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Seth Speaks - The Eternal Meaning of the Soul - Jane Roberts

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Jane Roberts' Seth books, published in the 1970s and 1980s, are modern spiritual classics, upon whose content countless other self-help books and works on spirituality are based, either directly or indirectly. Many books on the power of the mind, the now moment, presence, positive thinking, or the power of the subconscious mind owe a great debt to Jane Roberts' Seth material.

The Seth books also introduced the phenomenon of channeling to a wider audience. Channeling is the conscious or visible production of information that is not normally within the conscious control of the medium. Texts, images, and compositions are “received” more or less automatically, which is where the term “channeling” comes from, meaning being a conduit for information.

The phenomenon of channeling is completely commonplace and familiar to anyone who does creative work, although creative enthusiasm or inspiration is less commonly called channeling. When entire books or works of art emerge in an inspired state, we are forced to ask whether our understanding of reality and human capabilities is flawed in our usual narrative.

Seth Speaks is one of the first modern books to be received completely as is, which also explains what this channeling phenomenon is all about. Seth is the name of the personality who dictates his thoughts through Jane Roberts in the form of books and conversations about non-physical reality to our everyday reality. The understanding of reality described by Seth exceeds many times what we currently understand about it.

There are ten Seth books in total. Seth Speaks is the first of them.

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