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History & Biographies
- Anthony Bale (1)
- Charles White (1)
- Courtney Weber (1)
- Dinara Mirtalipova (1)
- Eero Perunka (1)
- Elias Lönnrot (1)
- Elizabeth Guerra, Janet Farrar (1)
- Fabrice Erre, Sylvain Savoia (1)
- Gabiann Marin (1)
- Giampaolo Casati, Pekka Tuomisto (1)
- Harri Ahonen (1)
- Hildegard of Bingen (1)
- Jackson Crawford (1)
- Jim Steinmeyer (1)
- John And Kruse (1)
- John Lamb Nash (1)
- Joseph Campbell (1)
- Judika Illes (1)
- Justin McHenry (1)
- Jyrki Korpua (1)
- Kati Lampela (1)
- Kersti Juva (1)
- Liisa Kaski (1)
- Maja D'aoust (1)
- Manuel Bauer (1)
- Maria Pettersson (1)
- Marion Gibson (1)
- Marta McDowell (1)
- Martin Findell (1)
- Martti Haavio (1)
- Natalia Clarke (1)
- Neil Gaiman, Levi Pinfold (1)
- René Le Forestier (1)
- Rikhard Larvanto (1)
- Risto Pulkkinen (1)
- Sarah Laskow (1)
- Sebastian Evans (1)
- Seneca (1)
- Stacy Schiff (1)
- Stephanie Woodfield (1)
- Tarotpuoti (1)
- Ulla Thynell (1)
- Valter Lang (1)
- Vesa Sisättö (1)
- William Wright (1)
Kaksi tragediaa: Faidra & Oidipus -Lucius Annaeus Seneca
SenecaKaksi tragediaa: Faidra & Oidipus – Lucius Annaeus Seneca Tämä teos sisältää kaksi antiikin Rooman tragediakirjailijan Lucius Annaeus Senecan (...
View full detailsDalai Lama - Journey for Peace: His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. Published on the occasion of the Dalai Lama's 70th birthday - Manuel Bauer
Manuel BauerTuotteen kieli: englanti Dalai Lama – Journey for Peace: His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama – Manuel Bauer Tämä kuvateos julkaistiin Hänen Pyhyytensä...
View full detailsEi Herran kuvaksi - John Lamb Lash
John Lamb NashFINNISH The magnum opus of John Lamb Lash's heretical life's work, condensing his decades of research and Judeo-Christian cri...
View full detailsAbsinthe - The drunkard of the damned
Tarotpuoti"After the first glass, you see things as you wish they were. After the second glass, you see things as they are not. Finally you ...
View full detailsShadow Sky - History of European Esotericism - Rikhard Larvanto
Rikhard LarvantoShadowland - The History of European Esotericism is a book about European culture and its esoteric history. The book brings together significant E...
View full detailsAs Tolkien's interpreter, The Tale of the Lord of the Rings translated into English - Kersti Juva
Kersti JuvaAt the age of only 23, Kersti Juva was able to translate one of the most significant novels of the century. After the Lord of the Rings...
View full detailsMagi of Lapland - Witches without a drum - Risto Pulkkinen
Risto PulkkinenThis book is a story about the soothsayers of Lapland, "witches without a drum". Even though the drum fell silent in Lapland centuries a...
View full detailsNordic Tales - Ulla Thynell
Ulla ThynellA deluxe volume of 16 traditional Nordic folk Tales that is sure to Impress any fan of cultural and mythological literature with impactf...
View full detailsThe Bavarian Illuminati: The Rise and Fall of the World's Most Secret Society - René Le Forestier
René Le ForestierThe Bavarian Illuminati: The Rise and Fall of the World's Most Secret Society - René Le Forestier The book is in English. This work is the most...
View full detailsWitch's Bestiary: Visions of Supernatural Creatures - Maja D'aoust
Maja D'aoustCurious about Supernatural creatures? This book is a collection of information on popular magical beings.
Aphrodite Goddess of Modern Love - John And Kruse
John And KruseLanguage: English Aphrodite, the goddess of love – also known as Venus and Astarte – has been a symbol of life, fertility, and renewal for millenni...
