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Plant Therapy
Natural Deodorant Grapefruit Cardamom - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyNatural Deodorant Grapefruit Cardamom - Plant Therapy Stay fresh and enjoy the gentleness of a natural deodorant! Grapefruit Cardamom Natural De...
Vaata lähemaltLavender essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyLavender, or Lavandula Angustifolia, is a rich, steam-distilled oil from the flowers of the lavender plant. Lavender essen...
Vaata lähemaltNatural Deodorant (Coconut Ylang Ylang) - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyCoconut Ylang Ylang -looduslik deodorant hoiab enesetunde värskena ja lõhna suurepärasena. Looduslik alternatiiv kaenlaaluste värskendamiseks ilma ...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic Lemon essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyOrganic Lemon essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Plant Therapy essential oils are of the highest quality and are suitable for professional use....
Vaata lähemaltFrancinsence Serrata organic essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyFrankincense Serrata Organic essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Frankincense Serrata essential oil is prized for its versatile benefits and plea...
Vaata lähemaltPeppermint essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPeppermint essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Peppermint essential oil offers a strong and fresh aromatic scent that combines a cool mintiness w...
Vaata lähemaltPink Grapefruit essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPink Grapefruit essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Pink Grapefruit essential oil is perfect for uplifting your mood and reducing mental fatigue...
Vaata lähemaltPatchouli essential oil blend 10ml - Plant Therapy
TarotpuotiPatchouli sai kuulsaks 1960. aastatel Ameerika Ühendriikides noorte vastukultuuri inimeste eelistatud lõhnana, kuid seda on Aasias lõhnana kasutatu...
Vaata lähemaltPeppermint organic essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. Organic peppermint essential o...
Vaata lähemaltBlues Buster essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyBlues Buster essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Blues Buster essential oil blend is designed to uplift your mood and increase your sense of emoti...
Vaata lähemaltTea Tree essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyTea tree essential oil is one of the most popular essential oils, and for good reason. Native to Australia, it is commonly used around the world fo...
Vaata lähemaltLove Vanilla essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. This luxurious, heady, sensual scent is fast becoming one...
Vaata lähemaltWorry Free essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. Worry Free Essential Oil Blend combines Lavender, Sweet Marj...
Vaata lähemaltSelf-Care essential oil blend 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyEssential oils can be a wonderful way to support your mental health journey. While not a substitute for professional mental health care, essential ...
Vaata lähemaltYlang Ylang Complete essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy'n õlid on väga kvaliteetsed, professionaalseks kasutamiseks sobivad tooted. Malai rahva keeles tähendab Ylang Ylang "lillede lille". ...
Vaata lähemaltImmune Aid Synergy organic essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyImmune Aid Synergy Organic essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Immune Aid Synergy Organic is a premium USDA certified organic essential oil blen...
Vaata lähemaltGreen Mandarin essential oil 10ml-30ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyGreen Mandarin eeterlik õli 10-30 ml - Plant Therapy Green Mandarin -eteeriline õli pakub magusat ja värsket lõhna, mis on tuntud meeleolu tõstvate...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic Castor Oil - Organic Castor Oil 118ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyLuomu Risiiniöljy on külmpressitud Ricinus communis -taime seemnetest ja see on hädavajalik osa sinu iluhooldusrutiinist. Täis antioksüdante, asend...
Vaata lähemaltClary Sage essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapySalvia sclareaa ehk seljankukkaõli ekstraheeritakse taime lehtede ja õitsvate tippude aurudestillatsiooni teel, et luua 100% puhas eete...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic Pink Grapefruit essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyOrgaaniline roosa greibi eeterlik õli on tõeliselt suurepärane valik, mis aitab värskendada ja tuua kaasa helgema meeleolu. Kui vaimne väsimus kimb...
Vaata lähemaltRapid Relief essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
TarotpuotiRapid Relief essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Plant Therapy's Rapid Relief essential oil blend is designed to relieve everyday discomfort. Th...
Vaata lähemaltGrounded Foundation essential oil for the root chakra 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. The (root) chakra is our vita...
Vaata lähemaltPalo Santo essential oil 5ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyOriginating in South America, palo Santo comes from the palo Santo tree that translates in Spanish as “holy wood” due to its powerful chemical make...
Vaata lähemaltEnergy essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyEnergy essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Energy is an invigorating essential oil blend designed to give you a boost of energy when you need it...
Vaata lähemaltCitrus Burst essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyCitrus Burst essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Citrus Burst essential oil blend brings a fresh and inspiring energy to your everyday life. A l...
Vaata lähemaltFrankincense Carterii essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyFrankincense Carterii essential oil is hydro-distilled from a Middle Eastern or African tree's gum resin. It has been used for thousands of years ...
Vaata lähemaltYlang Ylang Extra essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyYlang Ylang on kõige tuntum afrodisiaakumina. Erinevalt Ylang Ylang Completest, on Ylang Ylang Extra ideaalne parfüümide valmistajatele. Ylang Ylan...
Vaata lähemaltChocolate Truffle essential oil 5ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy õlid on väga kvaliteetsed, professionaalseks kasutamiseks sobivad tooted. Šokolaadi sõbrad — rõõmustage! See rikkalik, luksuslik šo...
