Oluline teave "väljamüüdud" toodete kohta
Magiapoe tooted
Magiapuodi flower drops 10ml - Sysimaa
SysimaaFlower drops Fall flower drops Contains alcohol, spring water and flower extracts. Dosage: 1-2 drops under the tongue or mixed with a glass...
Vaata lähemaltDelusional dreams magic candle - Magic shop
SysimaaBurn this candle when you want to find out about your dreams and goals. The scent takes you to a mystical forest. Thyme and amber on top Soy wax...
Vaata lähemaltOnni magic candle - Magic shop
SysimaaGood luck magic candle - Magic shop The Onni magic candle is created to bring happiness and joy into your life. The scent of the candle, reminisce...
Vaata lähemaltTransformation magic candle - Magic shop
SysimaaChange magic candle - Magic shop The Change Magic Candle is designed to bring change and freedom to your life. The candle's seaside scent and the ...
Vaata lähemaltMadness magic candle - Magic shop
SysimaaBurn this candle when you want to reach deep into the windings of your mind. The smell will take you to absinthe madness. Wormwood and flare powde...
Vaata lähemaltGuardian magic candle - Magic shop
SysimaaGuardian magic candle Burn this candle when performing rituals of protection and purification. The fragrance takes you to the edge of purity and...
Vaata lähemaltLove oil 15ml - Sysimaa
Sysimaa4.0 / 5.0
1 Ülevaade aadressil
Love oil 15ml Sysimaa magic oil: Love oil. To the magic of love. Use: Externally. Anoint candles and ritual objects. Add to herb ...
Vaata lähemaltSpirit oil 15ml - Sysimaa
SysimaaHenkiõli 15ml Sysimaan maagiaõli: Henkiõli (Spirit Oil). Ühendus esivanematega, vaimumaailmaga ja allilmaga. Kasutamine: Välispidine. Määri kü...
Vaata lähemaltValeriana - Magic shop herbs
SysimaaValerian 5g Valerian (Valerian root) Witch plant, magic working, familiars (especially cats), fairies, alchemy, cleansing, protection, love, h...
Vaata lähemaltEnchanting oil 15ml - Sysimaa
SysimaaLumousõli 15ml Sysimaan maagiaõli: Lumuseõli (Enchantment oil).Lummusteks, nägemuste loomiseks, manipuleerimiseks, võrgutamiseks. Kasutamine...
Vaata lähemaltPower oil 15ml - Sysimaa
SysimaaPower oil 15ml Sysimaa magic oil: Power oil. Used to promote psychic abilities. Use: Externally. Anoint candles and ritual object...
Vaata lähemaltBone Divination Set
SysimaaSt. John's wort extract 30ml - Sysimaa
SysimaaSt. John's wort extract 30ml Ingredients/Ingredienser: Alcohol, yarrow extract (Achillea millefolium) For adults, 10-20 drops mixed with water...
Vaata lähemaltPine pollen extract 30ml - Sysimaa
SysimaaPine pollen extract 30 ml Ingredients/Ingredients: Alcohol, pine pollen extract (Pinus sylvestris) Instructions for use: For adults, 10-20 dro...
Vaata lähemaltMango-Vanilla lip cream
Pendulum Witch's Knot - Magic Shop
SysimaaWitch's Knot Pendulum Witch's knot pendulum base Pendulum base made of cardboard, with a witch's knot as a pattern on one side and instructi...
Vaata lähemaltSage - Magic shop herbs
SysimaaSage 7g Sage Salvia officinalis Witch plant, removing negativity, magick working, purification, clairvoyance, protection, fertility, prosper...
Vaata lähemaltValerian Root - Magic Shop Herbs
SysimaaValerian root 4g Valerian root (Valerian root) Witch plant, magic working, familiars (especially cats), fairies, alchemy, cleansing, protect...
Vaata lähemaltMaitohorsma flower - Magic shop herbs
SysimaaMaitohorsma flower 3g Milk thistle Epilobium angustifolium Love, balance, opposites, change, new beginning You can use herbs in loose ince...
Vaata lähemaltRitual Potion Nostatus 20g - Magiapooti
SysimaaRitual drink Nostatus 20g Let's enjoy before the ritual to raise energy. Ingredients: Nettle, peppermint, sage, ginger Includes two empt...
Vaata lähemaltMustaselja POISON - The herbs of the magic shop
SysimaaBlack elderberry 4g Blackback Toxic! Witch plant, magic working, underling, fairies, banishment, cleansing, clairvoyance, curses, removi...
Vaata lähemaltMint - The herbs of the magic shop
SysimaaMinttu 5g Minttu Mentha Kaitse, negatiivsuse eemaldamine, puhastus, armastus, seksuaalsus, jõukus, vaimujõud, teadmine, intelligentsus, energilis...
Vaata lähemaltLaakerinlehti - Magic shop herbs
SysimaaLoorberileht 3g Loorberileht Puhastus, kaitse, negatiivsuse eemaldamine, meele jõud, soovid, unistused, intuitsioon Saate kasutada ürte lahtistes ...
Vaata lähemaltJuniper berry - Magic shop herbs
SysimaaJuniper berry 15g Juniper berry Cleansing, protection, potions, clairvoyance, banishing, removing negativity, healing, sexuality, energy, conf...
Vaata lähemaltLife board - Magic shop
SysimaaLife raft made of glossy cardboard Life raft with texts in Finnish. Glossy cardboard with a spirit board on the front, instructions for usin...
Vaata lähemaltCornflower- The herbs of the magic shop
SysimaaRukkilill 3g Rukkilill ehk rukkilill Rukkilill Haldjad, armastus, maagia töö selgeltnägemine, vaimu jõud Võid kasutada ürte lahtistes viirukites,...
