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Magical World: Superstition and Science - Derek K. Wilson
Derek K. WilsonA Magical World: Superstition and Science from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment The most vibrant and fascinating eras of scientific advancement...
Vaata lähemaltYear of the Witch - Francesca Black
Francesca BlackA Planner and Spellbook for the Novice Witch Magic is the ever-present energy around us—it's in the sky, our companion animals, what we eat, wher...
Vaata lähemaltHermetic Physician: The Magical Teachings - Marco Daffi
Marco DaffiGiuliano Kremmerz might not be a name you know, but the guy was a big deal in Italian Occult circles in the late 1800s. Kremmerz was into natural a...
Vaata lähemaltHow to Become a Mermaid: Elemental Energy of Water - Elyrria Swann
Elyrria SwannSo, you wanna be a mermaid? Good news! How to Become a Mermaid is all about embracing the vibe of water in your energy field and seeing the world t...
Vaata lähemaltSpiritual Power of Masks: Doorways to Realms Unseen - Nigel Pennick
Nigel PennickMasks have been used in ritual practices for centuries, thought to allow the wearer to personify an Ancestral presence, spirit, deity, or other hig...
Vaata lähemaltShamanic Creativity: Free the Imagination - Evelyn C. Rysoyk
Evelyn C. RysoykLoominguline energia võib olla eluandev jõud - toites kujutlusvõimet, toetades innovatsiooni ja äratades uusi mõtteviise. See samm-sammuline juhend...
Vaata lähemaltChakra Healing Therapy: Awaken Spiritual Energies - Glen Park
Glen ParkWhether you're looking to heal emotional wounds, release physical tensions, explore psychic abilities, or awaken spiritual energies, chakras have g...
Vaata lähemaltElemental Magic: Traditional Practices for Working - Nigel Pennick
Nigel PennickDiscover the world of natural magic and put it to use for your personal and spiritual development. Author Nigel Pennick created Elemental Magic as ...
Vaata lähemaltGift of Shamanism: Visionary Power, Ayahuasca Dreams - Itzhak Beery
Itzhak BeeryItzhak Beery was once a skeptic before he turned into a shamanic healer in an attempt to explain moments of déjà vu, intuitive dreams, and weird vi...
Vaata lähemaltSex Mudras: Energy Movement Exercises For Sexual Vitality - Serge Villecroix
Serge VillecroixSure sex is fine and all but have you ever considered mudras? Mudras that are all about revving up your sexual vibes with exercises (for both guys ...
Vaata lähemaltNumerology Handbook: Uncover your Destiny - Tania Gabrielle
Tania GabrielleValmistu avastama oma elu numbritesse peidetud saladusi! Olgu selleks raha, armastus, kodu või karjäär, "The Numerology Handbook" on sinu teejuht e...
Vaata lähemaltSacred Mushrooms and the Law - Richard Glen Boire
Richard Glen BoireHow do the law and psychedelics interact? What uses of these mushrooms are legal? With this book at your side, Wonder no longer! Boasted as the onl...
Vaata lähemaltQueering Your Craft: Witchcraft from the Margins - Cassandra Snow
Cassandra SnowWitchcraft has always belonged to the Outsiders and outcasts in society. This book addresses the practice of queer magick from an LGBTQ+ standpoint...
Vaata lähemaltModern Witchcraft Book of Astrology: Your Complete Guide - Julia Halina Hadas
Julia Halina HadasAn astrological guide specifically written for Witches seeking to incorporate the study of celestial bodies into their magic and spellcraft. Going ...
Vaata lähemaltUltimate RPG Character Backstory Guide - James D'Amato
James D'AmatoRolling up a character is just the beginning in Dungeons and Dragons. Sure your half-elf Berserker has stats, a sword, and enough Healing potions t...
Vaata lähemaltDruidry: How to Connect Spiritually With the Land - Maria Ede-Weaving
Maria Ede-WeavingJuhend keldi vaimse traditsiooni kohta, kuidas ühenduda rohelise maaga, et ammutada universaalset loovuse, armastuse ja tarkuse allikat. Austa kõig...
Vaata lähemaltBook of Divination: A Guide to Predicting the Future - Michael Johnstone
Michael JohnstoneSince the dawn of time, humans have sought to predict the forces of fate. Whether telling the future or gaining insight into the past, we have used...
Vaata lähemaltNostradamus and Other Prophets and Seers: Prophecies - Jo Durden Smith
Jo Durden SmithDive back into the history of divination and prophecy with this volume on famous seers and prophets going back thousands of years. With a focus on ...
