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Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy - Clark Heinrich

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Mushrooms have long been used to alter mental states, but it has also been though that they can be used to help connect with the divine. In this rejection that stones of alchemy and elixirs of life were mere legend, Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy provides a case for the fly agaric mushroom and the role it played in the history of world religions. Working under the assumption that this so-called "magic mushroom" was the mysterious food and drink of the gods, this book draws parallels between Vedic, Hindu, and Judeo-Christian mythologies to illustrate how a mushroom cult crossed cultural boundaries  while also showing how this powerful psychedelic was meant to bring people into direct contact with the divine. This book, while both strange and insightful, helps to shed new light into the religious history of humanity and how it relates to this psychoactive mushroom.
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Algne hind 24,00€ - Algne hind 24,00€
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When Plants Dream: Ayahuasca and Psychedelic Renaissance - Daniel Pinchbeck

Daniel Pinchbeck
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Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs - Richard Alan Miller

Richard Alan Miller
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Selles põnevas uuringus üheksateistkümne erineva ürdi kohta pakub see raamat põhjalikku ülevaadet taimedest, mis mitte ainult ei stimuleeri meie en...

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Heka: The Practices of Ancient Egyptian Ritual and Magic - David Rankine

David Rankine
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Vanaegiptlaste religioossed ja maagilised praktikad on avaldanud maailmale sügavat ja püsivat mõju. Egiptust on kirjeldatud kui "maagide ema". ...

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The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft: The Complete A-Z for the Entire Magical World (Witchcraft & Spells) - Judika Illes

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The Decline of Magic: Britain in the Enlightenment - Michael Hunter

Michael Hunter
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Uus ajalugu, mis kummutab levinud arusaama, et teadus tõrjus maagia valgustusajastu Suurbritannias – nimetatud Financial Times poolt 2020. aasta pa...

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