusteks, nägemuste loomiseks, manipuleerimiseks, võrgutamiseks. Kasutamine...
Vaata lähemaltPower oil 15ml - Sysimaa
SysimaaPower oil 15ml Sysimaa magic oil: Power oil. Used to promote psychic abilities. Use: Externally. Anoint candles and ritual object...
Vaata lähemaltTea Tree essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyTea tree essential oil is one of the most popular essential oils, and for good reason. Native to Australia, it is commonly used around the world fo...
Vaata lähemaltLove Vanilla essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. This luxurious, heady, sensual scent is fast becoming one...
Vaata lähemaltWorry Free essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. Worry Free Essential Oil Blend combines Lavender, Sweet Marj...
Vaata lähemaltSelf-Care essential oil blend 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyEssential oils can be a wonderful way to support your mental health journey. While not a substitute for professional mental health care, essential ...
Vaata lähemaltYlang Ylang Complete essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy'n õlid on väga kvaliteetsed, professionaalseks kasutamiseks sobivad tooted. Malai rahva keeles tähendab Ylang Ylang "lillede lille". ...
Vaata lähemaltImmune Aid Synergy organic essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyImmune Aid Synergy Organic essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Immune Aid Synergy Organic is a premium USDA certified organic essential oil blen...
Vaata lähemaltGreen Mandarin essential oil 10ml-30ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyGreen Mandarin eeterlik õli 10-30 ml - Plant Therapy Green Mandarin -eteeriline õli pakub magusat ja värsket lõhna, mis on tuntud meeleolu tõstvate...
Vaata lähemaltClary Sage essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapySalvia sclareaa ehk seljankukkaõli ekstraheeritakse taime lehtede ja õitsvate tippude aurudestillatsiooni teel, et luua 100% puhas eete...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic Pink Grapefruit essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyOrgaaniline roosa greibi eeterlik õli on tõeliselt suurepärane valik, mis aitab värskendada ja tuua kaasa helgema meeleolu. Kui vaimne väsimus kimb...
Vaata lähemaltAromatherapy silver necklace for essential oils "Stellaé"
Tarotpuoti ImportCarry your favorite fragrance with you wherever you go. This pendant with a brown leather cord carries a small approx. 10mm lava stone ball inside...
Vaata lähemaltRapid Relief essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
TarotpuotiRapid Relief essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Plant Therapy's Rapid Relief essential oil blend is designed to relieve everyday discomfort. Th...
Vaata lähemaltGrounded Foundation essential oil for the root chakra 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. The (root) chakra is our vita...
Vaata lähemaltEnergy essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyEnergy essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Energy is an invigorating essential oil blend designed to give you a boost of energy when you need it...
Vaata lähemaltFrankincense Carterii essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyFrankincense Carterii essential oil is hydro-distilled from a Middle Eastern or African tree's gum resin. It has been used for thousands of years ...
Vaata lähemaltYlang Ylang Extra essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyYlang Ylang on kõige tuntum afrodisiaakumina. Erinevalt Ylang Ylang Completest, on Ylang Ylang Extra ideaalne parfüümide valmistajatele. Ylang Ylan...
Vaata lähemaltMango wooden storage box for essential oils for 24 bottles with brass inlays
Tarotpuoti ImportYou can carve some really amazing things out of mango wood, like these essential oil storage boxes. The box is tall enough to hold at least YL 15m...
Vaata lähemaltAromatherapy Guide - Joan Radford
Merja LieppinenRaamatu autor, inglane Joan Radford, on töötanud aroomiterapeudina üle 20 aasta. Ta on ka pidanud loenguid sellel teemal mitmetes riikides, kirjuta...
Vaata lähemaltAarhus Atomiser USB, changes color, timer, ultrasonic diffuser 300ml, vaporizer for essential oils
TarotpuotiAarhaus Aroma Diffuser is Timeless and elegant, it provides a flameless and smoke-free way to Fragrance your room or office. Just add some water a...
Vaata lähemaltBasil essential oil organic 10ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% puhas ja looduslik eeterlik õli, mis saadakse Ocimum basilicumi lehtede aurudestilleerimise teel. Eksootiline basiilik, pärit Aasiast, on ühea...
