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Wicca & pakanalliset traditiot
- Alaric Albertsson (2)
- Alexander Skye (2)
- Anjou Kiernan (1)
- Anne Stallkamp and Werner Hartung (1)
- Arin Murphy-Hiscock (2)
- Ashleen O'Gaea (1)
- Balihazar Blacke (1)
- Brian Cain, Jimahl Di Fiosa (1)
- Brian Cain, Maxine Sanders (1)
- C. G. Leland (4)
- Carl F. Neal (1)
- Casey Zabala (1)
- Cassandra Eason (2)
- Cassandra Snow (1)
- Cassie Uhl (1)
- Cerridwen Greenleaf (1)
- Charles G Leland (3)
- Christopher Penczak (4)
- Claire Goodchild (1)
- Cory Thomas Hutcheson (1)
- Craig Spencer (1)
- D.J. Conway (1)
- David Rankine, Sorita D'Este (1)
- Deborah Blake (1)
- Deborah Blake, Patti Wigington (1)
- Deborah Lipp, Thorn Mooney (1)
- Denise Alvarado (1)
- Diana L. Paxson (1)
- Diana Rajchel (1)
- Dolores Cannon (1)
- Doreen Valiente (3)
- Francesca Black (1)
- Francesca Matteoni (1)
- Freya Aswynn (1)
- Graham (1)
- Heinrich Kramer, James Sprenger (1)
- Helena Domenic (1)
- Ian Chambers (1)
- Jason Mankey (2)
- Jaya Saxena, Jess Zimmerman (1)
- Jennifer Teixeira (1)
- Jimahl Difiosa (3)
- John Michael Greer, Philip Carr-Gomm (1)
- Jon G. Hughes (1)
- Judika Illes, Frances F. Denny (1)
- Judy Ann Nock (1)
- Kenneth Johnson, Alaric Albertsson (1)
- Kuparikettu & Heikki Saure (1)
- Leslie Ellen Jones and J. Stein (1)
- Lisa Chamberlain (3)
- Mabh Savage (1)
- Maple Wren (1)
- Margot Adler (1)
- Mari Silva (1)
- Mat Auryn (1)
- Melusine Draco (1)
- Meri Mort (1)
- Mhara Starling (1)
- Microcosm Publishing & Distribution (1)
- Miles Batty (1)
- Molly Roberts (1)
- Morwyn (1)
- Mystic Dylan (1)
- Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold (1)
- Nigel Cawthorne (1)
- Ócha'ni Lele (1)
- Owen Davies (1)
- Pam Grossman (1)
- Pauline Campanelli (1)
- Philip Carr-Gomm, Vivianne Crowley (1)
- Raven Grimassi (1)
- Raymond Buckland (1)
- Ronald Hutton (1)
- Scott Cunningham (1)
- Sharlyn Hidalgo (1)
- Shawn Engel (1)
- Shawn Robbins (1)
- Silja (1)
- Sister Moon (1)
- Skye Alexander (1)
- Sonja Hukantaival, Karolina Kouvola, Tiina Mahlamäki, Aleksi Moine (1)
- Stewart Farrar (1)
- Suzannah Lipscomb (1)
- Sybil Wolfe (1)
- Tarotpuoti (3)
- Tess Ward (1)
- The Hellebore (1)
- Thomas Hatsis (1)
- Thorn Mooney (2)
- Tracie Long (1)
- Trevor Greenfield (1)
- Uusi (1)
- Vivianne Crowley (3)
Tietoinen noita - Herätä uinuvat yliaistilliset kykysi ja löydä oma tapasi harjoittaa magiaa - Mat Auryn
Mat AurynHerätä uinuvat yliaistilliset kykysi ja löydä oma tapasi harjoittaa magiaaNoituus rinnastetaan usein wiccalaisuuteen. Vaikka molemmista löytyy yhtä...
Katso lisääPohjolan lumo-kirja - Meri Mort
Meri MortPOHJOLAN LUMO – Neljän vuodenajan rituaalit Kuu johtaa, unet tietävät ja luolat laulavat: ihmisellä on synnynnäinen yhteys luontoon. Pohjola...
Katso lisääNoitakirja - Nykynoidat ja noitien historiaa - Kuparikettu & Heikki Saure
Kuparikettu & Heikki Saure5.0 / 5.0
1 Arvostelu
Noitakirja on kertomus noidista, tietäjistä, shamaaneista ja sosiaalisen median kanavia hyödyntävistä nykynoidista. Ikiaikaisesta kansanperinteest...
