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Noituus & magia
- A E Waite (1)
- A. E. Waite (1)
- Alaric Albertsson (2)
- Albert Björn (1)
- Alesteir Crowley (1)
- Alexander Skye (2)
- Amy Blackthorn (1)
- Amy Blackthorn, Natalie Zaman (1)
- Anjou Kiernan (4)
- Ann Moura (2)
- Anne Stallkamp and Werner Hartung (1)
- Ari Haasio, Markku Mattila, Elisa Kannasto (1)
- Arin Murphy-Hiscock (6)
- Ashleen O'Gaea (1)
- Aurora (1)
- Balihazar Blacke (1)
- Brad Steiger (1)
- Brian Cain, Jimahl Di Fiosa (1)
- Brian Cain, Maxine Sanders (1)
- C. G. Leland (4)
- Carl F. Neal (1)
- Casey Zabala (1)
- Cassandra Eason (2)
- Cassandra Snow (1)
- Cassie Uhl (1)
- Catharine Allan (1)
- Cerridwen Greenleaf (3)
- Charles G Leland (3)
- Christopher Penczac (1)
- Christopher Penczak (8)
- Claire Goodchild (1)
- Claire Nahmad (1)
- Clark Heinrich (1)
- Cory Thomas Hutcheson (1)
- Cory Thomas Huthcheson (1)
- Craig Spencer (1)
- D.J. Conway (2)
- David Conway (1)
- David Rankine (1)
- David Rankine, Paul Harry Barron (1)
- David Rankine, Sorita D'Este (1)
- Dayna Winters (1)
- Deborah Blake (2)
- Deborah Blake, Patti Wigington (1)
- Deborah Lipp, Thorn Mooney (1)
- Denise Alvarado (2)
- Devin Hunter (1)
- Diana L. Paxson (1)
- Diana Rajchel (1)
- Diane Ahlquist (2)
- Diane Purkiss (1)
- Diego de Oxossi (1)
- Dolores Cannon (1)
- Doreen Valiente (3)
- Dr Stephen Skinner (1)
- Dr Stephen Skinner, Daniel Clark (1)
- Dr. Christopher S. Hyatt, Delfina Marquez-Noe (1)
- Ellen Evert Hopman (1)
- Fanrong Chiza (1)
- Fez Inkwright (1)
- Francesca Black (1)
- Francesca Matteoni (1)
- Frater Barrabbas (1)
- Frater Barrabbas, Keith Ward (1)
- Frater U.:D.: (2)
- Frater U.D. (1)
- Freya Aswynn (1)
- Graham (1)
- Gregoire Solotareff (1)
- Gypsey Elaine Teague, Orion Foxwood (1)
- Hannah Hawthorn (1)
- Heinrich Kramer, James Sprenger (1)
- Helena Domenic (1)
- Holly Bellebuono (1)
- Ileana Abrev (1)
- J R Mascaro, Frater Barrabbas (1)
- Jacki Smith (1)
- Jason Mankey (3)
- Jennifer Teixeira (3)
- Jimahl Difiosa (3)
- Jon G. Hughes (5)
- Judy Ann Nock (2)
- Kelly-Ann Maddox (2)
- Lisa Chamberlain (3)
- Maia Toll (2)
- Mari Silva (2)
- Maria de Naglowska (2)
- Mat Auryn (2)
- Meri Mort (3)
- Morwyn (2)
- Nicholas Culpeper (2)
- Nigel Pennick (2)
- Raymond Buckland (2)
- Richard Webster (2)
- Scott Cunningham (5)
- Sinikka Piippo (2)
- Tarotpuoti (6)
- Thorn Mooney (2)
- Vivianne Crowley (3)
- Vladimir Megre, Leonid Sharashkin, John Woodsworth (2)
Santa Muerte - Xavier Portebois
Xavier PorteboisSince the Ecstasy, new technologies make death almost impossible, except if one behaves like a moron. It is therefore quite sheepish that Esteban ...
Katso lisääAradia : Gospel of the Witches - Professor Charles Godfrey Leland
Charles G Leland19th century folklorist and journalist, Charles Godfrey Leland's ARADIA is one of the most important foundational texts of the contemporary pagan ...
Katso lisääNovice Witches And Apprentice Wizards : An Essential Handbook of Magic - Francesca Matteoni
Francesca MatteoniTake a magical journey through the history and practices of witchcraft and wizardry. Novice Witches and Apprentice Wizards is an exciting pr...
