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Noituus & magia
- A E Waite (1)
- A. E. Waite (1)
- Alaric Albertsson (2)
- Albert Björn (1)
- Alesteir Crowley (1)
- Alexander Skye (2)
- Amy Blackthorn (1)
- Amy Blackthorn, Natalie Zaman (1)
- Anjou Kiernan (4)
- Ann Moura (2)
- Anne Stallkamp and Werner Hartung (1)
- Ari Haasio, Markku Mattila, Elisa Kannasto (1)
- Arin Murphy-Hiscock (6)
- Ashleen O'Gaea (1)
- Aurora (1)
- Balihazar Blacke (1)
- Brad Steiger (1)
- Brian Cain, Jimahl Di Fiosa (1)
- Brian Cain, Maxine Sanders (1)
- C. G. Leland (4)
- Carl F. Neal (1)
- Casey Zabala (1)
- Cassandra Eason (2)
- Cassandra Snow (1)
- Cassie Uhl (1)
- Catharine Allan (1)
- Cerridwen Greenleaf (3)
- Charles G Leland (3)
- Christopher Penczac (1)
- Christopher Penczak (8)
- Claire Goodchild (1)
- Claire Nahmad (1)
- Clark Heinrich (1)
- Cory Thomas Hutcheson (1)
- Cory Thomas Huthcheson (1)
- Craig Spencer (1)
- D.J. Conway (2)
- David Conway (1)
- David Rankine (1)
- David Rankine, Paul Harry Barron (1)
- David Rankine, Sorita D'Este (1)
- Dayna Winters (1)
- Deborah Blake (2)
- Deborah Blake, Patti Wigington (1)
- Deborah Lipp, Thorn Mooney (1)
- Denise Alvarado (2)
- Devin Hunter (1)
- Diana L. Paxson (1)
- Diana Rajchel (1)
- Diane Ahlquist (2)
- Diane Purkiss (1)
- Diego de Oxossi (1)
- Dolores Cannon (1)
- Doreen Valiente (3)
- Dr Stephen Skinner (1)
- Dr Stephen Skinner, Daniel Clark (1)
- Dr. Christopher S. Hyatt, Delfina Marquez-Noe (1)
- Ellen Evert Hopman (1)
- Fanrong Chiza (1)
- Fez Inkwright (1)
- Francesca Black (1)
- Francesca Matteoni (1)
- Frater Barrabbas (1)
- Frater Barrabbas, Keith Ward (1)
- Frater U.:D.: (2)
- Frater U.D. (1)
- Freya Aswynn (1)
- Graham (1)
- Gregoire Solotareff (1)
- Gypsey Elaine Teague, Orion Foxwood (1)
- Hannah Hawthorn (1)
- Heinrich Kramer, James Sprenger (1)
- Helena Domenic (1)
- Holly Bellebuono (1)
- Ileana Abrev (1)
- J R Mascaro, Frater Barrabbas (1)
- Jacki Smith (1)
- Jason Mankey (3)
- Jennifer Teixeira (3)
- Jimahl Difiosa (3)
- Jon G. Hughes (5)
- Judy Ann Nock (2)
- Kelly-Ann Maddox (2)
- Lisa Chamberlain (3)
- Maia Toll (2)
- Mari Silva (2)
- Maria de Naglowska (2)
- Mat Auryn (2)
- Meri Mort (3)
- Morwyn (2)
- Nicholas Culpeper (2)
- Nigel Pennick (2)
- Raymond Buckland (2)
- Richard Webster (2)
- Scott Cunningham (5)
- Sinikka Piippo (2)
- Tarotpuoti (6)
- Thorn Mooney (2)
- Vivianne Crowley (3)
- Vladimir Megre, Leonid Sharashkin, John Woodsworth (2)
The Discoverie of Witchcraft - Reginald Scot
Reginald ScotThey sacrifice their owne children to the divell before baptisme, holding them up in the aire unto him, and then thrust a needle into their braines...
