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Martti Haavio
Karjalan jumalat - Uskontotieteellinen tutkimus - Martti Haavio
Martti Haavio"Waan the Carians' Eyes were Epeiumalas" Martti Haavio's classic work The Gods of Karelia opens before us the fascinating mental landscape of the ...
View full detailsSuomalainen mytologia - Martti Haavio
Martti HaavioWhat all was involved in the bear worship of the ancient Finns? What kind of birth myths are told about the origin of the wolf, snake a...
View full detailsSuomalaiset kodinhaltiat - Martti Haavio
Martti HaavioFinnish house elves were a part of our ancestors' lives for generations. In addition to the familiar house elves and sauna elves, the y...
View full detailsVäinämöinen - Suomalaisten runojen keskushahmo - Martti Haavio
Martti Haavio"The most important character in Kalevala and, as has been said many times, the Finnish national man is Väinämöinen. Everyone who has read our nat...
View full detailsViikinkimiekat Suomessa - Mikko Moilanen
Martti HaavioWhy have so many Viking swords been found in Finland? Archaeologist Mikko Moilanen's beautifully illustrated work challenges the perception of Iro...
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