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Services and courses

Tarotpuoti offers much more than just wonderful products. We offer a wide range of well-being and spirituality services and courses. Some of the courses can be found in our online store and some from our course link.

Through Tarot store, you can also get customized experiences for different needs. We offer sound bowl treatments or moments of relaxation, tarot interpretations, tarot courses, various ceremonies, chakras and imaging of your aura. So everything from the same place. courses now offer a comprehensive Thoth course in Finnish. Highly recommended for anyone interested in Crowley's Thoth deck, its use and symbolism.

Free times for tarot readings in Hämeenlinna and Tampere can be found behind these links. Please note that times are not always available! mainly offers Hanni's energy treatments and tarot interpretations.

You can find bookable events in Hämeenlinna on .

And you can always ask for more information by email at


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