View full detailsAlexander the Great the Conqueror - Giampaolo Casati, Pekka Tuomisto
Giampaolo Casati, Pekka TuomistoThe greatest warlord in history and his incredible life Some rulers in history have gone from being people to concepts. Later rulers have been co...
View full detailsNorse Mythology Illustrated - Neil Gaiman, Levi Pinfold
Neil Gaiman, Levi PinfoldNorse Mythology Illustrated - Neil Gaiman, Levi Pinfold Product language: English Neil Gaiman's world-famous Norse Mythology brings ancient Nors...
View full detailsRunes - Martin Findell
Martin FindellLanguage: English Runes is an excellent introduction to one of the world's oldest writing systems. This book tells the story of runes, from thei...
View full detailsViking swords in Finland - Mikko Moilanen
Martti HaavioWhy have so many Viking swords been found in Finland? Archaeologist Mikko Moilanen's beautifully illustrated work challenges the perception of Iro...
View full detailsThe History of Huuhaa-Finland - Vesa Sisättö
Vesa SisättöAlchemy, poltergeists and UFO sightings! Huuhaa-Finnish History offers juicy stories about strange episodes in Finnish history. Finnish history is...
View full detailsThe Morrigan, Celtic Goddess of Magick and Might - Courtney Weber
Courtney Weber"She is the spirit of Fury and peace, power and destruction, Joy and terror," writes author Courtney Weber. "She is warrior, queen, death omen, mot...
View full detailsTolkien and the Kalevala - Jyrki Korpua
Jyrki KorpuaHow did the Kalevala influence JRR Tolkien's work? Tolkien is the world's most famous fantasy author and the father of modern fantasy. W...
View full detailsPriestess of The Morrigan: Prayers, Rituals & Devotional Work to the Great Queen - Stephanie Woodfield
Stephanie WoodfieldJourney with the Great Queen to Deepen Your Devotion Build a more personalized devotional practice and strengthen your relationship with the Morr...
View full detailsWitchcraft - Marion Gibson
Marion GibsonWitchcraft: A History in Thirteen Trials by Marion Gibson offers a captivating exploration of witch trials from different periods and regions, sho...
View full detailsWays of the Lord: Hildegard of Bingen - Selections
Hildegard of BingenHildegard of Bingen was a twelfth-century German nun and mystic and rare female voice in the Catholic Church. She spent her time writing on religio...
View full detailsTravel Guide to the Middle Ages: World Through Medieval Eyes - Anthony Bale
Anthony BaleA journey through the world after antiquity, this book tracks and draws paths through the history of travel during medieval times — Adventures of p...
View full detailsGods and Goddesses: Legends of Divine Mythologies - Gabiann Marin
Gabiann MarinOver the ages, Gods and goddesses have shown up time after time, alternately bestowing Blessings or dishing out punishments. Gods and Goddesses giv...
View full detailsThe Poetic Edda: Stories of the Norse Gods and Heroes - Jackson Crawford
Jackson Crawford"The Poems of the Poetic Edda have waited a long time for a Modern English translation that would do them justice. Here it is at last (Odin be prai...
View full detailsVampire: History, Legends & Lore of These Mythical Beings (Secrets Behind History's Legendary Bloodsuckers) - William Wright
William WrightEveryone has heard of vampires, but few people are truly familiar with the history and folklore that have made the mythical beings so popular. Inde...
View full detailsHigh History Of The Holy Grail - Sebastian Evans
Sebastian EvansThe Book of the Grail was originally written in the 13th century, but has been lost to history. This version has been compiled from a 16th-century ...
View full detailsSeth: Exploring the Myth, Mystery, and Legacy of the Desert god - Charles White
Charles WhiteDiscover the Mysteries of ancient Egypt's most enigmatic deity in "Exploring the Myth, Mystery, and Legacy of the Desert god." Look deep into the S...
View full detailsThe Hero with a Thousand Faces (The Collected Works of Joseph Campbell) - Joseph Campbell
Joseph CampbellSince its release in 1949, The Hero with a Thousand Faces has influenced millions of readers by combining the insights of modern psychology with Jo...
View full detailsLemuria: A True Story of a Fake Place - Justin McHenry
Justin McHenryLemuria a real place or the Fever dream of crackpots, mystics, conspiracy theorists, and Bigfoot hunters? Below the waters where the Pacific and I...
