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Wicca & pakanalliset traditiot
- Alaric Albertsson (2)
- Alexander Skye (2)
- Anjou Kiernan (1)
- Anne Stallkamp and Werner Hartung (1)
- Arin Murphy-Hiscock (2)
- Ashleen O'Gaea (1)
- Balihazar Blacke (1)
- Brian Cain, Jimahl Di Fiosa (1)
- Brian Cain, Maxine Sanders (1)
- C. G. Leland (4)
- Carl F. Neal (1)
- Casey Zabala (1)
- Cassandra Eason (2)
- Cassandra Snow (1)
- Cassie Uhl (1)
- Cerridwen Greenleaf (1)
- Charles G Leland (3)
- Christopher Penczak (4)
- Claire Goodchild (1)
- Cory Thomas Hutcheson (1)
- Craig Spencer (1)
- D.J. Conway (1)
- David Rankine, Sorita D'Este (1)
- Deborah Blake (1)
- Deborah Blake, Patti Wigington (1)
- Deborah Lipp, Thorn Mooney (1)
- Denise Alvarado (1)
- Diana L. Paxson (1)
- Diana Rajchel (1)
- Dolores Cannon (1)
- Doreen Valiente (3)
- Francesca Black (1)
- Francesca Matteoni (1)
- Freya Aswynn (1)
- Graham (1)
- Heinrich Kramer, James Sprenger (1)
- Helena Domenic (1)
- Ian Chambers (1)
- Jason Mankey (2)
- Jaya Saxena, Jess Zimmerman (1)
- Jennifer Teixeira (1)
- Jimahl Difiosa (3)
- John Michael Greer, Philip Carr-Gomm (1)
- Jon G. Hughes (1)
- Judika Illes, Frances F. Denny (1)
- Judy Ann Nock (1)
- Kenneth Johnson, Alaric Albertsson (1)
- Kuparikettu & Heikki Saure (1)
- Leslie Ellen Jones and J. Stein (1)
- Lisa Chamberlain (3)
- Mabh Savage (1)
- Maple Wren (1)
- Margot Adler (1)
- Mari Silva (1)
- Mat Auryn (1)
- Melusine Draco (1)
- Meri Mort (1)
- Mhara Starling (1)
- Microcosm Publishing & Distribution (1)
- Miles Batty (1)
- Molly Roberts (1)
- Morwyn (1)
- Mystic Dylan (1)
- Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold (1)
- Nigel Cawthorne (1)
- Ócha'ni Lele (1)
- Owen Davies (1)
- Pam Grossman (1)
- Pauline Campanelli (1)
- Philip Carr-Gomm, Vivianne Crowley (1)
- Raven Grimassi (1)
- Raymond Buckland (1)
- Ronald Hutton (1)
- Scott Cunningham (1)
- Sharlyn Hidalgo (1)
- Shawn Engel (1)
- Shawn Robbins (1)
- Silja (1)
- Sister Moon (1)
- Skye Alexander (1)
- Sonja Hukantaival, Karolina Kouvola, Tiina Mahlamäki, Aleksi Moine (1)
- Stewart Farrar (1)
- Suzannah Lipscomb (1)
- Sybil Wolfe (1)
- Tarotpuoti (3)
- Tess Ward (1)
- The Hellebore (1)
- Thomas Hatsis (1)
- Thorn Mooney (2)
- Tracie Long (1)
- Trevor Greenfield (1)
- Uusi (1)
- Vivianne Crowley (3)
Aradia...or the Gospel of the Witches : The Founding Book of Modern Witchcraft, Containing History, Traditions, Dianic Goddesses and Folklore and Magic Rituals of Wicca (Hardcover)
C. G. LelandAradia is a book of folklore considered a vital foundation upon which the beliefs and practices of modern witchcraft and Wicca practices are under...
Katso lisääAradia...or the Gospel of the Witches : The Founding Book of Modern Witchcraft, Containing History, Traditions, Dianic Goddesses and Folklore and Magic Rituals of Wicca (Paperbaclk)
C. G. LelandAradia is a book of folklore considered a vital foundation upon which the beliefs and practices of modern witchcraft and Wicca practices are under...
Katso lisääAradia : Gospel of the Witches (Cosimo Classics) - Charles Godfrey Leland
C. G. LelandThe text is a composite. Some of it is Leland's translation into English of an original Italian manuscript, the Vangelo (gospel). Leland reported ...
Katso lisääThe Malleus Maleficarum (The Book Tree) - Heinrich Kramer, James Sprenger
Heinrich Kramer, James SprengerThe Malleus Maleficarum (The Witches' Hammer) – Heinrich Kramer, James Sprenger Kieli: englanti Malleus Maleficarum, eli Noitavasara, on yksi histo...