Vaata lähemaltChocolate Truffle essential oil 5ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy õlid on väga kvaliteetsed, professionaalseks kasutamiseks sobivad tooted. Šokolaadi sõbrad — rõõmustage! See rikkalik, luksuslik šo...
Vaata lähemaltMinilia diffuser for evaporating essential oils
Tarotpuoti ImportMinilia diffuser The compact, easy-to-use Minilia diffuser brings atmosphere to your home. Minilia diffuser properties Portable: Very c...
Vaata lähemaltPentagram oil lantern black
TarotpuotiPentagram Cauldron Oil Burner
Tranquil essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
TarotpuotiTranquil eeterlik õli 10 ml - Plant Therapy Tranquil on harmoniline eeterlike õlide segu, mis on loodud mure tunnete ja nende mõjude vähendamiseks....
Vaata lähemaltLoving Compassion essential oil for the heart chakra 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. The (heart) chakra is the cen...
Vaata lähemaltEssential Oils Integrative Medical Guide - D. Gary Young
Life & Science publishingEssential Oils Integrative Medical Guide – D. Gary Young (ingliskeelne) See põhjalik teos pakub vastuseid kõikidele sinu küsimustele eeterlike õlid...
Vaata lähemaltWoodland Retreat™ KidSafe essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyWoodland Retreat on ideaalne eeterlike õlide segu kasutamiseks koos Plant Therapy Aroma Plush Pals või Pal Clips toodetega: Birch Bear, Flora Fox v...
Vaata lähemaltEssential oil cap opening multi-purpose tool
Plant TherapyEssential oil cap opening and closing tool Multi-purpose tool for opening and re-closing essential oil bottles. Easy to use: place the U-shaped g...
Vaata lähemaltSweet Orange essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapySweet Orange essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Sweet Orange essential oil is known for its lovely, uplifting and calming scent. This "oil of h...
Vaata lähemaltLavender Organic essential oil 30ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyLavender essential oil is known for its many beneficial properties, including calming, relaxation and relieving nervous te...
Vaata lähemaltMango wooden storage box for essential oils for 24 bottles
Tarotpuoti ImportMango-puust saab nikerdada tõeliselt imelisi asju, nagu need eeterlike õlide hoiukarbid. Oma kõrguse poolest mahutavad karbid vähemalt YL 15ml pude...
Vaata lähemaltThyme linalool 5ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100-protsendiliselt puhas ja looduslik eeterlik õli, mis saadakse Thymus vulgaris linaloolifera taime õisikute tippude aurudestillatsiooniga (veeau...
Vaata lähemaltGood sleep essential oils 3x10ml - Sleep Easy - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapySay Goodbye to restless evenings and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day with the Sleep Easy Blend Set! Each pure essential oil b...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic Jojoba Vegetable Oil 500ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureRich in unsaponifiables, jojoba vegetable oil is an ingredient known for its protective, regenerating, anti-aging and anti-wrinkle properties. Ligh...
Vaata lähemaltEeterlikud õlid ja difuusorid
Sukeldu aroomiteraapia võlusse ja loo harmooniline ning rahustav õhkkond nii koju, kontorisse kui ka vaimse praktika ruumidesse. Tarotpuoti.fi valikust leiad kvaliteetseid eeterlikke õlisid ja difuusoreid, mis aurustavad looduslikud lõhnad õrnalt ruumiõhku. Eeterlikud õlid on tuntud oma paljude eeliste poolest: need võivad rahustada meelt, tõsta meeleolu, toetada keskendumist või lõõgastada kiire elutempo keskel.
Vali üksik õli või valmis lõhnasegu, mis resoneerib kõige paremini sinu soovidega – olgu selleks siis stressi leevendamine, immuunsuse toetamine või kodu positiivse energia tugevdamine. Difuuser levitab eeterliku õli imelist lõhna sinu ümber ilma lahtise leegita, nii et saad nautida aroomiteraapia eeliseid turvaliselt ja muretult. Tere tulemast proovima looduse jõudu ja leidma oma lemmiklõhna, mis toetab just sinu vaimset teekonda ja igapäevast heaolu!
Märksõnad: eeterlikud õlid, difuusorid, aroomiteraapia, looduslikud lõhnad, stressi leevendamine, meditatsioon, positiivne energia, vaimne kasv, heaolu