Vaata lähemaltRapid Relief organic essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyRapid Relief Organic eeterlik õli 10 ml - Plant Therapy Plant Therapy Rapid Relief on hoolikalt välja töötatud eeterlike õlide segu, mis on loodud ...
Vaata lähemaltWood Spice essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyWood Spice essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Wood Spice essential oil blend offers a warm and spicy scent that is comforting and inviting. Caref...
Vaata lähemaltMini Portable Diffuser - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyMini Portable Diffuser - Plant Therapy The Mini Portable Diffuser offers an easy and convenient way to enjoy essential oils anywhere. Its compact ...
Vaata lähemaltTranquil essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
TarotpuotiTranquil eeterlik õli 10 ml - Plant Therapy Tranquil on harmoniline eeterlike õlide segu, mis on loodud mure tunnete ja nende mõjude vähendamiseks....
Vaata lähemaltSweet Almond Oil 470ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyMagus mandliõli on suurepärane pehmendaja, mis hooldab ja niisutab nahka tõhusalt. Õli imendub kergesti ja rahustab kuivi ja ärritunud nahapiirkond...
Vaata lähemaltGrapeseed Carrier Oil 470ml 16oz - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyGrapeseed oil is a light and silky oil that pampers the skin with antioxidants, vitamins and skin-conditioning compounds. Rich in omega fatty acid...
Vaata lähemaltLoving Compassion essential oil for the heart chakra 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. The (heart) chakra is the cen...
Vaata lähemaltWoodland Retreat™ KidSafe essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyWoodland Retreat on ideaalne eeterlike õlide segu kasutamiseks koos Plant Therapy Aroma Plush Pals või Pal Clips toodetega: Birch Bear, Flora Fox v...
Vaata lähemaltEssential oil cap opening multi-purpose tool
Plant TherapyEssential oil cap opening and closing tool Multi-purpose tool for opening and re-closing essential oil bottles. Easy to use: place the U-shaped g...
Vaata lähemaltSweet Orange essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapySweet Orange essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Sweet Orange essential oil is known for its lovely, uplifting and calming scent. This "oil of h...
Vaata lähemaltLavender Organic essential oil 30ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyLavender essential oil is known for its many beneficial properties, including calming, relaxation and relieving nervous te...
Vaata lähemaltGood sleep essential oils 3x10ml - Sleep Easy - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapySay Goodbye to restless evenings and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day with the Sleep Easy Blend Set! Each pure essential oil b...
Vaata lähemaltMercury Retrogade essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyMercury Retrograde essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Mercury Retrograde Essential Oil is a special blend that is only available during Mercury...
Vaata lähemaltHigher Connection essential oil for the crown chakra 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. The 7th (Crown) chakra connects us to a higher state of cons...
Vaata lähemaltSelf Manifestation essential oil for solar plexus chakra 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. The 3rd (solar plexus) chakra is the point of our personal...
Vaata lähemaltMyrrh essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyMyrrh is familiar to many as one of the traditional resinous gifts mentioned in the Bible. Its amber scent creates a warm, calming environment. My...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic Cinnamon Cassia essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyOrganic Cinnamon Cassia essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Organic Cinnamon Bark offers a warm and spicy scent with a sweet undertone. This oil i...
Vaata lähemaltMulti-Crystal Carfresh Diffuser
Plant TherapyGet chic on-the-go diffusion with Plant Therapy's Multi-Crystal Carfresh Diffuser. Make your commute much more bearable - it takes just 3-6 drops o...
Vaata lähemaltTrue Expression (Throat Chakra) essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyBalance in the 5th (Throat) Chakra is critical to clear and flowing communication in Integrity and Harmony with ourselves and others. When blocked...
Vaata lähemaltNatural Deodorant Timber & Clove - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyTimber & Clove looduslik deodorant aitab võidelda higilõhnaga täiesti loodusliku metsa ja vürtside lõhnaga. Deodorant on valmistatud ilma kahjulike...
Vaata lähemaltPlant Therapy
Ava uks aromateraapia ja tervikliku heaolu juurde meie Plant Therapy toodetega! Tarotpuoti.fi pakub laia valikut kvaliteetseid eeterlikke õlisid, lõhnasegusid ja nahahooldustooteid, mille abil saad luua rahustava, värskendava või energiat andva atmosfääri nii kodus, töökeskkonnas kui ka vaimsetes harjutustes. Plant Therapy on tuntud oma puhaste toorainete ja vastutustundlike tootmispõhimõtete poolest, seega võid nautida looduse ehtsaid lõhnu ja parimaid mõjusid turvalise meelega.
Olgu sa alles tutvumas aroomiteraapia saladustega või juba kogenud lõhnade meister, leiad Plant Therapy toodetest usaldusväärse partneri, kes toetab meele, keha ja hinge tasakaalu. Hoolikalt valmistatud õlid ja segud sobivad suurepäraselt lõõgastumiseks, meditatsiooniks, nahahoolduse rutiinideks ning kodu meeleolu tõstmiseks. Tere tulemast valima just sulle sobivaid tooteid, mis toovad looduse jõu ja harmoonia sinu igapäevaellu!
Märksõnad: Plant Therapy, eeterlikud õlid, aroomiteraapia, heaolu, looduslikud koostisosad, vastutustundlikkus, vaimne kasv, lõõgastus, meditatsioon, meelerahu