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The Price Guide to the Occult - Leslye Walton

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Algne hind 19,50€ - Algne hind 19,50€
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19,50€ - 19,50€
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"An atmospheric, blood-drenched dark fantasy for a cold and stormy night." Kirkus ReviewsFrom the author of The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender comes a haunting tale of magic and murder. When Rona Blackburn landed on Anathema Island more than a century ago, her otherworldly skills might have benefited friendlier neighbors. Instead, guilt and fear led the island's original eight settlers to burn "the witch" out of her home.

So Rona invoked the privileges of a witch; she cursed them. But such a spell always comes with a terrible price, and in punishing the island's residents, Rona also bound her family ever tighter to them. Fast-forward to the present day and all Nor Blackburn wants is to live an unremarkable teenage life.

And she has reason to hope that she may have escaped the thorny side-effects of the family matriach's curse. But then a mysterious book comes out, promising to cast any spell for the right price. The author - Nor's own mother - seems capable of performing magic that should be far beyond her capabilities.

And such magic always requires a sacrifice. A storm is coming. It's coming for Nor.

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Meie postituspäevad on esmaspäev, kolmapäev ja reede. Me pakime ka teistel päevadel ja te võite olla meeldivalt üllatunud tarne kiirusest. Püüame teile teada anda, kui teie tellimusega on probleeme.

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Algne hind 44,50€ - Algne hind 44,50€
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Book Of Black Magic And Ceremonial Magic - A E Waite

A E Waite
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Selle raamatuga on autor kokku kogunud hulga maagilisi loitse ja traktaate mitmesugustest varjatud allikatest. Tulemuseks on suurepärane ülevaade m...

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Algne hind
28,00€ - 28,00€
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Light Magic for Dark Times - Lisa Marie Basile

Lisa Marie Basile
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"Light Magic for Dark Times: More than 100 Spells, Rituals, and Practices for Coping in a Crisis" Teie igapäevased praktilised loitsud on kaetu...

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26,50€ - 26,50€
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Witchcraft for Tomorrow - Doreen Valiente

Doreen Valiente
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Nüüd taas välja antud tänu suurele nõudlusele, vastab "Witchcraft for Tomorrow" paljudele sageli esitatavatele küsimustele nõiakunsti kohta, sealhu...

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Algne hind 38,50€ - Algne hind 38,50€
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38,50€ - 38,50€
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The Book of Ceremonial Magic - A.E. Waite

A. E. Waite
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Tuntud okultismi ajaloolane A. E. Waite lõi selle põhjalikult uuritud ülevaate, et ühendada ja tõlgendada maagiliste traditsioonide hajutatud ja sa...

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Algne hind 38,50€ - Algne hind 38,50€
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Allow Me to Introduce: An Insider's Guide to the Occult - Lon Milo DuQuette

Lon Milo DuQuette
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Juhendatud ekskursioon okultismi ja esoteerika maailmadesse armastatud autori ja teadlase poolt Juba üle 30 aasta on Lon Milo DuQuette kirjutanud ...

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Algne hind 29,50€ - Algne hind 29,50€
Algne hind
29,50€ - 29,50€
Hind nüüd 29,50€