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Occult Encyclopedia of Magic Squares: Planetary Angels and Spirits of Ceremonial Magic - Nineveh Shadrach

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This is no ordinary reprint of common magic squares found in Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy. Not even close! This Occult Encyclopedia contains hundreds of new magical squares based on secret esoteric techniques developed by master sages of the ancient Near East. Did you know that there are four forms of each magic square corresponding with each of the Elements? Did you know that from each square you can extract up to 8 Angels and 8 Genies that are specific to THAT square? Did you know there is a secret mathematical code embedded in all magic squares? There is much more to the art of magic squares than even the most seasoned modern-day ceremonial magician is aware of. The Occult Encyclopedia of Magical Squares contains information that will make a difference in how you approach talismanic magic. It also contains hundreds of ready and finished squares for: Archangels and Angels of the Zodiac Archangels and Angels of the Planets Planetary Intelligences and Spirits Olympic Spirits Lords of Zodiacal Triplicities by Day and Night Angels Ruling the 12 Houses Angels of Astrological Decanates and Quinances You will get hundreds of magic squares to facilitate the evocation and aid of over 200 spiritual beings. This book is a must-have for serious seekers, no matter which magical tradition you follow.
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The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft: The Complete A-Z for the Entire Magical World (Witchcraft & Spells) - Judika Illes

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Elementary Treatise of Occult Science: Understanding the Theories and Symbols Used by the Ancients, the Alchemists, the Astrologers, the Freemasons & the Kabbalists

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19. sajandi prantsuse okultismi oluline teos ajastu juhtivalt intellektuaalilt Avasta Papuse keskseid õpetusi maailma salajase ajaloo, sümbolite ja...

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Circle Of Fire: A Practical Guide To The Symbolism & Practices Of Modern Wiccan Ritual - David Rankine, Sorita D'Este

David Rankine, Sorita D'Este
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The Witch's Altar - Jason Mankey & Laura Tempest Zakroff

Jason Mankey & Laura Tempest Zakroff
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From prehistoric times to the modern day, the altar has been a pivotal tool for ritual and magick. The Witch's Altar is an in-depth exploration of ...

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Sharlyn Hidalgo
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Saavuta suurem tarkus, tugevam maagia ja sügavam tervenemine viimase kümne OghamigaLoo võimas side loodusega ja avasta puude müstilisi õpetusi sell...

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