View full detailsMagical History Tour 3 in 1: The Great Pyramids, The Great Wall of China, Hidden Oil - Fabrice Erre, Sylvain Savoia
Fabrice Erre, Sylvain SavoiaThree educational Adventures in one volume! Modern day kids, Annie and Nico, travel way back in time to ancient Egypt and the great pyramids. Tha...
View full detailsRussian Tales: Traditional Stories of Quests and Enchantments -
Dinara MirtalipovaRediscover the magic of Russian folktales in a breathtaking illustrated edition. This collection of traditional stories will sweep you a...
View full detailsEncyclopedia of Mystics, Saints & Sages: A Guide to Asking for Protection, Wealth, Happiness, and Everything Else! (Witchcraft & Spells) - Judika Illes
Judika IllesWorld-class spell collector, Fortune teller, psychic practitioner, spirit worker as well as independent scholar, writer, and teacher, Judika Illes ...
View full detailsHomo Fennicus - Ethnohistory of Baltic Finns - Valter Lang
Valter LangWhere do Finns come from? Where do the roots of peoples of Finnish origin go? What do language, genes and archeology tell about the history ...
View full detailsStewart Farrar : Writer on a Broomstick - Elizabeth Guerra, Janet Farrar
Elizabeth Guerra, Janet FarrarAleister Crowley is known for his experimental absorption of Indian Mystic practices, which went on to influence his own Magical system of Thelema....
View full detailsHot women in Finnish history - Clairvoyants, soldiers, preachers and eye-rollers - Maria Pettersson
Maria PetterssonA historical treat about fierce Finnish women whose story you want to hear. A liquor manufacturer who organized cockfights, a clairvoyant who instr...
View full detailsVlad Seivästäjä and the vampire Count Dracula - Tuomas Hovi
Jim SteinmeyerWho was Vlad Seivästäjä, the cruel scoundrel of the princely family of Dracul who caused fear in the 15th century? What are vampires and where do ...
View full detailsA Very Short, Entirely True History of Unicorns - Sarah Laskow
Sarah LaskowWhether or not unicorns are real, they have a real and enduring place in our culture. This book offers a fun look at unicorns through history, and...
View full detailsSanta's Millennium Riddle - Eero Perunka
Eero PerunkaSaint Nicholas, Sinterklaas, Christkind, Santa Claus. The thousand-year-old legend of Santa Claus is one of the most fascinating myster...
View full detailsQueens of War from Amazons to Valkyries - Karolina Kouvola
Kati LampelaWhat do Viking age graves of armed women tell? Were the fabled Amazon warriors real? In Viking Age Northland, shield maidens fought alon...
View full detailsThe Witches: Salem, 1692 - A History - Stacy Schiff
Stacy SchiffA Pulitzer Prize-winning and bestselling historian explores one of the great Mysteries of American history: the Salem witch trials. This book captu...
View full detailsBaba Yaga, Slavic Earth Goddess - Natalia Clarke
Natalia Clarke'I've felt for a long time that there must be more in the call to Baba Yaga's cottage than the fairytales tell us. Natalia Clarke has drawn on ...
View full detailsEmily Dickinson's Gardening Life: The Plants and Places That Inspired the Iconic Poet - Marta McDowell
Marta McDowellProduct language: English Emily Dickinson's Gardening Life: The Plants and Places That Inspired the Iconic Poet is a beautiful and fascinating work...
View full detailsThe Kanteletar and a guide to playing it - Elias Lönnrot, Niina Hämäläinen
Elias LönnrotAlong with the Kalevala, Kanteletar is a cornerstone of Finnish cultural heritage. While the Kalevala tells mythical stories, Kanteleta...
View full detailsAncient castles and castle hills — Historical excursion destinations - Harri Ahonen
Harri AhonenFinland's ancient Bronze and Iron Age castles are the most fascinating traces of prehistoric times still visible in the terrain. The chain of cas...
View full detailsAncient Goddesses - Liisa Kaski
Liisa KaskiThe goddess of love Aphrodite, the great huntress Artemis, the goddess of the dark moon Hecate and the mother earth you know all the gre...
View full detailsHistorical events, people, and mythological figures.