Vaata lähemaltPriestess of Isis - Edouard Schure
TarotpuotiPriestess of Isis is an intricate story that explores a struggle between good and evil and the powers they hold over the human soul. Edouard Schure...
Vaata lähemaltIncense: Rituals, Mystery, Lore - Gina Hyams
Gina HyamsCovering everything from spirituality to romance to staying healthy, incense can bring you energy, focus, and/or serious relaxation. Incense: Ritua...
Vaata lähemaltSugar Skulls coloring set
Running PressSuhkrukoljusid kasutatakse traditsiooniliselt Kesk- ja Lõuna-Mehhikos lahkunud lähedaste auks, eriti Surnute päeva pidustuste ajal. Kaunilt illustr...
Vaata lähemaltCharms & Symbols: How to Weave the Power of Ancient Signs - Alison Davies
Alison DaviesEmojis are much older than you might have initially thought. Think of the original emojis: the Mandala, the Egyptian Ankh, the Maori Koru or the Ce...
Vaata lähemaltHorary Astrology: The Practice of Finding Lost Objects - Anthony Louis
Anthony LouisHorary astrology is a magic tool to find anything you've misplaced just by throwing a question into the Cosmic mix. With charts galore, Horary Astr...
Vaata lähemaltGreat Wheel: Living the Pagan Cycles of Our Lives & Times - Graham
GrahamOpen a Road Map to the Future By Embracing the Cycles of Life and Time Take your Pagan practice into exciting new territory through an explora...
Vaata lähemaltKitchen Table Magic: Pull Up a Chair, Light a Candle - Melissa Cynova
Melissa CynovaThis beginner's guide to magic is like sitting down at the kitchen table with Melissa Cynova as she shows how to use simple prayers, spells, and ri...
Vaata lähemaltHawaiian Shamanistic Healing: Cultivate the Aloha Spirit - Powell & Miller
Powell & MillerEver heard of Aloha? It's this awesome love vibe that's everywhere. In Hawaiian Shamanistic Healing, you'll pick up the Secrets to ride the Aloha w...
Vaata lähemaltEnemy Within: A Short History of Witch-Hunting - John Demos
John DemosAn exploration of the social, cultural, and psychological roots of the Scourge that is witch-hunting, both in the remote past and today. Chronicles...
Vaata lähemaltSister of Darkness: The Chronicles of a Modern Exorcist - RH Stavis
R. H. StavisThe world's only non-denominational exorcist—the inspiration for a forthcoming scripted television series—tells her Astonishing true story: a rivet...
Vaata lähemaltEssential Sacred Writings from Around the World - Mircea Eliade
Mircea EliadeOriginally published as From Primitives to Zen , this comprehensive anthology contains writings Vital to all the major non-Western religious tra...
Vaata lähemaltPohjola's magic book - Meri Mort
Meri MortTHE MAGIC OF THE NORTH – Rituals of the Four Seasons The moon leads, dreams know and caves sing: man has an innate connection with ...
Vaata lähemaltA Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism - Gareth Knight
Gareth KnightIn this groundbreaking book, Knight shows how the Qabalah and its basic diagram, the Tree of Life, is a system of relationships among mystical symb...
Vaata lähemaltThe Completion Process: The Practice of Putting Yourself Back Together Again - Teal Swan
Teal SwanFew of us have lived through the kind of suffering Teal Swan endured: 13 years of ritual abuse at the hands of a cult. But all of us have been frac...
Vaata lähemaltCrystals for Self-Care: The Ultimate guide to crystal Healing - Kirsty Gallagher
Kirsty GallagherFrom the bestselling author of Lunar Living comes the Ultimate guide to crystals and how they can help you live your best life. This is the one boo...
Vaata lähemaltPandemonium (Delirium Trilogy, 2) - Lauren Oliver
Lauren OliverThe second book in Lauren Oliver's New York Times bestselling Trilogy about Forbidden love, revolution, and the power to choose. In this electri...
Vaata lähemaltVeiled Isis - Part 1 : Science 1 - HP Blavatsky
H.P. BlavatskyWhen Helena Petrovna Blavatsky began to write her first landmark work about Isi, she had no idea, according to her own words, what the writing woul...
Vaata lähemaltVeiled Isis - Part 3 : Theology 1 - HP Blavatsky
H.P. BlavatskyWhen Helena Petrovna Blavatsky began to write her first landmark work about Isi, she had no idea, according to her own words, what the writing wou...
