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Norse Ancient Origins: Stories of People & Civilization - J.K. Jackson

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19,80€ - 19,80€
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For people interested in ancient Norse myth and legend, this looks at the gods of Asgard and their legends. Notably this book also takes a look at the historical origins of the civilizations where these myths arose and developed this dramatic, tragic mythological history. Including the explorations of archeologists and historians, the book presents evidence of the progression of these myths and legends alongside the development of Scandinavian ways of life — from oral tradition until the myths began to be solidified through the written word. The book then traces these myths alongside Norse migration across Europe through the ages and how these stories impacted the identity and culture of these people
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Algne hind 0,00€ - Algne hind 0,00€
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Ancient Mythology: Captivating Stories, Magic, Mystery & Legendary Myths of The World Throughout History Revealed - Sofia Visconti

Sofia Visconti
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Kirja on englanninkielinen.   A Treasure Trove of Intrigue, Drama & Passion If you want a huge collection of the best myths & captivating...

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Algne hind 0,00€ - Algne hind 0,00€
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29,50€ - 29,50€
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Algne hind 20,50€ - Algne hind 20,50€
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20,50€ - 20,50€
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Unicorns: The Myths, Legends, & Lore - Skye Alexander

Skye Alexander
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Nõiakunsti doyen Skye Alexander pakub seda lõbusat ja lummavat kogumikku legendaarse mütoloogilise olendi kohta. Kaunis raamat, mis segab illustrat...

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Algne hind 20,50€ - Algne hind 20,50€
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20,50€ - 20,50€
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Algne hind 17,62€ - Algne hind 17,62€
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17,62€ - 17,62€
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Mythology - Edith Hamilton

Edith Hamilton
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Klassikaline viide "Lääne" mütoloogiatele, see tähendab Kreeka-Rooma ja Põhjamaade mütoloogilistele süsteemidele ja lugudele, on Edith Hamilton pik...

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Algne hind 17,62€ - Algne hind 17,62€
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Algne hind 26,40€ - Algne hind 26,40€
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Essential Sacred Writings from Around the World - Mircea Eliade

Mircea Eliade
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Originally published as From Primitives to Zen, this comprehensive anthology contains writings vital to all the major non-Western religious tradit...

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Algne hind 26,40€ - Algne hind 26,40€
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26,40€ - 26,40€
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Algne hind 34,50€ - Algne hind 34,50€
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Magick of the Gods and Goddesses: How to Invoke their Powers - D.J.Conway

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See põhjalik juhend maagiliste praktikate ja mütoloogia kohta hõlmab rohkem kui kahekümne erineva kultuuri traditsioone üle kogu maailma. Inkadest ...

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Algne hind 34,50€ - Algne hind 34,50€
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34,50€ - 34,50€
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