Katso lisääAradia...or the Gospel of the Witches : The Founding Book of Modern Witchcraft, Containing History, Traditions, Dianic Goddesses and Folklore and Magic Rituals of Wicca (Hardcover)
C. G. LelandAradia is a book of folklore considered a vital foundation upon which the beliefs and practices of modern witchcraft and Wicca practices are under...
Katso lisääAradia...or the Gospel of the Witches : The Founding Book of Modern Witchcraft, Containing History, Traditions, Dianic Goddesses and Folklore and Magic Rituals of Wicca (Paperbaclk)
C. G. LelandAradia is a book of folklore considered a vital foundation upon which the beliefs and practices of modern witchcraft and Wicca practices are under...
Katso lisääAradia : Gospel of the Witches (Cosimo Classics) - Charles Godfrey Leland
C. G. LelandThe text is a composite. Some of it is Leland's translation into English of an original Italian manuscript, the Vangelo (gospel). Leland reported ...
Katso lisääThe Magick of Birthdays: Rituals, Spells, and Recipes for Honoring Your Solar Return - Hannah Hawthorn
Hannah HawthornCelebrate your special day—and yourself—with simple rituals in this modern guide to ancient spiritual traditions.Your birthday is the ultimate mome...
Katso lisääMoon, Magic, Mixology: 70 Celestial Drinks - Julia Halina Hadas
Julia Halina HadasTuotteen kieli: Englanti Moon, Magic, Mixology: 70 Celestial Drinks tarjoaa 70 kosmista cocktailreseptiä, joiden inspiraationa ovat kuu ja sen ener...
Katso lisääBook of English Magic - Richard Heygate, Philip Carr-Gomm
Richard Heygate, Philip Carr-GommThe Book of English Magic – Richard Heygate, Philip Carr-Gomm Kieli: englanti Tämä laaja ja monipuolinen teos tarjoaa kokonaisvaltaisen katsauksen ...
Katso lisääThe Malleus Maleficarum (The Book Tree) - Heinrich Kramer, James Sprenger
Heinrich Kramer, James SprengerThe Malleus Maleficarum (The Witches' Hammer) – Heinrich Kramer, James Sprenger Kieli: englanti Malleus Maleficarum, eli Noitavasara, on yksi histo...
Katso lisääThe Magic of the Sword of Moses - Harold Roth
Lon Milo DuQuette, Aleister CrowleyA practical guide to the famed medieval book of pre-kabbalistic Jewish magic, freshly interpreted and revealed for the first time with instructions...
Katso lisääPagan Portals - Celtic Witchcraft: Modern Witchcraft Meets Celtic Ways - Mabh Savage
Mabh SavageLearn how Celtic legend and mythology can bring magic into your daily life. Walk with the Tuatha Dé Danann and hear their wisdom on the wind. See c...
Katso lisääMaia Toll's Wild Wisdom Companion: A Guided Journey into the Mystical Rhythms of the Natural World, Season by Season: A Guided Journey to Connect with ... of the Natural World, Season by Season - Maia Toll
Maia TollMaia Toll's Wild Wisdom series - The Illustrated Herbiary, The Illustrated Bestiary, and The Illustrated Crystallary - introduced readers to the my...
Katso lisääHistory of Witchcraft - Lois Martin
Alaric AlbertssonWitchcraft has recently been undergoing a huge popular revival, but does modern pagan witchcraft really bear any resemblance to its historical ante...
Katso lisääTea Reader: Living Life One Cup at a Time - Katrina Avila Munichiello
Katrina Avila MunichielloTea Reader: Living Life One Cup at a Time – Katrina Avila Munichiello Kieli: englanti Koskettava kokoelma henkilökohtaisia tarinoita teekupin äärel...
Katso lisääCommon Magick: Origins and Practices of British Folk Magick - A.C. Fisher Aldag
Pamela BallCommon Magick: Origins and Practices of British Folk Magick – A.C. Fisher Aldag Kieli: englanti Tutustu Britannian saarten kansanmagian perinteisii...
Katso lisääSacred Herbs of Samhain: Plants to Contact the Spirits - Ellen Evert Hopman
Ellen Evert HopmanSacred Herbs of Samhain: Plants to Contact the Spirits – Ellen Evert Hopman Kieli: englanti Käytännöllinen opas Samhainin pyhien yrttien käyttöön h...
