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Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Black cumin oil (Nigella sativa) (caraway seed oil) 50ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureNigella taimeõli, mida on kasutatud juba Vana-Egiptusest alates, on olnud tuntud tuhandeid aastaid ja seda kasutatakse traditsiooniliselt Lähis-Ida...
Vaata lähemaltCastor oil (Castor oli Vegetable organic) 50ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureCastor oil is essential in beauty products. Known for strengthening nails and accelerating the growth of eyelashes and hair, making them stronger, ...
Vaata lähemaltMusk Clary Sage essential oil BIO 5ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% pure and natural essential oil obtained by steam distillation of the flowering stems of Salvia Sclarea. Like all sages, ax sage is a bee plant...
Vaata lähemaltMandarin essential oil BIO 10ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% puhas ja looduslik eeterlik õli, mis on saadud Citrus reticulata värskest koorest (perikarpist) külmpressimise teel. Mandariinipuu on väike pu...
Vaata lähemaltBasil essential oil organic 10ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% puhas ja looduslik eeterlik õli, mis saadakse Ocimum basilicumi lehtede aurudestilleerimise teel. Eksootiline basiilik, pärit Aasiast, on ühea...
Vaata lähemaltWhite grapefruit essential oil BIO 10ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% puhas ja looduslik eeterlik õli, mis saadakse Citrus x paradisi sordi värskete koorte (perikarp) külmpressimise teel. Greibipuu on suur puu, m...
Vaata lähemaltLychee (May Chang) essential oil BIO 10 ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% pure and natural essential oil obtained by steam distillation from Litsea cubeba seeds. East, whose flowers and fruits have a lemon scent. Its...
Vaata lähemaltCypress essential oil BIO 10ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% puhas ja looduslik eeterlik õli, mis on saadud Cupressus sempervirens'i okste aurudestillatsioonil. Igihaljas küpress või Provence'i küpress, ...
Vaata lähemaltPatchouli essential oil BIO 10ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% puhas ja looduslik eeterlik õli, mis on saadud Pogostemon cablini lehtede aurudestilleerimise teel. Patsuli on aromaatne põõsas troopilistest ...
Vaata lähemaltJavanese lemongrass essential oil BIO 10ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% pure and natural essential oil obtained by steam distillation from the aerial part of Cymbopogon Winterianus. A tropical herb with long, narro...
Vaata lähemaltCeylon cinnamon essential oil organic 10ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% pure and natural essential oil obtained by steam distillation of the leaves of Cinnamomum zeylanicum L. The 'true' cinnamon tree is a small, e...
Vaata lähemaltMarjoram essential oil BIO 10ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% pure and natural essential oil obtained by steam distillation from the flower tops of the Origanum Majorana L. plant. Marjoram has left its fr...
Vaata lähemaltGinger essential oil BIO 5ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% puhas ja looduslik eeterlik õli, mis on saadud aurudestillatsiooni teel. Stimulaatorina tuntud ingveri eeterlik õli on suurepärane talvel keha...
Vaata lähemaltLemon eucalyptus essential oil BIO 10ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% puhas ja looduslik eeterlik õli, mis on saadud Eucalyptus citriodora lehtede destilleerimise (aurudestilleerimise) teel. Austraalia koaalade l...
Vaata lähemaltCastor oil (Castor oli Vegetable) 500ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureRiitsinusõli on hädavajalik ilutoodetes. Tuntud küünte tugevdamise ning ripsmete ja juuste kasvu kiirendamise poolest, muutes need tugevamaks, paks...
Vaata lähemaltJuniper essential oil BIO 10ml - Propos'Nature
Laboratoire Propos'Nature100% puhast ja looduslikku eeterlikku õli, mis on saadud Juniperus communis marjade aurudestilleerimise teel. 4-6 meetri kõrgune puu, mis armastab ...
Vaata lähemaltApricot seed oil (Vegetable) 50ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature"Apricot seed oil is very rich in vitamin A and linoleic acid, which are known to tone, firm, soften and give a healthy gl...
