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- 13th Press (2)
- A. E. Waite (4)
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- Alaric Albertsson (2)
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- H.P.Blavatsky (5)
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- Jody Revenson (5)
- Johannes Setälä (3)
- Jon G. Hughes (3)
- Judy Hall (25)
- Kirsi Gren (3)
- Life & Science publishing (17)
- Lo Scarabeo (3)
- Lucy Cavendish (3)
- Lucy H. Pearce (6)
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- Mari Silva (9)
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- Microcosm Publishing & Distribution (9)
- Nicholas Pearson (3)
- Nigel Pennick (9)
- Nord Games (5)
- Patricia Mercier (6)
- Philip Permutt (4)
- Rachel Pollack (3)
- Richard Webster (3)
- Scott Cunningham (4)
- Sinikka Piippo (8)
- Sofia Visconti (6)
- Tarotpuoti (31)
- Titan Books Ltd (3)
- Tobias Churton (3)
Jum - Johannes Setälä
Johannes SetäläJum is a collection of the Kalevala poetic tradition, commented on and illustrated by the shaman Johannes Setälä, the interpretation of o...
Vaata lähemaltTime - Johannes Setälä
Johannes SetäläElu ilmingkokkuvõttes onühist ja kõikehaaravat,ei individuaalset.Kõigi karmalistepärast arenguetappe,iga individuaalne elutaandub tagasi suurd...
Vaata lähemaltMagi of Lapland - Witches without a drum - Risto Pulkkinen
Risto PulkkinenThis book is a story about the soothsayers of Lapland, "witches without a drum". Even though the drum fell silent in Lapland centuries a...
Vaata lähemaltLlewellyn's Little Book of Chakras - Cyndi Dale
Cyndi DaleChakras are subtle energy centers that affect all levels of your being: physical, psychological, and spiritual. In this pocket-size hardcover guid...
Vaata lähemaltThe Little Book of Chakras: An Introduction to Ancient Wisdom and Spiritual Healing - Elsie Wild
Elsie WildA colorful and inviting introduction to an alternative and holistic approach to health and well-being Chakras are your body's spiritual centers o...
Vaata lähemaltLittle Book of Chakras: Balance your energy centers for health, vitality and Harmony - Patricia Mercier
Patricia MercierThe chakras are vibrant, colored energy wheels or centers of spiritual power, located within the subtle body, through which our life energy flows....
Vaata lähemaltNew Directions in Tarot: Decoding the Tarot Illustrations of Pamela Colman Smith - Scott Martin
Scott MartinA look at how Pamela Colman Smith's theatrical knowledge and experience came into play when she drew the iconic cards of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck...
Vaata lähemaltLiving Wands of the Druids: Harvesting, Crafting, and Casting with Magical Tools - Jon G. Hughes
Jon G. HughesA Practical Guide to Crafting Natural Wands for Magical Work This guide offers a comprehensive approach to the making and use of natural wands in ...
Vaata lähemaltAura life is energy - Maija Bäckman
Maija BäckmanAura - Life is energy is a new kind of guide to observing and understanding auras. With the help of the exercises in...
Vaata lähemaltThe Red Witch - Jenna Kostet
Jenna KostetNaine. Tervendaja. Nõid.On aasta 1635. Nõiaks kahtlustatud naine Valpuri Kinni visatakse Turu Aurajõkke. Veekatsetusega tahetakse veenduda, ka...
Vaata lähemaltA Parent's Guide to Crystals: Gemstones to Support Your Child's Health and Happiness - Group of 5
Group of 5Illustreeritud elavate täisvärvifotodega kogu raamatu vältel, "A Parent's Guide to Crystals" käsitleb laste mitmekesiseid füüsilisi ja emotsionaals...
Vaata lähemaltTarotpoodi's Tarot guide E-book
Tarotpuoti PublishingTarotpuodi's latest publication, "Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Guide" is an e-book that offers an in-depth introduction to the world's most popular dec...
