Steampunk Tarot (limited mono pearl edition #23) - Charissa Drengsen (2010, OOP, Indie, preloved/käytetty)
Taiteilijan signeeraama keräilypakka vuodelta 2010. samettipussukassa. Kyseessä on rajoitettu keräilijän painos. Kortit ovat suurikokoisia ja kulmia ei ole pyöristetty.
“Steampunk is merging the audacity of punk with the optimism of human potential. It encourages us to believe that the world can and is made better this moment, and the next, by the conscious choices of the individual.” - The Steampunk Tarot Pocket Companion
A blend of post-modern and tribal, ancient and contemporary, traditional and subcultural... the Steampunk Tarot is a navigational beacon in a dark and difficult time of change and transformation... let it build a rusty metal bridge to the edge of your subconscious.
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