Katso lisääKukoistava noita — Kattava opas oman kehosi, sielusi ja noituutesi vaalimiseen - Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Arin Murphy-HiscockTämä ainutlaatuinen ja lumoava opas kertoo, miten voit edistää hyvinvointiasi taianomaisin keinoin. Opit hoitamaan kehoasi ja sieluasi noituuden sa...
Katso lisääMitä on noituus - Scott Cunningham
Scott CunninghamTämä kirja valottaa magian sekä nykyajan noituuden - joka tunnetaan myös Wicca-uskontona - perinteitä ja käytäntöjä. Alan asiantuntija Scott Cunnin...
Katso lisääAradia eli Noitaevankeliumi, 1899 - Charles G Leland
Charles G LelandCharles Godfrey Leland (1824-1903), amerikkalainen folkloristi ja runoilija, omisti elämänsä viimeiset 15 vuotta italialaisen noitatradition säilyt...
Katso lisääAradia - Or The Gospel Of The Witches, Charles G Leland
Charles G Leland19th century folklorist and journalist, Charles Godfrey Leland's ARADIA is one of the most important foundational texts of the contemporary pagan a...
Katso lisääWicca Year of Magic: From the Wheel of the Year to the Cycles of the Moon, Magic for Every Occasion - Lisa Chamberlain
Lisa ChamberlainMake your year a magical one with this beginner’s guide to the eight Wiccan Sabbats held throughout the year, along with an exploration of lunar ma...
Katso lisääThe Modern Guide To Witchcraft Your Complete Guide To Witches, Covens, And Spells Alexander, Skye Kirja
Alexander SkyeThe Modern Guide to Witchcraft - Skye Alexander Tämä nykyaikaisen noituuden opas auttaa avaamaan sisäisen voimasi ja muokkaamaan omaa kohtaloasi. K...
Katso lisääComplete Book of Witchcraft - Raymond Buckland
Raymond BucklandBuckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft has influenced and guided countless students, coven initiates, and solitaries around the world. One of mode...
Katso lisääWiccapedia: A Modern-Day White Witch's Guide (Volume 1) (The Modern-Day Witch) - Shawn Robbins
Shawn RobbinsNow in a hipper, edgier format, Wiccapedia provides a fresh, innovative, and thoroughly up-to-date look at witchcraft—and gives readers a prescript...
Katso lisääThe Zenned Out Guide to Understanding the Wheel of the Year: Your Handbook to Honoring the Eight Seasonal Celebrations - Cassie Uhl
Cassie UhlConnect with the divine power of Mother Earth by celebrating with the wheel of the year.The wheel of the year is made up of eight Sabbats or festiv...
Katso lisääInitiation into Witchcraft - Brian Cain, Maxine Sanders
Brian Cain, Maxine SandersWalk the Path of Magic!This is a book about the religion of Witchcraft. It honors the old Gods, the ancient mysteries, and the secrets of magic. It...
Katso lisääTraditional Wicca: A Seeker's Guide - Thorn Mooney
Doreen ValienteA Down-to-Earth Guide to Traditional Wicca While there are many powerful variations of contemporary Witchcraft, traditional Wicca offers unique exp...
Katso lisääAradia: A Modern Guide to Charles Godfrey Leland's Gospel of the Witches - Craig Spencer
Craig SpencerAradia: A Modern Guide to Charles Godfrey Leland's Gospel of the Witches – Craig Spencer Kirja on englanninkielinen. Aradia: A Modern Guide tarjo...
Katso lisääThe Modern Witchcraft Guide to the Wheel of the Year: From Samhain to Yule, Your Guide to the Wiccan Holidays - Judy Ann Nock
Judy Ann NockThe Modern Witchcraft Guide to the Wheel of the Year Tämä opas modernin noituuden sarjasta esittelee kattavasti Wiccan pyhät päivät ja juhlat vuode...
Katso lisääWICCA: A Modern Practictioner's Guide: Your Guide to Mastering the Craft - Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Arin Murphy-HiscockGo beyond the basics of witchcraft and take your study of wicca to the next level: everything you need to know to have a deeper understanding of wi...