Vaata lähemaltLunar Returns - John Townley (preloved, used)
John TownleyA used moon book in good condition. Your lunar return is an emotional rebirth that occurs every 271/2 days. The lunar return chart exposes the i...
Vaata lähemaltAwaken your Psychic ability - Debbie Malone
Debbie MaloneSelles raamatus õpid ja uurid kõike, mida on vaja teada psüühiliste võimete kohta ning kuidas oma võimeid rakendada, kasutades 30-aastase kogemuseg...
Vaata lähemaltThe Book of Love - Kelly Link
Kelly LinkThe Book of Love showcases Kelly Link at the height of her powers, channeling potent magic and attuned to all varieties of love—from friendship to ...
Vaata lähemaltFortuna, The Sacred & Profane faces of luck - Nigel Pennick
Nigel PennickFortuna: Õnne püha ja ilmalik pale – Nigel Pennick Raamat on ingliskeelne. Nigel Pennick uurib selles köitvas teoses õnne ja saatuse kultuuriajalug...
Vaata lähemaltTiffany Aching's Guide to Being A Witch - Rhianna Pratchett
Rhianna Pratchett"Nad ütlevad, et sa ei leia nõiakunsti, see leiab sind . . ."Illustreeritud ja praktiline juhend nõiaks olemiseks Kettamaailmas, hõlmates kõike, mi...
Vaata lähemaltCrystal Therapy: How to Heal and Empower Your Life with Crystal Energy - Doreen Virtue , Judith Lukomski (Preloved, used, OOP)
Doreen Virtue"Crystal Therapy" on taskuraamat, mis tutvustab 88 kristalli tervendavat jõudu, sisaldades igaühe kauneid värvifotosid. Raamat sobib ...
Vaata lähemaltAngel Therapy, Healing Messages for Every Area of Your Life - Doreen Virtue (OOP)
Doreen VirtueDr. Doreen Virtue elu muutus dramaatiliselt, kui inglid teda imekombel hoiatades päästsid ja seejärel autovarguse ajal sekkusid. Pära...
Vaata lähemaltImbolc: The Ultimate Guide to Brigid, and Candlemas and How It's Celebrated in Christianity, Wicca, Druidry, and Celtic paganism - Mari Silva
Mari SilvaExplore the Festival of Imbolc! Have you always felt drawn to spring? Do you often feel drained during winter and rejoice when you see the fir...
Vaata lähemaltImbolc: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for Brigid's Day - Carl F. Neal
Carl F. NealImbolc―also known as Brigid's Day―is a time to awaken from our months of introspection and start making plans for the future. This guide to the his...
Vaata lähemaltCrystals: An In Focus Workbook: A Personal Guide to the Power of Crystals - Regina M Bresler
Regina M BreslerLiigu kristallide algajast kogenud kristallide koguja ja praktikuni, süvendades oma arusaamist selle inspireeriva ja kaunilt kujundatud töövi...
Vaata lähemaltFrom quantum physics to energy treatments - Johanna Blomqvist
Johanna BlomqvistWhat exactly is the energy transmitted in energy treatments? Do the treatments work, and if so, what? What can science say about energy treatments?...
Vaata lähemaltTarot: Book of Cards - Sami Hirvikallio
Sami HirvikallioTarot: Kaardiraamat – Sami Hirvikallio Raamat on ingliskeelne. Tarot: Book of Cards ühendab uuenduslikul viisil kolm täis Tarot-pakki ühe raamatu l...
Vaata lähemaltCats: Keepers of the Spirit World - John A. Rush
John A. RushExplores our intertwined spiritual history with cats • Examines spiritual and Occult beliefs connected to cats from Mayan, Aztec, and Native Ameri...
Vaata lähemaltSeasons of the Zodiac: Love, Magick, and Manifestation Throughout the Astrological Year - Stephanie Campos
Stephanie CamposFrom energetic Aries to soothing Pisces, discover each zodiac sign's “season” and learn how to tap into their unique magical energies to enhance y...
