Oluline teave "väljamüüdud" toodete kohta
- Ancient Wisdom (1)
- Apple Tree Acre Farms (2)
- Attitude Hair Dye (1)
- Black Stuff (2)
- Chandrika (1)
- Chandrika Global (1)
- Cosmic dealer (1)
- Eliah Sahil (1)
- Himalaya´s Dreams (10)
- Laboratoire Propos'Nature (2)
- Plant Therapy (7)
- Probiotic Craft (7)
- Propos'Nature (2)
- Shroomwell (14)
- Simply Earth (1)
- Tarotpuoti (4)
- Unemployed Philosophers Guild (3)
Natural Deodorant Grapefruit Cardamom - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyNatural Deodorant Grapefruit Cardamom - Plant Therapy Stay fresh and enjoy the gentleness of a natural deodorant! Grapefruit Cardamom Natural De...
Vaata lähemaltNatural Deodorant (Coconut Ylang Ylang) - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyCoconut Ylang Ylang -looduslik deodorant hoiab enesetunde värskena ja lõhna suurepärasena. Looduslik alternatiiv kaenlaaluste värskendamiseks ilma ...
Vaata lähemaltAyurvedic bar soap Chandrika Herbal 75g
ChandrikaAyurvedinen Chandrika-seep 75g on valmistatud puhtast sandlipuuõlist, kookosõlist ja patchouliõlist. Chandrika kasutab loodust sinu naha hooldamise...
Vaata lähemaltChandrika Sandal bar soap 75g
Chandrika GlobalChandrika Sandal Herbal Bar Soap 75 g on looduslikku ilu edendav seep, mis helendab ja puhastab nahka. Selle ainulaadne koostis ühendab kookosõli j...
Vaata lähemaltLion's Mane Tincture 30ml - Shroomwell
ShroomwellLion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus) is world famous and for many the first choice when it comes to functional mushrooms. Lion's Mane is also the numbe...
Vaata lähemaltAyurvedic tongue cleaner copper - Cosmic dealer
Cosmic dealerOne pure, natural 100% copper Ayurvedic tongue cleaner. Comes in one box with one cotton pouch. A *NEW DESIGN* with beautiful little shell handles...
Vaata lähemaltConiferous extract powder and Pakuri capsules 30 pcs - Black Stuff
Black StuffThe capsules strengthen the body's ability to absorb and deliver the necessary nutrients, antioxidants, fatty acids and minerals at the cellular le...
Vaata lähemaltLion's Mane Spray - Focus Better 30ml - Shroomwell
ShroomwellLion’s Mane Brain&Focus on hoolikalt valitud bioaktiivsetest koostisosadest valmistatud, mis toetavad optimaalset vaimset ja kognitiivset jõudlust....
Vaata lähemaltAyurvedic shampoo Coconut + Argan - Himalaya's Dreams
Himalaya´s DreamsHimalaya's Dreams'i looduslik ajurveeda šampoon kookose ja arganiga on loomulik hooldus juustele ja nahale. See elavdab lokkide sära, kaitseb kuuma...
Vaata lähemaltWinnie the Pooh bar of soap
Unemployed Philosophers GuildMee lõhnaga, kaerahelvestega koorimiseks, see on võluv kingitus... või ideaalne külaliste seep teie kleepuvatele külastajatele. Nüüd siis, vanni, j...
Vaata lähemaltAyurvedic shampoo Neem - Himalaya's Dreams
Himalaya´s DreamsThe natural Ayurvedic shampoo of the Himalaya's Dreams brand contains Neem wood, which protects the hair from drying out, soothes the scalp and reg...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic rose face cleansing foam 110ml - Eliah Sahil
Eliah SahilDelicate certified organic foam for especially gentle but thorough facial cleansing. Plant-based composition of pure rose and chamomile water, feel...
Vaata lähemaltProbiotic Laundry Detergent 500ml - Probiotic Craft
Probiotic CraftLaundry detergent inspired by nature consists of excellent natural ingredients and probiotic bacteria. The unique composition is finished with lot...
Vaata lähemaltStressStop - Calming spray 30ml - Shroomwell
ShroomwellFood supplement containing reishi, peppermint ashwagandha, stevia and vitamins B6 and B12. See the latest PubMed research summary on medicinal m...
