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Sibilla Indovina Oracle Cards

Algne hind 0€
Algne hind 23,50€ - Algne hind 23,50€
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Hind nüüd 23,50€
23,50€ - 23,50€
Hind nüüd 23,50€
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Originating in France, the Sibilla-type oracles were popular throughout the 18th and 19th centuries.

Based on the structure of a familiar deck of poker cards, the Sibilla cards portray images of everyday life.

Neoclassical vignettes rendered in the Victorian style depict situations that are both timeless and universal.

The Sibilla Oracle Cards help you discover the path of your future in a simple, enchanting manner.

  • Included: 52 cards.
  • Cards size: 6.5 x 10 cm (2.5" x 3.9"). Weight of the deck: 250 g. (approx).
  • Includes instruction booklet (in English).
  • Plastic coated paper playing cards.
  • New, sealed. Made in Italy.
  • 100% authentic, original product.
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