Vaata lähemaltJuniper - The herbs of the magic shop
SysimaaJuniper 10 g – Magic Shop Herbs Features: Juniper is a versatile herb, known for its cleansing and protective properties. It is also associated wi...
Vaata lähemaltHeather - The herbs of the magic shop
SysimaaHeather 8g Heather Calluna vulgaris Herb of celebration, weather magic, spirit world, luck, blessing, energy, harmony You can use herbs in l...
Vaata lähemaltRitual Potion Earthing 20g - Magic Shop
SysimaaRitual potion Grounding 20g Enjoyed after the ritual for grounding. Ingredients: Nettle, maple flower, lemon balm, chamomile, black pepper, ...
Vaata lähemaltHyssop - The herbs of the magic shop
SysimaaIisop 7g Iisop Puhastus, haldjad, vibratsioonitaseme tõstmine, pühadus, maagia töö, paranormaalsed võimed, karmatöö, negatiivsuse eemaldamine, inte...
Vaata lähemaltRum- Coffee lip balm
SysimaaLip balms
Witch's Circle - Magic Shop
SysimaaA witch's circle from the beginning to seal magic Use the magic circle as a guide when you draw the seal. Glossy cardboard with a witch's ci...
Vaata lähemaltSeer's Spell Powder - Magic Shop
SysimaaSeer's Spell Powder Contains: Frankincense, wormwood, sage, flare powder The seer's spell powder is suitable for use in soft work related to ...
Vaata lähemaltBurdock Root - Magic Shop Herbs
SysimaaI just need 8g I'm rooting for Arctium Removal of negativity, protection, favorite potions, working magic, mental strength You can use her...
Vaata lähemaltHops - The herbs of the magic shop
SysimaaHops 4g Hops Humulus lupulus Dreams, dream world, divination, peace, healing, psychic abilities, familiars You can use herbs in loose incens...
Vaata lähemaltBerry lip balm
Nettle extract 30ml - Sysimaa
SysimaaNettle extract 30ml Ingredients/Ingredienser: Alcohol, nettle extract (Urtica dioica) For adults, 10-20 drops mixed with water 2-5 times a day...
Vaata lähemaltProsperity Spell Powder - Magic Shop
SysimaaProsperity spell powder Contains: Rosemary, Oak Bark, Red Clover, Dargon's Blood, Flaming Powder Use this spell powder when you need warmth...
Vaata lähemaltlilac flower white - Magic Shop Herbs
SysimaaWhite lilac flower 4g Lilac flower white love, protection, banishment, rebirth You can use herbs in loose incense, in spell bags, to fill do...
Vaata lähemaltThyme - Magic shop herbs
SysimaaThyme 3g Thyme Fairies, Moon, strength, purification, clairvoyance, protection, love You can use herbs in loose incense, in spell bags, to f...
Vaata lähemaltOak fruit - Magic shop herbs
SysimaaOak fruit 10g Oak fruit Fairies, other dimensions, magic working, protection, holiness, fertility, solar power, change, power, luck, sexuali...
Vaata lähemaltFern - The herbs of the magic shop
SysimaaFern 3g Fern Toxic! Clairvoyance, change, other dimensions, protection, banishment You can use herbs in loose incense, in spell bags, to f...
Vaata lähemaltRed Clover - Herbs of the Magic Shop
SysimaaRed clover 4g Red clover Trifolium pratense Fairies, luck, working magic, letting go, meditation, protection, potions, success You can use h...
Vaata lähemaltCalendula - The herbs of the magic shop
SysimaaSaialill 5g Saialill Päikese jõud, haldjad, pagendus, kaitse, armastus Saate kasutada ürte lahtistes viirukites, loitsukottides, nukkude täitmise...
Vaata lähemaltBaguette extract 30ml - Sysimaa
SysimaaBaguette extract 30 ml Ingredients/Ingredienser: Alcohol, burdock extract (Inonotus obliquus) For adults, 10-20 drops mixed with water 2-5 tim...
Vaata lähemaltAlisen's creatures spell powder - Magic shop
SysimaaAlise olendid loitsupulber Sisaldab: palderjan, raudrohi, Dragon's blood, salvei, koirohi, leimahdusjauhe Kasutatakse erinevate olenditega töötamis...
Vaata lähemaltchocolate mint - Magic shop herbs
SysimaaChocolate mint 3g Chocolate Mint Mentha "Chocolate" Protection, removal of negativity, purification, love, sexuality, prosperity, mental st...
Vaata lähemaltwillow bark - Magic shop herbs
SysimaaWillow bark 5g Willow bark Salix Witch tree, femininity, joy, Moon, magick working, subliminal, fertility, intuition, feelings, inspiratio...
Vaata lähemaltMagiapoe tooted
Sukeldu müstika, maagia ja energiatöö sügavustesse Tarotpuoti.fi Magiapoe toodetega. See kollektsioon pakub laia valikut loitsuküünlaid, maagilisi ürte, amulette ja muid rituaaltarvikuid, mille abil saad tugevdada oma kavatsusi ja süvendada vaimset teekonda. Olgu sa siis algaja valgusmaagia praktiseerija või kogenud meister, leiad Magiapoe valikust erinevaid vahendeid, mis toetavad loovat eneseväljendust, kaitsevad energiavälja ja toovad igapäevaellu maagilist hõngu. Lase oma sisemisel jõul juhtida oma valikuid ja kutsu positiivsed vibratsioonid oma igapäevaellu – ava uks oma sisemise väe kasutamiseks!
Märksõnad: magiapood, rituaalitarbed, loitsud, energiaga töötamine, kaitse, vaimne tee, maagilisus, ürdid, küünlad, amuletid