Katso lisääHigh Magic: Theory & Practice - Frater U.:D.:
Frater U.:D.:Knowledge is power. And when it comes to magic, the more you know, the more successful you will become. This book provides you with a thorough intr...
Katso lisääHigh Magic II: Expanded Theory and Practice - Frater U.:D.:
Frater U.:D.:Europe’s best-known mage and contemporary occult author, Frater U∴D∴, shares his extensive magical expertise in the companion volume to his highly ...
Katso lisääWelsh Witchcraft: A Guide to the Spirits, Lore, and Magic of Wales - Mhara Starling
Mhara StarlingA New Approach to Witchcraft Based on Welsh Traditions Enter a world of sacred lakes, healing herbs, spectral hounds, and the mighty red dragon. Wr...
Katso lisääTrolldom: Unlocking the Traditional Magic Practice of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland (Spriritual Paganism) - Mari Silva
Mari SilvaTuotteen kieli: englanti Trolldom: Unlocking the Traditional Magic Practice of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland on syvällinen johdatus pohjoism...
Katso lisääWicca & Tarot Bundle: The Starter Kit for Modern Witches to Learn Herbal, Candle, and Crystal Magic Traditions! Discover Real Tarot Card Meanings, Simple Spreads, and Exercises for Seamless Readings - Sybil Wolfe
Sybil WolfeTuotteen kieli: englanti Wicca & Tarot Bundle: The Starter Kit for Modern Witches – Sybil Wolfe Tämä kattava aloituspaketti yhdistää wiccan ja ...
Katso lisääMagical and Ritual Use of Herbs - Richard Alan Miller
Richard Alan MillerIn this fascinating study of nineteen different herbs, this book offers a thorough examination of plants that not only stimulate our energy, but al...
Katso lisääSpell Crafts: Creating Magical Objects - Scott Cunningham, David Harrington
Scott Cunningham, David HarringtonFeel the energy that flows through everything you do. Tap into that power! Carve a symbol, dip a candle, mix fragrant herbs, sculpt clay, and make ...
Katso lisääAdvanced Candle Magick: More Spells and Rituals for Every Purpose - Raymond Buckland
Raymond BucklandSeize control of your destiny with the simple but profound practice of Advanced Candle Magick. Ray Buckland's first book on candle magick Practical...
Katso lisääTeaching Witchcraft: A Guide for Students & Teachers of Wicca - Miles Batty
Miles BattyA Lost Underground Classic for Seekers and Instructors of the Craft Teaching Witchcraft is written for today's practitioners, both in coven groups ...
Katso lisääHellebore nro 9: The Old Ways Issue
The HelleboreA5 magazine, approx. 92 pages.Printed on silk coated paper. Perfect binding. In an essay written years after The Wind in the Willows (1908), Kennet...
Katso lisääDictionary of Witches - Gregoire Solotareff
Gregoire SolotareffA merry guide to more than 100 witching words. When he was a little boy, Grégoire Solotareff was very fond of his mother reading stories from her n...
Katso lisääRevolutionary Witchcraft: A Guide to Magical Activism - Sarah Lyons
Sarah LyonsA fiery, intersectional guide for activists and witches alike, Revolutionary Witchcraft is an empowered introduction to the history and practice of...
Katso lisääWicca : A Comprehensive Guide to the Old Religion in the Modern World - Vivianne Crowley
Vivianne CrowleyWicca is said to be the oldest religion in the world. Today, growing numbers of people are becoming attracted to the old way. In this bestselling, ...
Katso lisääBrother Kell's Book of Spells - Mike Brain
Mike BrainThe day Cormac is asked to join his father and the Earl, he is shown a scroll containing a map of land boundaries. Then, Cormac gathers a crew incl...
Katso lisääInner Practices for the Twelve Nights of Yuletide - Anne Stallkamp and Werner Hartung
Anne Stallkamp and Werner HartungThe season of Yuletide begins during the 12 nights following the winter solstice and offers the ideal opportunity for inner focusing and planting s...
Katso lisääTraditional Brazilian Black Magic: Secrets of the Kimbanda - Diego de Oxossi
Diego de OxossiKimbanda, while often demonized as a form of a Satanic cult, is actually far from it - rather, it is the tradition of Afro-Brazilian black magic, a...
