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Witches: The history of a persecution - Nigel Cawthorne

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When bigotry and power-mania take control, disaster always follows for subjugated persons - even when the power is wielded by the Church.

Witchcraft was viewed as devil-worship. Between 1450 and 1750, one hundred thousand people were accused, subject to the most bestial tortures and usually executed. Witches examines the wildfire-spread of witch hunting across Europe and America, revealing the disturbing and brutal realities of these witch hunts and their roots in misogyny and religious persecution.

It includes:
• Letters and trial testimonies from those charged with witchcraft, as well as some from self-proclaimed witches
• Biographic detail of key witch hunters, such as Matthew Hopkins (the so-called Witchfinder General) who was responsible for hundreds of executions
• Accounts of famous witch trials, from Chelmsford to Salam

Nigel Cawthorne doesn't shy away from the violent details of this persecution, exploring the events as they transpired, the contexts that triggered them and tracing it back to its source.

Please note: This title contains descriptions of a violent and sexual nature and is not intended for younger readers. Discretion is advised.

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Meie postituspäevad on esmaspäev, kolmapäev ja reede. Me pakime ka teistel päevadel ja te võite olla meeldivalt üllatunud tarne kiirusest. Püüame teile teada anda, kui teie tellimusega on probleeme.

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The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft: The Complete A-Z for the Entire Magical World (Witchcraft & Spells) - Judika Illes

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Hekate's Return: A Deep History of Witchcraft - Mark Harris

Mark Harris
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Hekate's Return is for readers who enjoyed Circe, The Broken Earth Trilogy, and other character-driven fantasy with rich story worlds. Long, long a...

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Teaching Witchcraft: A Guide for Students & Teachers of Wicca - Miles Batty

Miles Batty
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"Kadunud maa-alune klassika käsitöö otsijatele ja õpetajatele" Nõiakunsti õpetamine on kirjutatud tänapäeva praktikutele, nii kovenigruppides kui k...

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WICCA: A Modern Practictioner's Guide: Your Guide to Mastering the Craft - Arin Murphy-Hiscock

Arin Murphy-Hiscock
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Minge nõiakunsti põhialustest kaugemale ja viige oma wicca õpingud järgmisele tasemele: kõik, mida peate teadma, et saada sügavam arusaam wiccast, ...

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Living temple of witchcraft - Christopher Penczak

Christopher Penczak
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Süvene sügavamale nõiakunsti saladustesse ja avasta enda sees uusi tarkuse, armastuse, jõu ja vastutuse tasandeid. Auhinnatud Temple of Witchcraft ...

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Algne hind 38,50€ - Algne hind 38,50€
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