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Modern Guide to Energy Clearing - Barbara Moore

  • Barbara Moore

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Create Your Best Self and Live Your Purpose

Transform your life with Barbara Moore's complete guide to working with energy. Usable by anyone, regardless of spiritual path, this friendly and down-to-earth book shows how to make a personalized toolkit of techniques for any circumstance, from clearing long-standing blocks to cultivating the energy you want.

Modern Guide to Energy Clearing helps you develop a practice that works for you and the life you're living right now. You'll first learn to clear inappropriate energy and maintain healthy energy within yourself. Then you'll expand that energetic wellness into your home, your workplace, and other shared or public spaces. Explore numerous techniques, including personal clearing, cording, shielding, clearing clutter, setting intentions, and addressing the elements. Build good energetic habits using a variety of tools, including sage, incense, runes, candles, wind chimes, crystals, drums, and blessings. This inspiring book offers guidance on bringing peace and abundance not just to your life, but also to the world.

"Modern Guide to Energy Clearing is a book designed so you will actually work with it, returning many times over to deepen your understanding and broaden your clearing practices."―New Spirit Journal

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