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Spirit Boards for Beginners: The History & Mystery of Talking to the Other Side - Alexandra Chauran

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Answers At Your Fingertips

Get answers to your questions about relationships, school, and career. Communicate with your personal spirit guides. Contact loved ones who have passed to the other side. Whether you want to divine the future or just have fun, Spirit Boards for Beginners is an invaluable resource, with:

  • Step-by-step instructions for using the board
  • Techniques for self-protection
  • Tips to help you avoid being tricked
  • The controversial history of spirit boards
  • Dozens of true spirit-board stories

While spirit boards have sometimes received a negative reputation, they are a perfectly safe way to communicate when used properly. Sharing dozens of heartwarming tales and creepy encounters, silly games and life-changing occurrences, author Alexandra Chauran provides everything you need to know to make the most out of your spirit board experience.

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Runes for Beginners: Simple Divination and Interpretation - Alexandra Chauran

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Buckland's Book of Spirit Communications - Raymond Buckland

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Paganism: An Introduction to Earth – River Higginbotham

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Sacred Objects Sacred Space - Dayna Winters

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Chakras for Beginners: The Beginner's Guide to Balancing, Healing, and Unblocking Your Chakras for Health and Positive Energy - Athena Perrakis

Athena Perrakis
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Discover the chakras, the power centers connecting your physical body and the world of energy and explore the basics of energy healing.Your chakras...

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