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Majik and the True Kabbalah: The Book of TOOTRA - Prof Hermes M Thoth

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Original price $48.00 - Original price $48.00
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Handling the esoteric matters of Majik, Kabbalah, the Kybalion, Astrology and much more. Majik and The True Kabbalah begins to spark an ambitious flame in the Occult novice for serious inquiry into the subjects it espouses upon and dump gasoline onto the flame that already resides in the hearts of seasoned Majikians and occultists. It begins with an overview of the basics of Majik then questions the centuries old Kabbalah the world has become so familiar with. Such as it's practical application to Majik; How it assists in the performance enhancement and acceleration of Majikial operations. Majik and The True Kabbalah suggest that the well-known Kabbalah is only a smoke screen intended to hide the true Kabalah and that the secret to the true Kabalah lies in the Kybalion. Which is itself a further smoke screen hiding a very dangerous system of Majik facilitation. A system that has been used for ages and is currently being used against the masses worldwide. The solution Majik and The True Kabbalah suggest is one of self initiation and self empowerment by delivering unto the masses the secret sauce employed by the elite. The true Kabalah. Along with a decentralized but structured collectivism.

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