Katso lisääGreat Work of the Flesh: Sexual Magic East & West - Sarane Alexandrian
Sarane AlexandrianGreat Work of the Flesh provides insight of the use of Sex magic in both Eastern and Western magical traditions. Readers will explore the sex loves...
Katso lisääSacrificial Ceremonies of Santería: A Complete Guide - Ócha'ni Lele
Ócha'ni LeleSacrificial Ceremonies of Santería does what it says on the tin: it's a comprehensive guide to the quick-growing Santería faith. With explanations ...
Katso lisääSacred Rite of Magical Love: A Ceremony of Word & Flesh - Maria de Naglowska, Donald Traxler
Maria de Naglowska, Donald TraxlerAvailable for the first time in English, The Sacred Rite of Magical Love is a novella written by the Russian mystic and esoteric high priestess of ...
Katso lisääFrom Witch to Wicca - Leslie Ellen Jones and J. Stein
Leslie Ellen Jones and J. SteinWhile nowadays identifying yourself as Wiccan isn't a bold statement, until the last century Wiccans were seen as fertility-stealing monsters. Whil...
Katso lisääKickass Coven: How to Create a Witchy Sisterhood - Amelia Wood
Microcosm Publishing & DistributionIn this age where modern witchcraft continues to grow in popularity, this new volume can help you band together with other practitioners in order t...
Katso lisääColor Casting For Wiccans: Correspondences - Sister Moon
Sister MoonColor Casting For Wiccans teaches readers the role of individual colors in spellcasting. It provides instructions for using colors, along with advi...
Katso lisääThe Triumph of the Moon : A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft - Ronald Hutton
Ronald HuttonKieli: Englanti The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft on Ronald Huttonin uraauurtava teos, joka tutkii modernin pakanallise...
Katso lisääLight Of Sex: Initiation, Magic, and Sacrament - Maria de Naglowska
Maria de NaglowskaFinally available in English translation, this book explores the spiritual system of a renown mystic and occultist known throughout 1930s Paris as ...
Katso lisääMagic : A Life In More Worlds Than One – D.J. Conway
D.J. ConwayThe tell-all autobiography of David Conway, author of Magic: An Occult Primer and one of the most influential figures in contemporary occultism. D...
Katso lisääESOTERIC YOGA - Learn Maithuna and Sex Magic : By Bestselling author Shreyananda Natha! : SEVEN -Shreyananda Natha
Shreyananda NathaESOTERIC YOGA - LEARN MAITHUNA AND SEX MAGIC! This book is part of a series of yoga books that delve into the most important seven areas of yoga....
Katso lisääSacred Objects Sacred Space - Dayna Winters
Dayna WintersThis is an essential guide for all Witches wanting to go beyond the basic understanding of Magickal tools. Starting out with fundamental informatio...
Katso lisääAdvanced Sex Magic: The Hanging Mystery Initiation - Maria de Naglowska
Maria de NaglowskaAvailable for the first time in English, Advanced Sex Magic illuminates the revolutionary occult teachings of Russian mystic, esoteric high prieste...
Katso lisääThe Satyr's Kiss : Queer Men, Sex Magic & Modern Witchcraft - Storm Faerywolf, Christopher Penczak
Storm Faerywolf, Christopher PenczakThis practical guide to Witchcraft both embraces and celebrates queer men through an impressive collection of spells, rituals, and exercises. The S...
Katso lisää
The Living Temple of witchcraft - Volume 2 The Journey of the God - Christopher Penczak
Christopher PenczakKieli: Englanti The Living Temple of Witchcraft - Volume 2: The Journey of the God on Christopher Penczakin palkitun Temple of Witchcraft -sarjan k...
Katso lisääWalking in Beauty: Using the Magick of the Pentacle - Phoenix Le Fae
Anjou KiernanThis book offers exercises and techniques that use the pentacle as a framework to manifest joy, recognize beauty, and bring balance to your life. ...