Vaata lähemaltNiaouli essential oil BIO 10ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureNiaouli eeterlik õli on mitmekülgne ja selle omadused sarnanevad teepuuõli omadustega. Seda soovitatakse naha kaitseks, samal ajal kui see puhastab...
Vaata lähemaltSaro essential oil BIO 10ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% pure and natural essential oil obtained by distillation (steam distillation) of Cinnamosma fragrans leaves. Saro is a shrub from the Canellace...
Vaata lähemaltBlack spruce essential oil BIO 10ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureMusta kuuse eeterlik õli on tuntud kui tugev üldtoniseerija. See on kuulus suurepärase ergutajana ning selle iseloomulik kergelt palsamine lõhn tee...
Vaata lähemaltBlack cumin oil (Nigella sativa) (caraway seed oil) 100ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureNigella taimeõli, mida on kasutatud alates Vana-Egiptusest, on olnud tuntud tuhandeid aastaid ja seda kasutatakse traditsiooniliselt Lähis-Idas, Aa...
Vaata lähemaltSea mint, Mentha arvensis essential oil BIO 10ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% pure and natural essential oil obtained by distillation (using steam water) from the leaves of the Mentha arvensis L. plant. Sea mint is a pla...
Vaata lähemaltNutrient essential oil BIO 10ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% pure and natural essential oil obtained from Cinnamomum Camphora leaves by steam distillation. Originally from Madagascar, Ravintsara is a med...
Vaata lähemaltKistus essential oil BIO 5ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% pure and natural essential oil obtained by distillation (steam distillation) from the branches of Cistus ladaniferus L. Cistus is a plant tha...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic Blueberry floral water 100ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureThe flower water, known as cornflower hydrosol, is an ideal ingredient for facial treatments aimed at soothing tired, irritated and reddened eyes. ...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic Toothpaste - Propolis and Menthol - Fluoride Free - 75ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureDeveloped in a laboratory in Provence, this COSMOS ORGANIC certified toothpaste, containing 99.55% natural ingredients, gently cleans and whitens y...
Vaata lähemaltBlack myrtle essential oil BIO 10ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureMürt on põõsas, mis kasvab looduslikult Vahemere kuivades põõsastikes. Selle lõhnavad valged õied muutuvad sageli mustadeks marjadeks, mis on sagel...
Vaata lähemaltLaurel essential oil BIO 10ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% puhas ja looduslik eeterlik õli, mis on saadud Laurus nobilis L. taime lehtedest aurudestillatsiooni teel. Loorel krooniti antiik-Kreeka võitj...
Vaata lähemaltTarragon essential oil BIO 5ml - 2Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100-protsendiliselt puhas ja looduslik eeterlik õli, mis on saadud Artemisia dracunculus L. taime lehtede aurudestillatsiooniga. Estragon, mitmeaas...
Vaata lähemaltKatrafay essential oil BIO 10ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% pure and natural essential oil obtained by distillation (steam distillation). Known as an excellent tonic and stimulant, Katrafay essential oi...
Vaata lähemaltMousti'pic organic preventive mosquito spray 100ml
Propos'NatureA natural preventative spray made with 100% natural ingredients to repel mosquitoes. Mousti'Pic spray contains a synergy of five organic essential ...
Vaata lähemaltMousti'pic organic roll-on for mosquito bites 5ml
Propos'Nature100% natural composition, contains essential oils (hornwort, lavender, peppermint and organic eucalyptus). Intended to be applied to the skin to s...
Vaata lähemaltMousti'pic organic spray oil for mosquito bites 100ml
Propos'NatureThanks to its very pleasant and original aromatic scent (without lemongrass), the 100% natural Mousti'pic treatment oil smells good on your skin w...
Vaata lähemaltEssential oil hemlock (cone) 5ml
Propos'Nature100% puhas ja looduslik eeterlik õli, mis on saadud Tsuga canadensis'e aurudestillatsiooniga. Algselt Põhja-Ameerikast pärit Kanada tsuuga, mida tu...
