Oluline teave "väljamüüdud" toodete kohta
Erinevad eeterlikud ja aromaatsed õlid
- After Dark (5)
- Bach (1)
- Beatrice Anahata (1)
- Christina G Hagan (1)
- Clemente Hill (1)
- D. Gary Young, ND (1)
- Dennis Moeck (1)
- Destination Oils (7)
- Dr Ravi Ratan (1)
- Dr. Amanda L. Lukes, DC (1)
- Dr. Sharnael (1)
- Fiore d'Oriente (1)
- Gretchen King-Ann M.B.A. (1)
- Heather Gabbert, MS, RD, CD (1)
- Joanne Kan (1)
- Jonathan S Hunt (2)
- Karmen Price (1)
- Lauren Lingard (1)
- Lauren Marshall (1)
- Life & Science (1)
- Life & Science publishing (16)
- Life & Science Publishing (1)
- Mary Young (1)
- Maura McDanel (1)
- Merja Lieppinen (2)
- Michelle M. Truman, ED. D (1)
- Organic Goodness (2)
- Plant Therapy (136)
- Propos'Nature (35)
- Richard Bliss Brooke (1)
- Robert B. Tisserand (1)
- Rupert Granville Gates (1)
- Scott Cunningham (1)
- Simply Earth (2)
- Taropuoti (1)
- Tarotpuoti (11)
- Tarotpuoti Import (11)
- Teri Secrest (1)
- Unemployed Philosophers Guild (1)
- Young Living (3)
Black Spruce Essential Oil 30 mL
Plant TherapyAlthough its fresh, woodsy scent is reminiscent of winter and the holidays, don't let it fool you. Black spruce essential oil can be used all year...
Vaata lähemaltThyme (Thyme Thymol) essential oil BIO 5ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% pure and natural essential oil obtained by distillation (steam distillation) from the flowers of the Thymus vulgaris L. plant. Thyme is a s...
Vaata lähemaltRosemary Verbenone essential oil BIO 10ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature"100% pure and natural essential oil obtained by distillation (steam distillation) of the leaves and flowering tops of Ros...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic nutmeg essential oil organic 10ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureOrganic Nutmeg Essential Oil 10 ml This 100% pure and natural essential oil is steam distilled from Myristica fragrans nuts. Nutmeg is an aromat...
Vaata lähemaltFennel sweet essential oil BIO 10ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% pure and natural essential oil obtained by steam distillation from Foeniculum vulgare seeds. A perennial plant native to the Mediterranean reg...
Vaata lähemaltEssential Oils Oracle Cards - Dennis Moeck
Dennis MoeckA hands-on tool for intuitively connecting with the Healing wisdom of plant spirits. Plants are gifts from the Earth, each playing their indiv...
Vaata lähemaltClear Again Synergy essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. Clear Again Synergy was created to ...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic Turmeric Tincture 30ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyTurmeric, with its distinct golden color and spicy aroma, has anchored itself at the heart of vitality and wellness for ages, holding a distinguish...
Vaata lähemaltGinger essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy'n õlid on väga kvaliteetsed, professionaalseks kasutamiseks sobivad tooted. Suurepärane multifunktsionaalne tööriist tervikliku heaol...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic Tension Ease™ essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. Fight headaches naturally with our Tension Relief essential ...
Vaata lähemaltKumquat essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. Kumquat Essential Oil is not just any citrus essential oil. ...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic Turmeric CO2 essential oil 30ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyTaimeteraapia'n õlid on väga kvaliteetsed, professionaalseks kasutamiseks sobivad tooted. Luomu Kurkuma CO2 -ekstrakt on sooja vürtsika lõhnaga, mi...
Vaata lähemaltRosehip Carrier Oil Extra Virgin 118ml - Plant Therapy
Plant Therapy"Extra Virgin" means that the oil is of high quality and made from a simple first pressing. Rosehip oil is rich in vitamins E and A, as well as ess...
Vaata lähemaltCoriander Seed essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. Coriander Seed is a fragrant, exotic oil that has been used ...
Vaata lähemaltFir Needle essential oil 30ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. The invigorating forest-fresh scent...
Vaata lähemaltCoffee essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. The warm and attractive scent of coffee oil can be used in m...
Vaata lähemaltCinnamon Bark essential oil 30ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy'n õlid on väga kvaliteetsed, professionaalseks kasutamiseks sobivad tooted. Cinnamon Bark -õli on ainulaadne ja äratab me...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic Tangerine essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. Organic Mandarin is bright, refresh...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic Cypress essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. Our organic cypress essential oil i...
Vaata lähemaltMeditation essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. The carefully selected blend of ess...
Vaata lähemaltInvigor Aid essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyTaimeteraapia'n õlid on väga kvaliteetsed, professionaalseks kasutamiseks sobivad tooted. Invigor Aid loodi selleks, et anda sinu meelele äratus. S...
Vaata lähemaltSpearmint essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. Spearmint is a wonderful child-safe...
Vaata lähemaltCedarwood Himalayan essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy 's oils are very high-quality products suitable for professional use. Himalayan cedarwood can help promot...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic Spearmint essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyOrganic Spearmint eeterlik õli 10 ml - Plant Therapy Värske ja piparmündine, Organic Spearmint on värskendav ja energiat andev õli, mis on mitmekül...