Katso lisääBasic Witches: Raise Hell with Your Coven - Jaya Saxena, Jess Zimmerman
Jaya Saxena, Jess ZimmermanBasic Witches: How to Summon Success, Banish Drama, and Raise Hell with Your Coven A lifestyle guide full of DIY how-tos for the modern witch. Told...
Katso lisääSecrets of the Witch: An Initiation into Our History - Julie Legere
Cassandra EasonSecrets of the Witch: An Initiation into Our History and Our Wisdom An introduction to the power and mystery of witches throughout time, for aspiri...
Katso lisääThe Charge of the Goddess : The Poetry of Doreen Valiente - Doreen Valiente
Doreen ValienteDoreen Valiente, hailed as the "Mother of Modern Witchcraft" is one of the most influential figures in 20th century contemporary religion and spiri...
Katso lisääThe Witch's Broom : The Craft, Lore and Magick of Broomsticks - Deborah Blake
Deborah BlakeTake a magickal flight into the history, tradition, and modern uses of broomsticks. Whether sweeping the floors or helping with spells, rituals, a...
Katso lisääThe Witch's Heart The Magick of Perfect Love & Perfect Trust - Christopher Penczak
Christopher PenczakKieli: Englanti The Witch's Heart: The Magick of Perfect Love & Perfect Trust tarjoaa käytännönläheisiä ohjeita rakkauden ja luottamuksen maagi...
Katso lisääThe Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Goddess: 20th Anniversary Edition
TarotpuotiThe twentieth anniversary edition of The Spiral Dance celebrates the pivotal role the book has had in bringing Goddess worship to the religious for...
Katso lisääBeltane: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for May Day - Melanie Marquis
TarotpuotiBeltane―also known as May Day―is a time of fertility and growth. As the start of the summer season, Beltane is the perfect time to put plans into ...
Katso lisääThe Plant Spirit Familiar - Christopher Penczak
TarotpuotiChristopher Penczak, author of the award-winning Temple of Witchcraft series and the Three Rays of Witchcraft, takes readers on a journey into the...
Katso lisääRupert's Tales: The Wheel Of The Year - Beltane, Litha, Lammas & Mabon - Kyrja & Osborn Tonia Bennington
Maple WrenA groundbreaking story that collects, commemorates, and illuminates traditional, sacred Pagan practices and beliefs in a fresh, contemporary, and ...
Katso lisääBook Of Black Magic And Ceremonial Magic - A E Waite
A E WaiteWith this book the author has assembled together a number of magical spells and treatises from a variety of obscure sources. The result is a great ...
Katso lisääCircle Of Fire: A Practical Guide To The Symbolism & Practices Of Modern Wiccan Ritual - David Rankine, Sorita D'Este
David Rankine, Sorita D'EsteWicca is an initiatory magickal tradition incorporating both Pagan spiritual philosophies and witchcraft practices, with ceremonial magick. In doi...
Katso lisääPagan Christmas - Plants, Spirits, and Rituals at the Origins of Yuletide
Denise AlvaradoAn examination of the sacred botany and the pagan origins and rituals of Christmas reveals the symbolic significance of the many plants associat...
Katso lisääCart Full of Magic - Ileana Abrev
Ileana AbrevA Cart Full of Magic: Your Secret Supermarket Shopping List Transform your local supermarket into a magical place you never knew existed! Bring som...
Katso lisääThe Book of Ceremonial Magic - A.E. Waite
A. E. WaiteNoted occult historian A. E. Waite created this meticulously researched survey in order to unite and interpret the scattered and often-inaccessible...
Katso lisääThe Complete Herbal (Classics To Go) - Nicholas Culpeper
Nicholas Culpeper, Steven FosterBy the time Europeans arrived in the Americas, they possessed a long list of medicinal plants. They also began looking for new plants to use in med...
Katso lisääCulpeper's Complete Herbal Paperback – Nicholas Culpeper
Nicholas CulpeperBy the time Europeans arrived in the Americas, they possessed a long list of medicinal plants. They also began looking for new plants to use in med...
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