The Empath and the Dark Road - Bety Comerford,Steve Wilson
Do you feel a victim of your emotions? Of others' emotions? Does life constantly throw you a curve ball no matter what you do? Do you wear your heart on your sleeve as a loving, caring person, yet the darker aspects of life make you feel as though you've been cursed? If so, then this book is for you. Embark upon an empathic journey that teaches you that darkness is but an absence of light. Whose light? Your light. Learn that you are in control of your emotional experiences. Begin to understand what it means to be an empath who chooses to live a life devoid of drama and free from the projected emotional pain from others. Discover methods to help you rise above the darkness that surrounds you not only the darkness given to you by others, but from that which lies within you. This is the authors' fourth book on the empathic experience.
Author: Comerford, Bety - Wilson, Steve.
Number of pages: 112.
Made in United States of America
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