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Sound Massage With Singing Bowls: Easy Done – Regina Lahner

Alkuperäinen hinta $24.00 - Alkuperäinen hinta $24.00
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Vuosisatojen ajan monet ihmiset ovat löytäneet helpotusta kipuun, stressiin, negatiiviseen energiaan ja erilaisiin fyysisiin vaivoihin tiibetiläisten äänimaljojen äänen ja värähtelyjen avulla. Niiden käyttö on yhä suositumpaa länsimaissa.

Kirja on englanninkielinen.

Regina Lahner renders seminars and programs in sound massages with singing bowls ever since the year 2007. "Sound Massage With Singing Bowls Easy Done" wraps up her years-long experience: competent, compressed and compact. Singing bowl sound massage - what is it, and what are the benefits? Whom is it suitable for? What would I need? Must I get undressed? Those, and many other questions are being answered in a comprehensive way. Playfully, step by step, and with many practical examples, you'll be taught, how to execute sound massages by yourself, without any necessary longtime practice or experience. Also in your very own environment. It doesn't matter whether you deal with adults, kids, seniors, or care-needy - numerous different applications are being introduced and are available for you. Be it for relaxation, meditation, concentration-exercise, improving of body- and sense-recognition, as play, or to guide through stories. Even massages without physical contact are possible. Singing bowls have a quite special effect. Try it out for yourself! Regina Lahner Translator: Dr. Georg Woodman


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