Katso lisääPagan Portals - Celtic Witchcraft: Modern Witchcraft Meets Celtic Ways - Mabh Savage
Mabh SavageLearn how Celtic legend and mythology can bring magic into your daily life. Walk with the Tuatha Dé Danann and hear their wisdom on the wind. See c...
Katso lisääHistory of Witchcraft - Lois Martin
Alaric AlbertssonWitchcraft has recently been undergoing a huge popular revival, but does modern pagan witchcraft really bear any resemblance to its historical ante...
Katso lisääWitchcraft for Tomorrow - Doreen Valiente
Doreen ValienteNow reissued again due to popular demand, Witchcraft for Tomorrow answers many frequently asked questions about witchcraft including: 'How can I fi...
Katso lisääTransformative Witchcraft: The Greater Mysteries - Jason Mankey
Jason MankeyBeyond the Taboos, the Power of Magick Awaits The rites and rituals of Witchcraft are life-changing experiences, but they are also steeped in my...
Katso lisääLlewellyn's Little Book of Yule - Jason Mankey
Jason MankeyFilled with dozens of magical tips, recipes, crafts, and spells, Llewellyn's Little Book of Yule shares everything you need to make your Yuletid...
Katso lisääSamhain: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for Halloween - Diana Rajchel
Diana RajchelSamhain―also known as Halloween―is the final spoke in the Wheel of the Year. At this time, the harvest has finished and the veil between the wor...
Katso lisääOuter temple of witchcraft - circles, spells, and rituals - Christopher Penczak
Christopher PenczakKieli: Englanti Outer Temple of Witchcraft: Circles, Spells, and Rituals on Christopher Penczakin opas, joka keskittyy pyhän tilan luomiseen ja mag...
Katso lisääLiving temple of witchcraft - Christopher Penczak
Christopher PenczakVenture deeper into the mysteries of witchcraft and discover within yourself new levels of wisdom, love, power, and responsibility. In the fifth in...
Katso lisääCelebrating the Seasons of Life: Samhain to Ostara - Ashleen O'Gaea
Ashleen O'GaeaUnique among books about the Wiccan Sabbats, Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Samhain to Ostara takes a different approach to explaining the holida...
Katso lisääThe Wheel of the Year Companion: Rituals for Celebrating Pagan Festivals of the Season
Anjou KiernanHuom! Kirja on englanninkielinen. Tuo taikaa arkeesi juhlistamalla luonnon pyhiä kiertokulkuja tämän kauniin ja kätevän oppaan avulla, joka esit...
Katso lisääThe Witch's Path: Advancing Your Craft at Every Level - Thorn Mooney
Thorn MooneyTuotteen kieli: Englanti The Witch's Path: Advancing Your Craft at Every Level on Thorn Mooneyn kirjoittama kattava opas noituuden harjoittajille. ...
Katso lisääPaganism: An Introduction to Earth – River Higginbotham
TarotpuotiKirja on englanninkielinen "Paganism: An Introduction to Earth" – River Higginbotham on kattava opas maauskosta ja pakanallisesta perinteestä kiinn...
Katso lisääQueering Your Craft: Witchcraft from the Margins - Cassandra Snow
Cassandra SnowWitchcraft has always belonged to the outsiders and outcasts in society. This book addresses the practice of queer magick from an LGBTQ+ standpoint...
Katso lisääWicca (Thorsons Way of) - Vivianne Crowley
Vivianne CrowleyWicca (Thorsons Way of) – Vivianne Crowley Kieli: englanti Tämä kattava johdatus wiccalaisuuteen käsittelee noituuden ja magian perusperiaatteita s...
Katso lisääThrowing Bones, Crystals, Stones, and Curios - Mystic Dylan
Mystic DylanKirja on englanninkielinen Throwing Bones, Crystals, Stones, and Curios – Mystic Dylan on visuaalisesti näyttävä opas vanhaan ennustamisen muotoon,...
Katso lisääHorns of the Goddess - Dolores Cannon
Dolores CannonHorns of the Goddess – Dolores Cannon Kieli: englanti Tässä kirjassa Dolores Cannon kertoo kolmen regressiohypnoosiin osallistuneen henkilön mennei...
Katso lisääPagan Portals - Temple of the Bones: Rituals to the Goddess Hekate - Jennifer Teixeira
Jennifer TeixeiraKirja on englanninkielinen Pagan Portals – Temple of the Bones: Rituals to the Goddess Hekate on johdatus Hekaten kunnioittamiseen rituaalien, yrtt...
Katso lisääWiccan ja muiden pakanallisten perinteiden opit ja rituaalit.