Vaata lähemaltSpiritual Warfare - Jed McKenna
Jed McKennaVaimne sõjapidamine on suurepärane lõpp Jed McKenna hämmastavale valgustumise triloogiale. Sarja kolmas osa läheb nagu varasemadki raamatud otse as...
Vaata lähemaltSpiritually Incorrect Enlightenment - Jed McKenna
Jed McKennaJed McKenna jätkab oma järeleandmatu ja segadusttekitava stiiliga valgustatusega seotud väärarusaamade lammutamist. Raamat paneb meid tõsiselt mõtl...
Vaata lähemaltSpiritual Enlightenment - Jed McKenna
Jed McKennaValgustumisega kaasnevad igasugused müüdid ja uskumused. Sageli arvatakse, et valgustumiseks tuleb teha päevade kaupa erinevaid vaimseid harjutusi....
Vaata lähemaltThe Cards You're Dealt: How to Deal When Life Gets Real - Theresa Reed
Theresa Reed"Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or a Tarot newcomer, this book is not merely a guide. It's a revelation, a compass, Empowering its Readers t...
Vaata lähemaltTheosophical Dictionary - HPBlavatsky
H.P.BlavatskyTeosoofilise sõnaraamatu märksõnadest leiab seletusi mitmetele alkeemias, Assüüria, Babüloonia, India, Kreeka, Pärsia, Rooma ja Ska...
Vaata lähemaltThe Structure of the Inner Man - HPBlavatsky
H.P.BlavatskyBiokustannus Oy 23 pages Soft cover book 2003 ...
Vaata lähemaltTheosophical Doctrines of Nature and Man - HPBlavatsky
H.P.BlavatskyThe book contains: Everything is the same in everything Development and delusions About the seven-point structur...
Vaata lähemaltBuddhist Writings - HPBlavatsky
H.P.BlavatskySisaldab:- Tiibeti õpetused- Kaua viibinud lubaduse täitmine- Püha Lha õpetused- Kumbumi püha puu- Buddha Siddhartha- Bamiani kuju...
Vaata lähemaltMagical Herb Compendium : Correspondences, Spells, and Meditations - Aurora
AuroraExplore the Magical Properties of 90+ Herbs A Sourcebook for all your botanical needs, Magical Herb Compendium features the knowledge and skills...
Vaata lähemaltThe Elements of Becoming a Successful Astrologer - Emily Klintworth
Emily KlintworthViige oma astroloogiateadmised järgmisele tasemele ja omandage enesekindlus, mis on vajalik, et lugeda kaarte elatise teenimiseks!Raamat "The Eleme...
Vaata lähemaltFull Circle Health: integrated health charting for women - Lucy H. Pearce
Lucy H. PearceFor lovers of bullet journaling. A practical way to chart and manage symptoms for physical and mental health conditions, period tracking and ...
Vaata lähemaltBy Astrolabes & Constellations - Cristina Querrer
Cristina QuerrerTäispikk luulekogu uurib maailmade ja kogemuste põimumist ja sulandumist; see on teadlikkuse tõus ja mõõn, mis ühendab eneseküsimusi ning identitee...
Vaata lähemaltTarotpuoti.fi lai raamatute valik hõlmab mitmekülgselt erinevaid teemasid esoteerilisest teadmisest enesetundmiseni ja elu erinevatele küsimustele. Lehelt leitavad raamatud pakuvad põhjalikku juhendamist nii tarot-kaartide tõlgendamiseks kui ka kristallide, astroloogia ja energiatöö mõistmiseks. Olgu tegemist algaja tarot-huvilise või kogenuma müstika uurijaga, valik teenib mitmesuguseid lugejaid. Eriti tarot-raamatud käsitlevad kaartide sümboolikat, ajalugu ja tõlgendusviise erinevate traditsioonide vaatenurgast, nagu Rider-Waite või Thoth-tarotid.
Valikust leiab ka teisi maailmavaateid ja vaimset kasvu toetavaid teoseid, nagu numeroloogia, luuletusi ning astroloogilisi teoseid, mille abil saab laiendada oma arusaamist universumi tsüklitest ja inimmeele arhetüüpidest. Need raamatud pakuvad lugejale võimalust arendada oma intuitiivseid oskusi ja süvendada oma vaimset teekonda.
See valik ei ava mitte ainult müstika uksi, vaid toetab ka isiklikku kasvu ja sisemist mõtisklust – suurepärane täiendus igasse vaimse arengu raamaturiiulisse.