Vaata lähemaltAluna deodorant stone 140g
Tarotpuoti**Alum stone roll-on, with plastic sleeve** This 100% natural deodorant is made from alum, which is formed by the crystallization of natural min...
Vaata lähemaltApple Tree Acre Farms Lip Balm - Apple Tree Acre Farms
Apple Tree Acre FarmsKäsitsi valmistatud ja luksuslik õunase lõhna ja maitsega huulepalsam. Pakitud väikesesse umbes 12 milliliitri purki. Koostisosad: mangovõi, kookos...
Vaata lähemaltAyurvedic shampoo Shikakai/ Lemon - Himalaya's Dreams
Himalaya´s DreamsAyurvedic shampoo Shikakai/Lemon - Himalaya's Dreams Himalaya's Dreams offers a natural Ayurvedic shampoo that combines the active ingredients of ...
Vaata lähemaltWe Will Wash You Bar soap 56g
Unemployed Philosophers GuildHere's a soap for all the champions! We Will Wash You soap will freshen you up for the moments when the Show Must Go On – and keep you fresh even w...
Vaata lähemaltNatural Deodorant Timber & Clove - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyTimber & Clove looduslik deodorant aitab võidelda higilõhnaga täiesti loodusliku metsa ja vürtside lõhnaga. Deodorant on valmistatud ilma kahjulike...
Vaata lähemaltPalmistry bar soap
Unemployed Philosophers GuildSa ei saa lugeda peopesi, kui need on mustad! Muuda oma armastusjooned võluvamaks ja puhasta oma elujooned Palmistry-seebiga. Muidugi ei saa keegi ...
Vaata lähemaltProbiotic bathroom cleaner 500ml - Probiotic Craft
Probiotic CraftLoodusest inspireeritud vannitoa puhastusvahend koosneb suurepärastest looduslikest koostisosadest ja probiootilistest bakteritest, mis võimaldavad...
Vaata lähemaltBlack Balance For Dogs feed supplement for dogs 120g - Black Stuff
Black StuffBlack Balance has been developed for the well-being of animals' intestines to balance the intestinal microbiome as close as possible to their natu...
Vaata lähemaltElixir SHOT – Pakuri & Blackcurrant (25ml x 10pcs) - Shroomwell
ShroomwellA vitamin C-rich food supplement containing ginger, blackcurrant, honey and herbs. A dwarf dwarf collected from the forests of the north. Immuno...
Vaata lähemaltHimalayan deodorant stone
TarotpuotiHimaalaja muna deodorandikivi Suurus: 5x8 (cm) Osad: Himaalaja sool
Organic Toothpaste - Propolis and Menthol - Fluoride Free - 75ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureDeveloped in a laboratory in Provence, this COSMOS ORGANIC certified toothpaste, containing 99.55% natural ingredients, gently cleans and whitens y...
Vaata lähemaltProbiotic general cleaner 500ml - Probiotic Craft
Probiotic CraftThe all-purpose cleaner inspired by nature consists of organic ingredients and probiotic bacteria. The unique composition of the general cleaner i...
Vaata lähemaltProbiotic rinse aid 500ml - Probiotic Craft
Probiotic CraftThe rinse aid inspired by nature consists of organic ingredients and probiotic bacteria. The unique composition is finished with lotus extract, wh...
Vaata lähemaltProbiotic dishwashing liquid 500ml - Probiotic Craft
Probiotic CraftNature-inspired dishwashing liquid consists of excellent natural ingredients and probiotic bacteria. Hyaluronic acid, sea water and sea salt compl...
Vaata lähemaltElixir – Pakuri & Roseberry 250ml - Shroomwell
ShroomwellImmuno Elixir Pakuri & Kibuvits on igapäevane tervisepomm, mis on kombinatsioon ravimseente tervisemõjudest ning oluliste vitamiinide ja ingveri jõ...
Vaata lähemaltHair Therapy Refresh & Smooth Beard beard oil 30ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyValmistu kogema oma habeme täielikku potentsiaali Refresh & Smooth Beard Oil abil, mis on valmistatud hoolikalt valitud segu toitvatest koostisosad...
Vaata lähemaltTattoo healing cream - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyKas sul on kunstiline andekus, mis katab iga tolli sinu nahast, või lihtne ja diskreetne minimalistlik disain, meie Tattoo Healing Balm pakub tervi...