Katso lisääWitchcraft for Tomorrow - Doreen Valiente
Doreen ValienteNow reissued again due to popular demand, Witchcraft for Tomorrow answers many frequently asked questions about witchcraft including: 'How can I fi...
Katso lisääTransformative Witchcraft: The Greater Mysteries - Jason Mankey
Jason MankeyBeyond the Taboos, the Power of Magick Awaits The rites and rituals of Witchcraft are life-changing experiences, but they are also steeped in my...
Katso lisääLlewellyn's Little Book of Yule - Jason Mankey
Jason MankeyFilled with dozens of magical tips, recipes, crafts, and spells, Llewellyn's Little Book of Yule shares everything you need to make your Yuletid...
Katso lisääSamhain: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for Halloween - Diana Rajchel
Diana RajchelSamhain―also known as Halloween―is the final spoke in the Wheel of the Year. At this time, the harvest has finished and the veil between the wor...
Katso lisääOuter temple of witchcraft - circles, spells, and rituals - Christopher Penczak
Christopher PenczakKieli: Englanti Outer Temple of Witchcraft: Circles, Spells, and Rituals on Christopher Penczakin opas, joka keskittyy pyhän tilan luomiseen ja mag...
Katso lisääLiving temple of witchcraft - Christopher Penczak
Christopher PenczakVenture deeper into the mysteries of witchcraft and discover within yourself new levels of wisdom, love, power, and responsibility. In the fifth in...
Katso lisääAscension Magick Ritual, Myth & Healing For The New Aeon- Christopher Penczak
Christopher PenczakAscension Magick: Ritual, Myth & Healing for the New Aeon – Christopher Penczak Kieli: englanti Tämä teos vie henkisen kehityksen uudelle tasol...
Katso lisääThe Book of Altars and Sacred Spaces: How to Create Magical Spaces in Your Home for Ritual and Intention
Anjou KiernanThe Book of Altars and Sacred Spaces shows you how to curate over 50 magical spaces throughout your home that artfully and intentionally observe se...
Katso lisääIncense Magick: Create Inspiring Aromatic Experiences for Your Craft - Carl F. Nea
Liz DeanImmerse yourself in the enchanting, sensory-rich world of incense and deepen your knowledge of a treasured and indispensable tool for your magick...
Katso lisääCelebrating the Seasons of Life: Samhain to Ostara - Ashleen O'Gaea
Ashleen O'GaeaUnique among books about the Wiccan Sabbats, Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Samhain to Ostara takes a different approach to explaining the holida...
Katso lisääChrysaliksen temppeli Todellisuusmuokkaajan opas - Luminary Blackthorn
Luminary BlackthornMiten todellisuutta voi muokata? Voiko todellisuuden tappaa? Mitä on teknomagia? ...Ja miksi alat pian nähdä pääkallokiitäjiä kaikkialla?Kohuttu C...
Katso lisääThe Witch's Complete Guide to Self-Care: Everyday Healing Rituals and Soothing Spellcraft for Well-Being - Theodosia Corinth
Theodosia CorinthThe Witch's Complete Guide to Self-Care features over 100 accessible rituals, spells, and mystical practices to help you reconnect to your mind, bo...
Katso lisääThe Book of Kitchen Witchery: Spells, recipes, and rituals for magical meals, an enchanted garden, and a happy home - Cerridwen Greenleaf
Cerridwen GreenleafTurn your kitchen into a pagan power center using herbs, crystals, and spells for health, wealth, love, and happiness.Are you seeking more contentm...
Katso lisääThe Wheel of the Year Companion: Rituals for Celebrating Pagan Festivals of the Season
Anjou KiernanHuom! Kirja on englanninkielinen. Tuo taikaa arkeesi juhlistamalla luonnon pyhiä kiertokulkuja tämän kauniin ja kätevän oppaan avulla, joka esit...
Katso lisääThe Witch's Path: Advancing Your Craft at Every Level - Thorn Mooney
Thorn MooneyTuotteen kieli: Englanti The Witch's Path: Advancing Your Craft at Every Level on Thorn Mooneyn kirjoittama kattava opas noituuden harjoittajille. ...
Katso lisääBlack Magic: How to Be a Bad Witch - Lily Hart
Lily HartKirja on englanninkielinen. Kovakantinen, 208 sivua. Tämä on noitamainen versio Burn book -kirjasta; termi tuli tunnetuksi ja suosituksi popkulttuu...
