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The Complete Introduction to Magic - Julius Evola

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All three volumes of the occult classic available together as a deluxe boxed set for the first time

Volume I includes translations of rare texts alongside rites, practices, and arcane magical knowledge

Volume II offers studies of mystery traditions throughout history and shares authentic initiatic wisdom and a rigorous selection of initiatory exercises

Volume III
 explores esoteric practices for individual development and realization of immortal and divine potential, handed down from a primordial tradition

In 1927 Julius Evola and other leading Italian esotericists formed the mysterious UR group. The purpose of this group was to study and practice ancient rituals from the mystery traditions of the world, both East and West. They produced a monthly journal containing techniques for spiritual realization, initiatory exercises, magical rites, accounts of personal experiences, translations of ancient texts, and original essays on the occult. Many years later, in 1971, Evola gathered these essays into three volumes.

Available together as a deluxe boxed set for the first time in English, these volumes present the steps necessary to purify the soul with the light of knowledge and the fire of dedication as well as allowing the reader to be liberated from conventional dogmas—religious, political, scientific, and psychological—and see with the clearer eye of realization.


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