Tärkeää tietoa "loppuunmyydyistä" tuotteista
Vihreä noituus & herbologia
- Amy Blackthorn (1)
- Ann Moura (3)
- Arin Murphy-Hiscock (2)
- Aurora (1)
- Cerridwen Greenleaf (2)
- Claire Nahmad (1)
- Clark Heinrich (1)
- David Conway (1)
- Devin Hunter (1)
- Ellen Evert Hopman (1)
- Fez Inkwright (1)
- Holly Bellebuono (1)
- Jemma Foster (1)
- Jennifer Teixeira (2)
- Jessica Hundley (1)
- Jon G. Hughes (3)
- Judith Hawkins-Tillerson, Nancy Wasserman, et al. (1)
- Karen Harrison, Arin Murphy-Hiscock (1)
- Kat Maier (1)
- Katja Peters (1)
- Llewellyn Publishing (1)
- Maia Toll (1)
- Marie Bruce (1)
- Mikki Van De Car (1)
- Morwyn (1)
- Nicholas Culpeper (2)
- Nicholas Culpeper, Steven Foster (1)
- Nicholas Pearson, Christopher Penczak (1)
- Nigel Pennick (2)
- Patricia Telesco (1)
- Richard Alan Miller (1)
- Sarah Bartlett (1)
- Scott Cunningham (2)
- Sinikka Piippo (2)
- Tarotpuoti (1)
- Vladimir Megre, Leonid Sharashkin, John Woodsworth (2)
Vihreä noita — Kattava opas yrttien, kukkien, eteeristen öljyjen ja muiden taikavoimien maailmaan - Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Arin Murphy-HiscockVihreä noita – Kattava opas yrttien, kukkien, eteeristen öljyjen ja muiden taikavoimien maailmaan – Arin Murphy-Hiscock Vihreä noita on kattava opa...
Katso lisääKasvien Maaginen Maailma - Sinikka Piippo
Sinikka PiippoTutustu kasvien taikavoimiin! Paranna muistiasi rosmariinilla, taistele pahoja voimia vastaan nokkosella. Kasvien maaginen maailma on kiehtova tiet...
Katso lisääSuomen luonnon lääkekasvit - Sinikka Piippo
Sinikka PiippoPuna-apila, pihlaja, maitohorsma ja litulaukka - uppoudu kasvilääkinnän saloihin! Suomen luonnon lääkekasvit -kirja esittelee Suomen luonnon 50 kes...
Katso lisääEncyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Scott Cunningham
Scott CunninghamEncyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Scott Cunningham Kieli: englanti Scott Cunninghamin klassikko, Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, on kattava opas yrtti...
Katso lisääPlant Magick. The Library of Esoterica - Jessica Hundley
Jessica HundleyPlant Magick. The Library of Esoterica – Jessica Hundley Kirja on englanninkielinen. Plant Magick on visuaalisesti upea ja informatiivinen teos,...
Katso lisääGreen Witch's Grimoire - Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Arin Murphy-HiscockGreen Witch's Grimoire - Arin Murphy-Hiscock Kieli: englanti Green Witch's Grimoire on Arin Murphy-Hiscockin luoma käytännönläheinen ja inspiroiva ...
Katso lisääFolk Magic and Healing: An Unusual History of Everyday Plants - Fez Inkwright
Fez InkwrightDiscover the folklore, history, and healing properties of common plants, from daisies and garlic to oak and rosemary. Plants have always played a v...
Katso lisääWellness Witch: Healing Potions, Soothing Spells - Mikki Van De Car
Mikki Van De CarLive out your pastel fantasy in this beautifully bound book and learn through guided spells and enchantments how to empower yourself and those arou...
Katso lisääThe Herbal Alchemist's Handbook: A Complete Guide to Magickal Herbs and How to Use Them - Karen Harrison, Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Karen Harrison, Arin Murphy-HiscockAn herbal magick grimoire of philtres, elixirs, essential oils, incense, and formulas with dozens of recipes from a trusted author. Herbs have been...
Katso lisääA Floral Grimoire: Plant Charms, Spells, Recipes, and Rituals - Patricia Telesco
Patricia TelescoA Floral Grimoire sets out to combine Wise Woman know-how with the Victorians’ floral fascination, blending folklore, history, and magic to create ...
Katso lisääMagical Herb Compendium : Correspondences, Spells, and Meditations - Aurora
AuroraExplore the Magical Properties of 90+ Herbs A sourcebook for all your botanical needs, Magical Herb Compendium features the knowledge and skills re...
Katso lisääFlower Magic of the Druids: How to Craft Potions, Spells, and Enchantments - Jon G. Hughes
Jon G. HughesA practical guide to using flowers in magical practice• Provides detailed instruction on every stage of the harvesting, crafting, and practical use...
Katso lisääFlower Essences from the Witch's Garden: Plant Spirits in Magickal Herbalism - Nicholas Pearson, Christopher Penczak
Nicholas Pearson, Christopher PenczakFlower Essences from the Witch's Garden: Plant Spirits in Magickal Herbalism - Nicholas Pearson, Christopher Penczak Tämä opas esittelee yksi...