Vaata lähemaltChristmas Traditions essential oil blend 3x10 ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyAstuge maailma, kus pidulikud lõhnad muutuvad hinnatud mälestusteks meie jõulutraditsioonide eeterlike õlide komplektiga. Armastuse ja hoolega valm...
Vaata lähemaltDai Dai Flower essential oil 2.5ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyKasvatatud Hiina Anhui, Fujiani ja Guangdongi provintsides, õitsevad Dai Dai lilled igal aastal vaid lühikest aega ja nende saagikus on suhteliselt...
Vaata lähemaltBalance essential oil blend 10 ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyBalance eeterlike õlide segu 10 ml - Plant Therapy Balance-eeterlik õlisegu on hoolikalt valitud kombinatsioon lillelõhnadest, mis toetavad emotsio...
Vaata lähemaltLemon Tea Tree 10ml essential oil - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapySidruniteepuu eeterlik õli pärineb Austraaliast ja see saadakse aurudestillatsiooni teel. Kuigi see on teepuuõli, on sidruniteepuul väga eristuv ar...
Vaata lähemaltFig cactus organic oil 5ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'NaturePrickly pear oil, which is a rich source of vitamin F, omega-6 and omega-9, sterols and vitamin E, is known for its regenerating, building and ant...
Vaata lähemaltWinter candle essential oil BIO 10ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% puhas ja looduslik eeterlik õli, mis saadakse Satureia Montana L. taime varte, lehtede ja õite aurudestillatsioonil (veeaurutamine). Mägi-iiso...
Vaata lähemaltMoroccan oregano essential oil BIO 10ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureSee 100% puhas ja looduslik eeterlik õli on saadud Origanum compactum taime õitsvate tippude aurudestillatsioonil. Oregani eeterlik õli, tuntud ka ...
Vaata lähemaltRoman Chamomile essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
TarotpuotiRoman Chamomile Essential Oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) is steam distilled from the flowers of this small perenn...
Vaata lähemaltOregano essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyOregano eeterlik õli 10 ml - Plant Therapy Oregano eeterlik õli on väga tugev ja mitmekülgne õli, mis nõuab hoolikat ja läbimõeldud kasutamist. See...
Vaata lähemaltVein Aid essential oil blend 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyKas sul on käed ja jalad, mis tunduvad alati külmad? Kuidas on lood nende tüütute ämblikulaadsete plekkidega, mis on vananemise normaalne osa? See ...
Vaata lähemaltDouglas Fir Essential oil 5ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyDouglas Fir has a strong, sweet, clean, piney-fresh scent with citrusy notes. This oil can be stimulating to the senses, and diffusing this lovely ...
Vaata lähemaltWoodland Co-Extraction essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyWoodland is a unique co-extraction of Virginian Cedarwood essential oil with a French Pine resinoid. The unusual process of co-extraction results i...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic Ginger Root CO2 essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyWith a spicy and warming aroma, Organic Ginger Root CO2 can be the Ultimate remedy for many issues. Topically, this essential oil can be useful to ...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic Turmeric CO2 Extract essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyOrganic Turmeric CO2 Total Extract has a warm, spicy scent that will be familiar to those who have used turmeric powder in cooking. Turmeric has be...
Vaata lähemaltBlue Cypress essential oil 5ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapy õlid on väga kvaliteetsed, professionaalseks kasutamiseks sobivad tooted. Hoia end tasakaalus Blue Cypress eeterliku õliga, mis võib ...
Vaata lähemaltManuka Essential oil 5ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyManuka Oil has been treasured for centuries by the Maori people, who are indigenous to New Zealand, where the low shrub originates. Although the pl...
Vaata lähemaltPlant Therapy - Glass dropper short (Glass Droppers) 10ml 1pc
Plant TherapyKlaasist õlipipett on mugav viis doseerida täpselt õige kogus eeterlikku õli. Nende abil saab ka eemaldada liigse õli difuusorist. Selle lühema ver...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic Oregano essential oil 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyOrganic Oregano essential oil 10 ml - Plant Therapy Organic Oregano essential oil is a very powerful and versatile oil that requires careful use...
Vaata lähemaltStar Anise essential oil 30ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyKoheselt äratuntav oma sooja, magusa lagritsa lõhna järgi, arvatakse, et tähtaniisi eeterlik õli on abiks naise normaalsel üleminekul menopausile. ...
Vaata lähemaltEssentials Gift Set - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyThis captivating gift set from Plant Therapy contains the following 10ml essential oils: - Cinnamon Cassia - Eucalyptus Globulus - Lavender ...
Vaata lähemaltOrganic Tamanu Carrier Oil 4 oz - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyOrgaaniline Tamanu kandeõli pressitakse külmalt Calophyllum inophyllum puu viljadest. Viljad (seemned) korjatakse käsitsi ranniku Tamanu puudelt, k...
Vaata lähemaltRosemary geranium (Geranium) essential oil BIO 10ml - Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100% puhas ja looduslik eeterlik õli, mis on saadud Pelargonium asperumi varte ja õite aurudestillatsioonil. Geranium on madal põõsas, mille kõrgus...
Vaata lähemaltBach pet travel drops flower drops 10ml
BachJust as with humans, traveling outside of their environment, this can be a source of anxiety for animals as well. They are attached to their territ...
Vaata lähemaltGlass dropper 7cm (Glass Droppers)
Young Livingklaasist õlipipetid on mugav viis doseerida täpselt õige kogus eeterlikku õli. Nende abil saab ka eemaldada liigse õli difuusorist. Kodulabori koh...
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