Vaata lähemaltThe Ultimate Unofficial Guide to Tolkien's World Hardcover - Antony Cummins
Antony CumminsAt the age of only 23, Kersti Juva was able to translate one of the most significant novels of the century. After the Lord of the Rings ...
Vaata lähemaltCeltic Mysticism: Your Personal Guide to Celtic and Druid Tradition - Tracie Long
Tracie LongConnect more meaningfully to the cultural wisdom and Occult knowledge of the rich and thriving Celtic world. Reclaim Ancestral traditions and ...
Vaata lähemaltMindful Beads - Alice Peck (Preloved/Used)
Alice PeckMindful Beads - Alice Peck (Preloved/Kasutatud)Toote keel: inglise Mindful Beads on inspireeriv raamat, mis räägib 20 erineva helme lugusid ja tähe...
Vaata lähemaltFrom dams to needles - Dye and knit with natural colors - Kirsi Mantua-Kommonen
Kirsi Mantua-KommonenDyeing with natural dyes and preferring threads dyed with natural dyes in knitting and other crafts is becoming more and more popular, and for good...
Vaata lähemaltThe First Alchemists: The Spiritual and Practical Origins of the Noble and Holy Art - Tobias Churton
Tobias ChurtonExplores the Origins and practices of early Alchemy • Examines the oldest surviving alchemical texts, the original purpose of the “Royal Art,” and ...
Vaata lähemaltAyahuasca: Sacred Plant Medicines, Healing & Psychedelic Experiences - Sofia Visconti
Sofia ViscontiAyahuasca: Sacred Plant Medicines, Healing & Psychedelic Experiences - Sofia Visconti Product language: English This fascinating book offers ...
Vaata lähemaltNumerology: Discover The Meaning Behind The Numbers in Your life & Their Secrets to Success, Wealth, Relationships, Fortune Telling & Happiness - Sofia Visconti
Sofia ViscontiHow to Achieve More & Recognize The Secret Messages In Your Life Have you always been fascinated by numerology? Have you ever wondered why ...
Vaata lähemaltAstrology: Unlock The Secrets Of Your Life & Know Your Destiny Through The Stars - Sofia Visconti
Sofia ViscontiThe Complete Introduction to Astrology Are you struggling to acknowledge who you really are and what motivates you as a person?.... Ever wonder ...
Vaata lähemaltRunes: A Guide To The Magic, Meanings, Spells, Divination & Rituals Of Runes - Sofia Visconti
Sofia ViscontiRuunid võivad kõlada nagu midagi kummalist, mida leiad ainult World of Warcraftist või Harry Potterist, kuid... Ruunid on tegelikult reaalsed artef...
Vaata lähemaltGreat astrology book - The master of the forces of the spirit in you - Seppo Tanhua NEW 1/2024
Seppo TanhuaThe most interesting and most used part of astrology is the study of time, hora skopein, - 'stare into the moment', but in terms of spiritual devel...
Vaata lähemaltCritical Rolls Box Set (5E) - Nord Games (Kickstarter)
Nord GamesWe also have six more amazing add-ons from the same author. Exciting and consequential outcomes for the dreaded 1s and epic 20s, both in and out...
Vaata lähemaltObjects of Intrigue Box Set (5E) - Nord Games (Kickstarter)
Nord GamesWe also have six more wonderful add-ons from the same author. Quest starters, Monster encounters, and exciting trinkets abound! Discover Limitle...
Vaata lähemaltTreacherous Traps Box Set (5E) - Nord Games (Kickstarter)
Nord GamesWe also have six more amazing add-ons from the same author. 250 pre-made traps to challenge your players – plus a random trap generator with 2...
Vaata lähemaltTreasure Trove Box Set (5E) - Nord Games (Kickstarter)
Nord GamesSamalt autorilt on meil ka kuus üksteisest uhkemat lisandit. Saagilangused ja aardekogumid – korraldatud vastavalt väljakutse reitingule ja kirjuta...