Katso lisääThe Religion of Witchcraft - Brian Cain, Jimahl Di Fiosa
Brian Cain, Jimahl Di FiosaThe Religion of Witchcraft – Brian Cain, Jimahl Di Fiosa Kieli: englanti Noituus on sekä uskonto että myytti. Se on salaseura, hedelmällisyyskultti...
Katso lisääNotes from the Pagan Otherworlds - opaskirja, ei kortteja
UusiTarotpuodilla on ensimmäisenä (ainoana) tarjolla kertakaikkisen upea Uusi kustantamon (kyllä Uusi nimenä on otettu suomenkielestä, kuulosti ja n...
Katso lisääWaking the Witch : Reflections on Women, Magic, and Power - Pam Grossman
Pam GrossmanA whip-smart and illuminating exploration of the world's fascination with witches from podcast host and practicing witch Pam Grossman (The Witch Wa...
Katso lisääWhat Witches Do : A Modern Coven Revealed - Stewart Farrar
Stewart FarrarTuotteen kieli: Englanti What Witches Do: A Modern Coven Revealed on Stewart Farrarin klassikkoteos, joka tarjoaa ainutlaatuisen näkymän wiccalaise...
Katso lisääWild Once : A high priestess's guide to modern spirituality - Vivianne Crowley
Vivianne CrowleyTuotteen kieli: Englanti Wild Once: A High Priestess's Guide to Modern Spirituality on Vivianne Crowleyn inspiroiva ja henkilökohtainen teos, jossa...
Katso lisääDrawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America - Margot Adler
Margot AdlerThe essential text and classic study of Neo-PaganismSince its original publication, Drawing Down the Moon continues to be the only detailed hist...
Katso lisääTemple of high witchcraft - ceremonies, spheres and the witches qabalah - Christopher Penczak
Christopher PenczakKieli: Englanti Temple of High Witchcraft: Ceremonies, Spheres and the Witches' Qabalah on Christopher Penczakin arvostetun noituutta käsittelevän ...
Katso lisääThe Art of Witch - Fiona Horne
Alexander SkyeOn the Back of the Book The Art of Witch moves beyond the bells, whistles, tools and potions and enters into a new wave of spiritual mastery for th...
Katso lisääThe Oxford Illustrated History of Witchcraft and Magic - Owen Davies
Owen DaviesThis richly illustrated history provides a readable and fresh approach to the extensive and complex story of witchcraft and magic.Telling the story...
Katso lisääA Place at the Table : The Human Legacy of Alex Sanders Continues - Jimahl Difiosa
Jimahl DifiosaIn this long awaited sequel to All the King's Children - the Human Legacy of Alex Sanders, Jimahl diFiosa brings together 16 new Alexandrian initia...
Katso lisääAll the King's Children : The Human Legacy of Alex Sanders, King of the Witches - Jimahl Difiosa
Jimahl DifiosaAll the King's Children: The Human Legacy of Alex Sanders, King of the Witches - Jimahl di Fiosa Kieli: Englanti All the King's Children tarjoaa sy...
Katso lisääA Coin for the Ferryman : The Death and Life of Alex Sanders, King of the Witches - Jimahl Difiosa
Jimahl DifiosaA Coin for the Ferryman: The Death and Life of Alex Sanders, King of the Witches - Jimahl do Fiosa Tuotteen kieli: Englanti Jimahl do Fiosan A Coin...
Katso lisääDruidry Handbook: Spiritual Practice Rooted in the Living Earth - John Michael Greer, Philip Carr-Gomm
John Michael Greer, Philip Carr-GommThe classic guide to living a spiritual life rooted in Celtic antiquity and revived to meet the challenges of contemporary life. Druidr...
Katso lisääNew World Witchery: A Trove of North American Folk Magic - Cory Thomas Hutcheson
Cory Thomas HutchesonIntegrate folk traditions into your life and deepen your understanding of the crossroads of folk and contemporary magic with this enormous collecti...
Katso lisääAn Illuminated Guide to Wicca: A Complete Visual Manual - Helena Domenic
Helena DomenicHave you always wanted to learn more about Wicca but didn’t know where to start? Start learning today with this beautiful, amply illustrated book t...
Katso lisääWicca Candle Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Candle Spellcraft - Lisa Chamberlain
Lisa ChamberlainLearn to harness the power of candle magic and fire to enhance your spellwork.Many practitioners of Wicca and paganism use candles to work with fir...