Katso lisääPunainen noita - Jenna Kostet
Jenna KostetNainen. Parantaja. Noita.On vuosi 1635. Noidaksi epäilty nainen Valpuri Kinni heitetään Turun Aurajokeen. Vesikokeella halutaan varmistua siit...
Katso lisääElemental Magic: Traditional Practices for Working - Nigel Pennick
Nigel PennickDiscover the world of natural magic and put it to use for your personal and spiritual development. Author Nigel Pennick created Elemental Magic as ...
Katso lisääTaittosen Mustakirja - Katariina Laiho
Katariina LaihoMustakirja: Poppamiesten salainen manuskripti Tämä teos avaa oven suomalaiseen kansanperinteeseen ja noituuden historiaan, esitellen lähes 50 vuott...
Katso lisääNotes for the Night: A Guided Journal for Moonlit Magic - Maia Toll, Lucille Clerc
Maia Toll, Lucille ClercExplore the mysteries of the Night -- from questions of ancient philosophy to the magical properties of the Elements -- and the witch within in No...
Katso lisääPaganism: An Introduction to Earth – River Higginbotham
TarotpuotiKirja on englanninkielinen "Paganism: An Introduction to Earth" – River Higginbotham on kattava opas maauskosta ja pakanallisesta perinteestä kiinn...
Katso lisääThe Witch's Book of Shadows: The Craft, Lore & Magick of the Witch's Grimoire (The Witch's Tools Series, 5) - Jason Mankey
Jason MankeyDiscover the fascinating history, tradition, and modern uses of the Book of Shadows. This fun and easy-to-use guide provides essential information...
Katso lisääQueering Your Craft: Witchcraft from the Margins - Cassandra Snow
Cassandra SnowWitchcraft has always belonged to the outsiders and outcasts in society. This book addresses the practice of queer magick from an LGBTQ+ standpoint...
Katso lisääThe Witch’s Survival Guide: Spells for Healing from Stress and Burnout - Jennifer Lane
Jennifer LaneThe Witch’s Survival Guide: Spells for Healing from Stress and Burnout – Jennifer Lane Kirjan kieli: Englanti Tämä käytännönläheinen noituuden opas...
Katso lisääWiccan Teas & Brews : Recipes for Magical Drinks, Essences, and Tinctures - Cerridwen Greenleaf
Cerridwen GreenleafWiccan Teas & Brews: Recipes for Magical Drinks, Essences, and TincturesKirjoittanut: Cerridwen Greenleaf Englanninkielinen Luo oma mukillinen ...
Katso lisääMoon Magic: Harnessing the Mystical Energy of the Moon - Diane Ahlquist
Diane AhlquistKirja on englanninkielinen Moon Magic: Harnessing the Mystical Energy of the Moon – Diane Ahlquist on kattava opas kuun mystisen energian hyödyntäm...
Katso lisääMoon Spells: Use the Phases of the Moon to Get What You Want - Diane Ahlquist
Diane AhlquistMoon Spells: Use the Phases of the Moon to Get What You Want - Diane AhlquistKieli: Englanti Moon Spells opastaa hyödyntämään kuun eri vaiheiden en...
Katso lisääSanta Muerte: The History and Rituals of the Mexican Folk Saint - Renata Lopez
Renata LopezDiscover The History and Rituals of The Saint of DeathSanta Muerte is responsible for protection, healing, and safe passage to the afterlife for t...
Katso lisääWicca (Thorsons Way of) - Vivianne Crowley
Vivianne CrowleyWicca (Thorsons Way of) – Vivianne Crowley Kieli: englanti Tämä kattava johdatus wiccalaisuuteen käsittelee noituuden ja magian perusperiaatteita s...
Katso lisääThrowing Bones, Crystals, Stones, and Curios - Mystic Dylan
Mystic DylanKirja on englanninkielinen Throwing Bones, Crystals, Stones, and Curios – Mystic Dylan on visuaalisesti näyttävä opas vanhaan ennustamisen muotoon,...
Katso lisääMarie Laveau Voodoo Grimoire: Rituals, Recipes, and Spells - Denise Alvarado
Denise AlvaradoThis book is for those looking for cultivate a witchy practice in line with the Laveau Voodoo tradition. While not an exact replication of said tra...
Katso lisääNoituuden ja magian eri perinteet ja käytännöt.