Katso lisääCulpeper's Complete Herbal: Herbalists, Healers, & Witches - Nicholas Culpeper
Nicholas CulpeperPaperback.Culpeper's Complete Herbal: A Compendium of Herbs and Their Uses, Annotated for Modern Herbalists, Healers, and Witches For the last 350 ...
Katso lisääCeltic Tree Rituals - Sharlyn Hidalgo
Jon G. Hughes"Celebrate Celtic symbolism, mythology, and magic throughout the Wheel of the Year. Celtic Tree Rituals leads you through each tree month, providi...
Katso lisääDare to Be a Green Witch - Ehris Urban
Amy BlackthornIn this guide to living a more naturally grounded life, daughter and mother coauthors Ehris Urban and Velya Jancz-Urban combine their knowledge of...
Katso lisääTarot for the Green Witch - Ann Moura
Ann MouraTarot for the Green Witch – Ann Moura Kieli: Englanti Tämä kirja yhdistää tarotin ja vihreän noituuden perinteet, tarjoten ainutlaatuisen tavan työ...
Katso lisääCeltic Plant Magic: A Workbook for Alchemical Sex Rituals - Jon G. Hughes
Jon G. HughesA practical guide to creating plant extracts, essences, and complexes for use in Druidic sex magic rituals, Explores the identification, harvesting...
Katso lisääThe Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews - Scott Cunningham
Scott CunninghamPractice an ancient magic that is both natural and powerful―the elemental Earth magic of crystals, stones, and metals. This comprehensive and cl...
Katso lisääThe Modern Witchcraft Book of Natural Magick : Your Guide to Crafting Charms, Rituals, and Spells from the Natural World - Judy Ann Nock
Devin HunterThe magic of witchcraft never dies. Harness the power of nature-based magick, including herbal charms and remedies, cleansing rituals, crystal heal...
Katso lisääGreen Magic - Morwyn
Morwyn"In Green Magic, Morwyn shares with her readers the wealth of her accumulated knowledge about medicinal and magical uses of herbs. Both beginners a...
Katso lisääThe Space of Love (The Ringing Cedars, Book 3) - Vladimir Megre, Leonid Sharashkin, John Woodsworth
Vladimir Megre, Leonid Sharashkin, John WoodsworthTuotteen kieli: Englanti The Space of Love on Vladimir Megren The Ringing Cedars -kirjasarjan kolmas osa. Tämä ainutlaatuinen sarja on saavuttanut ...
Katso lisääThe Ringing Cedars of Russia (The Ringing Cedars, Book 2) - Vladimir Megre, Leonid Sharashkin, John Woodsworth
Vladimir Megre, Leonid Sharashkin, John WoodsworthTuotteen kieli: Englanti "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" on Vladimir Megren suositun The Ringing Cedars -kirjasarjan toinen osa. Tämä kirjasarja on ...
Katso lisääWild Alchemy: An astro-botanical guide to the magic, myth and medicine of plants - Jemma Foster
Jemma FosterWild Alchemy: An Astro-Botanical Guide to the Magic, Myth and Medicine of Plants - Jemma Foster(Englanninkielinen tuote) Wild Alchemy on ainutlaatu...
Katso lisääEssence and Ember: Gathering and Preparing Herbal, Resin, and Wood Incense by Katja Peters
Katja PetersKieli: Englanti Essence and Ember -kirja tarjoaa kattavan oppaan suitsukkeiden valmistamiseen käyttäen yrttejä, pihkoja ja puuta. Tämä kauniisti ku...
Katso lisääNatural Magic: Craft spells in alignment with nature and the magical world - Marie Bruce
Marie BruceKirja on englanninkielinen "Natural Magic" on upeasti kuvitettu kovakantinen opas luonnonmaailman lumoavaan, taianomaiseen energiaan. Tämä kirja ta...
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Nature's Apothecary: Harness the Healing Power of Herbs, Mushrooms and Other Adaptogens
Jennifer TeixeiraHUOM! Kirja on englanninkielinen. Käytännöllinen opas adaptogeenien käyttöön terveyden säätelyyn, tasapainottamiseen ja palauttamiseen TUTUSTU ADA...
Katso lisääGreen Witchcraft IV: Walking the Faerie Path (Green Witchcraft Series, 9) - Ann Moura
Ann MouraOpen a Portal to the OtherworldAnn Moura's bestselling Green Witchcraft series continues with this book of secrets exploring the Faerie realm. Full...
Katso lisääThe Manual (Green Witchcraft, Book 3) - Ann Moura
Ann MouraGreen Witchcraft is at the core of earth magic, the Witchcraft of the Natural Witch, the Kitchen Witch, and the Cottage Witch. It is herbal, attune...
Katso lisääThe Magic of Herbs - David Conway
David ConwayLike many who were reared in a rural setting, David Conway came to know about healing arts that relied on a deep knowledge of herbal decoctions, ti...
Katso lisääMagic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy - Clark Heinrich
Clark HeinrichMushrooms have long been used to alter mental states, but it has also been though that they can be used to help connect with the divine. In this re...