Vaata lähemaltWandering Monsters Box Set (5E) - Nord Games (Kickstarter)
Nord GamesSamalt autorilt on meil ka kuus üksteisest ilusamat lisandit. Koletiste kohtumised keskkonna järgi teie 5. väljaande mängude jaoks. Valige eelneval...
Vaata lähemaltHomeopathy - a guide to natural health - Satu Järvilehto, Katja Rikala
Satu Järvilehto, Katja RikalaHomeopathy is a comprehensive form of treatment that strengthens and balances the body's own resistance. The book deals with the basics of homeopa...
Vaata lähemaltAncient Mythology: Captivating Stories, Magic, Mystery & Legendary Myths of The World Throughout History Revealed - Sofia Visconti
Sofia ViscontiThe book is in English. A Treasure Trove of Intrigue, Drama & Passion If you want a huge collection of the best myths & captivat...
Vaata lähemaltEgyptian Mythology: Explore The Mysterious Ancient Civilization of Egypt, The Myths, Legends, History, Gods, Goddesses & More That Have Fascinated ... Legends, History, Gods, Goddesses & More - Sofia Visconti
Sofia ViscontiThe book is in English. Drama, death, Glory and love flowed through the blood of the Egyptians under the watchful eyes of their Gods & G...
Vaata lähemaltDiscover Psychic Tarot Reading, Tarot Card Meanings, Numerology, Astrology and Reveal What The Universe Has In Store for You - Sofia Visconti
Sofia ViscontiThe book is in English. The Only Book On The Tarot You Will Ever Need Have you always been interested in Tarot, but you didn't know whe...
Vaata lähemaltTarot Life Lessons: Living Wisdom from the Major Arcana - Julia Gordon-Bramer
Julia Gordon-BramerThe book is in English. Real-life stories using the Tarot as a tool of insight and self-transformation • Explores the living wisdom of the Tar...
Vaata lähemaltWicca Essential Oils Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Working with Magical Oils - Lisa Chamberlain
Lisa ChamberlainLisa Chamberlain shows you how to work with Magical botanical oils in your spellcraft—whether you're well versed in other forms of magic but are j...
Vaata lähemaltTarot Magic : A Handbook of Intuitive Readings, Rituals, and Spells - Fortuna Noir
Fortuna NoirLearn how to read Tarot cards and use them as a tool for personal growth with this easy-to-follow and enchantingly illustrated guide. Tarot readin...
Vaata lähemaltTarotpuoti.fi lai raamatute valik hõlmab mitmekülgselt erinevaid teemasid esoteerilisest teadmisest enesetundmiseni ja elu erinevatele küsimustele. Lehelt leitavad raamatud pakuvad põhjalikku juhendamist nii tarot-kaartide tõlgendamiseks kui ka kristallide, astroloogia ja energiatöö mõistmiseks. Olgu tegemist algaja tarot-huvilise või kogenuma müstika uurijaga, valik teenib mitmesuguseid lugejaid. Eriti tarot-raamatud käsitlevad kaartide sümboolikat, ajalugu ja tõlgendusviise erinevate traditsioonide vaatenurgast, nagu Rider-Waite või Thoth-tarotid.
Valikust leiab ka teisi maailmavaateid ja vaimset kasvu toetavaid teoseid, nagu numeroloogia, luuletusi ning astroloogilisi teoseid, mille abil saab laiendada oma arusaamist universumi tsüklitest ja inimmeele arhetüüpidest. Need raamatud pakuvad lugejale võimalust arendada oma intuitiivseid oskusi ja süvendada oma vaimset teekonda.
See valik ei ava mitte ainult müstika uksi, vaid toetab ka isiklikku kasvu ja sisemist mõtisklust – suurepärane täiendus igasse vaimse arengu raamaturiiulisse.