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Light from Darkness: The Sacred Power of Love and Sex - Samael Aun Weor

  • Samael Aun Weor

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Love and sex are the basis of all creation.

Modern science does not see it yet, but love and sex are the creative power at every level of nature. What attracts chemicals together to create new substances? What creates all living things, even worlds and galaxies? Sexual attraction and love.

"Thirsty for love, souls always wander in search of their other half... We always need another being who can fill us, who can supply with complete exactitude that which we lack, not only in the physiological aspect, but also in the psychosomatic and spiritual aspects..." ―Samael Aun Weor

Unfortunately, humanity still does not understand how life works. In our current condition, we are trapped in diverse psychological defects: lust, anger, envy, discontentment. These cause us to misunderstand and misuse sex. This is why we suffer.

“The sexual energy can transform any person into an angel or into a beast.” ―Samael Aun Weor

The power that can liberate us from suffering is our sexual power. That is why all authentic spiritual traditions require the preservation and transmutation of the creative, sexual power: it is the basis of spiritual development.

When sexual power is harnessed by a couple in love, it can create a new substance called Kundalini, Pentecost, the sacred fire of all religions. This fire radiates spiritual light, and is the divine weapon of the gods, the vajra or thunderbolt that destroys the "devils" within us: our psychological defects, which are the causes of suffering. In meditation, with the consciousness awakened, one can see and understand the causes of suffering, liberating the consciousness from those cages. Then the divine power of Kundalini can destroy them. This is how, step by step, we liberate the light of consciousness from the darkness within us.

This new edition was fully revised, and adds almost one hundred footnotes to explain key terms and concepts. It is also in a larger size making it easier to read. It includes illustrations, glossary, and index.

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