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Home energy cleaning: Create positive energy and balance in your home

Have you ever paid attention to how clear you feel when the house is cleaned? Or have you noticed that just changing the places of things and moving the energy affects the atmosphere of the whole home? It is good to do the energy cleaning of the home from time to time, so that we can maintain a positive and balanced energy field around us. Home energy cleaning is an important practice that helps create a harmonious and balanced environment. The stresses of daily life, emotions and the energy effects of the environment can affect the energy field of our home. That is why it is good to regularly clean the energy of the home and create space for positive and good energy.

One way to clean your home's energy is to use different cleaning methods and rituals. One of the most popular methods is the burning of smoke or incense. Incense sticks or white sage are common choices for this purpose. By burning incense and moving from room to room, you can spread purifying smoke that removes negative energies and creates a fresh atmosphere. Instead of incense, you can also use room sprays that have been created for this purpose, for example this one.

Another way to clean your home's energy is to use sound waves. This can be done, for example, by walking around the room playing a sounding bowl or by using instruments that produce a clear sound, such as Tibetan Tinghs or bells or koshes. The sound waves vibrate and disperse energy, helping to clear the space.

Crystals are also useful for energy cleansing. You can place various cleansing and protective crystals in the home, such as black tourmaline, amethyst, rock crystal or selenite. These crystals are said to absorb negative energy and promote positive flow. You can also hold the crystal in your hand and imagine it sending a purifying light throughout the home. It is also good to energetically clean the crystals from time to time, this is how it is done in the summer by taking the crystals outside to embrace Mother Earth. If you can't get out, you can use sound waves or smoke.

In addition, you can clean the energy of your home using your own imagination and visualization. For example, you can imagine white light filling every room, clearing all negative energy and creating a positive atmosphere. This is an easy way to clean and raise the energy of your home at any time.

The broom can also be used for home energy cleaning. A broom is a symbolically powerful tool that represents the earth and the earth element. It allows us to physically and symbolically collect away negative energy and make room for positive energy.

When you use a broom for home energy cleaning, you can follow the following instructions:

  1. Choose a broom that resonates with you and feels right in your hand. The broom can be a traditional broom or a smaller broom that fits in the palm of your hand.

  2. Start cleaning deliberately by sweeping the rooms counterclockwise towards the front door. Imagine how the broom sweeps away all the negative energies and impurities that have accumulated in your home. This symbolically represents energy removal and purification.

  3. Focus especially on corners, near doors and windows, and any areas where energy can get stuck. Negative energy can easily accumulate in these places. Imagine how the broom removes all obstacles and opens up space for clean and positive energy.

  4. Go through each room carefully, sweeping all floors and corners. At the same time, imagine how the broom creates a protective energy field around you and in your home, preventing the return of negative energy.

  5. You can also use the broom symbolically with other cleaning methods such as incense or sound waves. For example, you can burn incense while moving around the rooms with a broom or use audio players when cleaning.

When using a broom, you can also incorporate meditative or intentional elements into the ritual. You can imagine that the broom collects all the negative energy and at the same time creates space for positive energy and well-being. You can also repeat an affirmation or a prayer that reinforces the purpose of cleaning the home and the energy field it creates.

Using a broom for energy cleaning of the home is a symbolic and spiritual exercise. It helps us become aware of the movement of energy and release negative energy, while inviting in clean and positive energy. A broom is one of the many tools we can use in cleaning the home and creating a peaceful and harmonious environment.

It is important to listen to your own intuition and choose the method that feels best for you. Cleaning rituals can be done regularly, for example once a month or whenever needed. After cleaning, you may notice that your home has a lighter, calmer and more inviting energy and your own mood improves.

Home energy cleaning is an important part of well-being and harmony. It helps create space for positive vibrations and helps us feel more balanced and peaceful at home. Try different methods and find the one that resonates with you the best.

- Mikaela

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