Vaata lähemaltAyurvedic conditioner Herbs - Himalaya's Dreams
Himalaya´s DreamsHimalaya's Dreams natural Ayurvedic Herbal Conditioner gives hair the necessary moisture, weight and protection after shampooing. "Hair conditione...
Vaata lähemaltAyurvedic face and body oil Pink Lotus / Happiness - Himalaya's Dreams
Himalaya´s DreamsHimalaya's Dreams Pink Lotus / Happiness body and face oil with an excellent pink lotus scent. With rice bran oil, which is excellent for sensitive...
Vaata lähemaltAyurvedic face and body oil Viola/Harmony - Himalaya's Dreams
Himalaya´s DreamsHimalaya's Dreams Viola / Harmony body & face oil that consists of a very complex decoction of Ayurvedic plant parts: rice bran and sesame oil...
Vaata lähemaltMandarin & Ginger Aromatherapy Hand and Body Wash - 250 ml
Ancient WisdomMandariini ja ingveri aroomiteraapia käte- ja kehapesuvahend - 250 ml Aroomiteraapia käte ja keha pesuaine puhastab ja hooldab nahka samal ajal, ku...
Vaata lähemaltBody scrub Pumpkin Sugar Scrub - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPumpkin Sugar Scrub -kehakoorija toob sügise sinu nahale taimsete koostisosade abil, mis pehmendavad ja siluvad nahka pealaest jalatallani. Koorija...
Vaata lähemaltProbiotic Odor Eliminator 200ml - Probiotic Craft
Probiotic CraftProBio deodorizer - a natural solution for a fresher environment This probiotic-infused deodorizer is made with 98.9% natural ingredients, with n...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic shea cream 100ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureTuntud oma suurepäraste naha parandavate, toitvate ja kaitsvate omaduste poolest, on sheavõi hädavajalik koostisosa hooldustes, mis on mõeldud naha...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic Aloe Vera shower gel 200ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Laboratoire Propos'NatureFormulated with Aloe Vera and glycerin, two plant-derived softening active ingredients, Lov'Aloé Bio Shower Gel offers the skin a 2-in-1 treatment ...
Vaata lähemaltProbiotic Floor Cleaner 500ml - Probiotic Craft
Probiotic CraftThe floor cleaner inspired by nature consists of organic ingredients and probiotic bacteria. The floor cleaner is finished with hazelnut oil to giv...
Vaata lähemaltSleepWell – Help to fall asleep 30ml - Shroomwell
ShroomwellThe nutritional supplement contains reishi mushroom, lemon balm, lavender, stevia and melatonin. Lemon balm and lavender help maintain good qual...
Vaata lähemaltElixir SHOT - Buckwheat & Buckthorn (25ml x 10pcs) - Shroomwell
ShroomwellPakurikääpää, a vitamin C-rich food supplement containing ginger, sea buckthorn, honey and herbs. A dwarf dwarf collected from the forests of the ...
Vaata lähemaltElixir SHOT – Buckwheat & Rosehip (25ml x 10pcs) - Shroomwell
ShroomwellPakurikääpää, a dietary supplement containing vitamin C containing rosehip, ginger, apple and herbs. A dwarf dwarf collected from the forests of t...
Vaata lähemaltElixir SHOT - Date & Mango (25ml x 10pcs) - Shroomwell
ShroomwellVitamin C-rich food supplement containing pakurikääpää, ginger, dates, mango and herbs. A dwarf dwarf collected from the forests of the north. Im...
Vaata lähemaltImmuno Elixir Pakuri & Sea Buckthorn 250ml - Shroomwell
ShroomwellImmuno Elixir Pakuri & Turni is a daily health bomb that is a combination of the health effects of medicinal mushrooms and the power of importa...
Vaata lähemaltImmuno Elixir – Pakuri & Blackcurrant 250ml - Shroomwell
ShroomwellImmuno Elixir Pakuri & Blackcurrant is a daily health bomb that is a combination of the health effects of medicinal mushrooms and the power of...
Vaata lähemaltPakurikäpä Tincture 30ml - Shroomwell
ShroomwellThe woodpecker (Inonotus obliquus) is known as the king of mushrooms. In Eastern European folk medicine, pakur has been used since the 16th centur...
Vaata lähemaltSiitake Tincture 30ml - Shroomwell
ShroomwellThe shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes) is a very versatile mushroom in its properties. Its uses are in improving beauty and general vitality. Sin...
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