Katso lisääEnergetic Herbalism: A Guide to Sacred Plant Traditions - Kat Maier
Kat MaierEnergetic Herbalism: A Guide to Sacred Plant Traditions Integrating Elements of Vitalism, Ayurveda, and Chinese Medicine An exploration of the elem...
Katso lisääOperative Witchcraft: Spellwork and Herbcraft in the British Isles - Nigel Pennick
Nigel PennickOperative Witchcraft: Spellwork and Herbcraft in the British Isles – Nigel Pennick Kirja on englanninkielinen. Nigel Pennickin teos tarjoaa kattava...
Katso lisääLlewellyn's Little Book of Herbs - Holly Bellebuono
Holly BellebuonoA dense little full-color book full of practical gardening tips, stories, and advice for creating herbal medicines. Discover the secrets of plantin...
Katso lisääMagical Herbalism: The Secret Craft of the Wise (Llewellyn's Practical Magick) - Scott Cunninham
Llewellyn PublishingMagical Herbalism: The Secret Craft of the Wise (Llewellyn's Practical Magick) – Scott Cunningham Kirja on englanninkielinen. Magical Herbalism on ...
Katso lisääThe Little Book of Earth Magic - Sarah Bartlett
Sarah BartlettConnect to the magic of the world around you for healing, empowerment and self-careNature is filled with hidden, elusive energies: the growth spira...
Katso lisääThe Weiser Concise Guide to Herbal Magick - Judith Hawkins-Tillerson, Nancy Wasserman, et al.
Judith Hawkins-Tillerson, Nancy Wasserman, et al.The ultimate herbalist's bible. Herbalism is one of the cornerstones of magical work, and The Weiser Concise Guide to Herbal Magick presents this v...
Katso lisääElemental Magic: Traditional Practices for Working - Nigel Pennick
Nigel PennickDiscover the world of natural magic and put it to use for your personal and spiritual development. Author Nigel Pennick created Elemental Magic as ...
Katso lisää9 Moons of Hekate: Herbalism of Hekate - Jennifer Teixeira
Jennifer Teixeira9 Moons of Hekate: Herbalism of Hekate - Jennifer Teixeira Tuotteen kieli: Englanti Tämä kattava opas keskittyy jumalatar Hekaten yhteyksiin yrttie...
Katso lisääEarth Magic: A Wisewoman's Guide to Herbal, Astrological, and Other Folk Wisdom - Claire Nahmad
Claire NahmadEarth Magic recreates a time when herbal healers practiced their craft in consort with the stars and planets and all the animate and inanimate thin...
Katso lisääMagical and Ritual Use of Herbs - Richard Alan Miller
Richard Alan MillerIn this fascinating study of nineteen different herbs, this book offers a thorough examination of plants that not only stimulate our energy, but al...
Katso lisääThe Plant Spirit Familiar - Christopher Penczak
TarotpuotiChristopher Penczak, author of the award-winning Temple of Witchcraft series and the Three Rays of Witchcraft, takes readers on a journey into the...
Katso lisääThe Complete Herbal (Classics To Go) - Nicholas Culpeper
Nicholas Culpeper, Steven FosterBy the time Europeans arrived in the Americas, they possessed a long list of medicinal plants. They also began looking for new plants to use in med...
Katso lisääCulpeper's Complete Herbal Paperback – Nicholas Culpeper
Nicholas CulpeperBy the time Europeans arrived in the Americas, they possessed a long list of medicinal plants. They also began looking for new plants to use in med...
Katso lisääMaia Toll's Wild Wisdom Companion: A Guided Journey into the Mystical Rhythms of the Natural World, Season by Season: A Guided Journey to Connect with ... of the Natural World, Season by Season - Maia Toll
Maia TollMaia Toll's Wild Wisdom series - The Illustrated Herbiary, The Illustrated Bestiary, and The Illustrated Crystallary - introduced readers to the my...
Katso lisääSacred Herbs of Samhain: Plants to Contact the Spirits - Ellen Evert Hopman
Ellen Evert HopmanSacred Herbs of Samhain: Plants to Contact the Spirits – Ellen Evert Hopman Kieli: englanti Käytännöllinen opas Samhainin pyhien yrttien käyttöön h...
Katso lisääThe Book of Kitchen Witchery: Spells, recipes, and rituals for magical meals, an enchanted garden, and a happy home - Cerridwen Greenleaf
Cerridwen GreenleafTurn your kitchen into a pagan power center using herbs, crystals, and spells for health, wealth, love, and happiness.Are you seeking more contentm...
Katso lisääWiccan Teas & Brews : Recipes for Magical Drinks, Essences, and Tinctures - Cerridwen Greenleaf
Cerridwen GreenleafWiccan Teas & Brews: Recipes for Magical Drinks, Essences, and TincturesKirjoittanut: Cerridwen Greenleaf Englanninkielinen Luo oma mukillinen ...
Katso lisääKasvien ja luonnon käyttö magiassa ja parantamisessa.