Vaata lähemaltMacadamia Vegetable Oil 100ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% puhas ja looduslik neitsiõli, mis saadakse Macadamia ternifolia pähklite mehaanilise pressimise ja seejärel filtreerimise teel. Makadaamia tai...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic shea cream 100ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureTuntud oma suurepäraste naha parandavate, toitvate ja kaitsvate omaduste poolest, on sheavõi hädavajalik koostisosa hooldustes, mis on mõeldud naha...
Vaata lähemaltActivated vegetable carbon capsules 120 pcs - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureTuntud seedimist soodustava ja puhitust vähendava toime poolest, on Propos'nature taimsel söel tugev võime adsorbeerida gaase ja toksiine, mis teki...
Vaata lähemaltRoman Chamomile essential oil organic 2.5ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% pure and natural essential oil obtained by steam extraction from Chamaelum Nobile L. (or Anthemis nobilis L.) flowers. Common in Europe, Roman...
Vaata lähemaltRosehip Vegetable Oil 100ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureRosehip oil is an exceptional vegetable oil due to its composition, which is rich in linoleic acid and linolenic acid - these are usually present i...
Vaata lähemaltSt. John's wort oil (Morganic St. John's) 50ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureMäkikuisma (St. John's Wort) extract is known for its soothing, restorative, cleansing and astringent properties. It is traditionally used to relie...
Vaata lähemaltCoco Vegetable Oil 50ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% pure and natural virgin oil obtained by cold-pressing the pulp of Cocos nucifera. In its natural state, coconut oil (also called "coconut butt...
Vaata lähemaltCarrot Oil Macerate 50ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureThis colored oil is very rich in vitamins A and E: they are essential in skin care after sun exposure to give the skin a glow, prolong the tan, sof...
Vaata lähemaltAlmond tree oil (Sweet Almond) 50ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% pure and natural virgin oil obtained by cold pressing Prunus Dulcis almonds. The almond tree belongs to the rose family (Rosaceae). Its fruit ...
Vaata lähemaltThyme (Thyme Thymol) essential oil BIO 5ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% pure and natural essential oil obtained by distillation (steam distillation) from the flowers of the Thymus vulgaris L. plant. Thyme is a s...
Vaata lähemaltRosemary Verbenone essential oil BIO 10ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature"100% pure and natural essential oil obtained by distillation (steam distillation) of the leaves and flowering tops of Ros...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic nutmeg essential oil organic 10ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureOrganic Nutmeg Essential Oil 10 ml This 100% pure and natural essential oil is steam distilled from Myristica fragrans nuts. Nutmeg is an aromat...
Vaata lähemaltFennel sweet essential oil BIO 10ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% pure and natural essential oil obtained by steam distillation from Foeniculum vulgare seeds. A perennial plant native to the Mediterranean reg...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic Aloe Vera shower gel 200ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Laboratoire Propos'NatureFormulated with Aloe Vera and glycerin, two plant-derived softening active ingredients, Lov'Aloé Bio Shower Gel offers the skin a 2-in-1 treatment ...
Vaata lähemaltNende valik, mis ulatub eeterlikest õlidest looduskosmeetikani, on sündinud Prantsusmaal, ühendades traditsioonilise teadmise ja kaasaegse uurimistöö. Ettevõte uhkustab rangete kvaliteedistandardite järgimisega ning nende tooted on HEBBD-sertifikaadiga – botaaniliselt ja biokeemiliselt määratletud. See tagab, et iga toode on mitte ainult puhas, vaid ka tõhus.
Propos'Naturen pühendumus säästvale arengule ja mahetootmisele kajastub nende mahesertifikaadiga toodetes. Iga nende toode jutustab lugu ettevõtte alustest Prantsusmaal ja nende teekonnast loodusliku heaolu teerajajaks.
Koge Propos'Naturen pakutavat looduse harmooniat ja prantsuse elegantsi – heaolu ja ilu keskmes.