Katso lisääModern Witchcraft: Facts Learned from Experience
Alaric AlbertssonIt is remarkable that an RAF fighter pilot should find himself in contact with a witchcraft coven as early as 1942. Outrageous and dangerous, the W...
Katso lisääIn Focus Wicca, In Focus Wicca Your Personal Guide - Tracie Long
Tracie LongWith this beautifully designed and accessible guide, learn the basics of Wicca and how to use it to manifest positive opportunities and events that...
Katso lisääNorthern Mysteries and Magick: Runes & Feminine Powers - Freya Aswynn
Freya AswynnBring the power of the ancient runes into your life for divination and magic with Northern Mysteries & Magick (revised edition of Leaves of Ygg...
Katso lisääAradia : Gospel of the Witches (Book Tree) - Charles Godfrey Leland
C. G. LelandPREFACEIf the reader has ever met with the works of the learned folk-lorist G. Pitré, or the articles contributed by "Lady Vere De Vere" to the It...
Katso lisääTo Ride a Silver Broomstick : New Generation Witchcraft - Silver Ravenwolf
Suzannah Lipscomb"To Ride A Silver Broomstick" New Generation Witchcraft by author Silver Raven Wolf This is a very large well made paper back, with a dark blue cov...
Katso lisääA Little Bit of Wicca: An Introduction to Witchcraft – Cassandra Eason
Cassandra EasonFrom an acclaimed author on witchcraft, an easy-to-use, informative introduction to Wicca.Wicca is growing in popularity, and Cassandra Eason—much ...
Katso lisääWiccan Feasts, Celebrations, and Rituals: Make the most of special days with witchy rites, decorations, and herbal magic touches - Silja
SiljaA beautifully illustrated guide from a Celtic Wiccan High Priestess to celebrating the Wiccan way, from Halloween to handfastings, as well as every...
Katso lisääSecrets of a Witch's Coven - Morwyn
MorwynSince the advent of Christianity, witches have been forced to practice their religion in secret. Now High Priestess Morwyn reveals the wonders and ...
Katso lisääSerpent Songs - Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold
Nicholaj de Mattos FrisvoldSerpent Songs is an anthology of the voices of traditional craft: the words and works of those who remain untamed, cunning folk, exorcists, pellars...
Katso lisääDruidCraft: The Magic of Wicca & Druidry - Philip Carr-Gomm, Vivianne Crowley
Philip Carr-Gomm, Vivianne CrowleyDruidCraft: The Magic of Wicca & Druidry – Philip Carr-Gomm, Vivianne Crowley Kieli: englanti Druidismi ja wiccalaisuus ovat kaksi merkittävää ...
Katso lisääWitches Among Us: Understanding Contemporary Witchcraft and Wicca - Thorn Mooney
Thorn MooneyTuotteen kieli: Englanti Witches Among Us: Understanding Contemporary Witchcraft and Wicca on Thorn Mooneyn kirjoittama syvällinen ja selkeä teos, ...
Katso lisääPagan Portals - Pan: Dark Lord of the Forest and Horned God of the Witches - Melusine Draco
Melusine DracoPagan Portals - Pan: Dark Lord of the Forest and Horned God of the Witches - Melusine Draco Englanninkielinen teos, joka syventyy Pan-jumaluuden my...
Katso lisääPagan Portals - What is Modern Witchcraft?: Contemporary Developments in the Ancient Craft - Trevor Greenfield
Trevor GreenfieldPagan Portals - What is Modern Witchcraft?: Contemporary Developments in the Ancient Craft - Trevor Greenfield Englanninkielinen teos, joka käsitte...
Katso lisääA Confluence of Witches: Celebrating Our Lunar Roots, Decolonizing the Craft, and Reenchanting Our World - Casey Zabala
Casey ZabalaA Confluence of Witches: Celebrating Our Lunar Roots, Decolonizing the Craft, and Reenchanting Our World (englanninkielinen) A Confluence of Witche...
Katso lisääWitches: A Compendium - Judika Illes, Frances F. Denny
Judika Illes, Frances F. DennyWitches: A Compendium (englanninkielinen) Witches: A Compendium on kattava teos, joka kartoittaa noituuden ja okkulttisten käytäntöjen maisemaa ni...
Katso lisääWiccan ja muiden pakanallisten perinteiden opit ja rituaalit.