The purpose of empathy is to connect us to each other and make both our own lives and those of our loved ones more fulfilling. We can manifest empathy either through concrete actions or by sending out "radiant empathy" at the level of our being. Each of us also has our own way of being empathetic. One experiences empathy more at the level of the body, the other at the level of the mind or emotions. Whereas someone is tuned in to feel empathy towards nature and animals, another senses empathy especially in matters related to spirituality. Cyndi Dale is deeply familiar with the essence of empathy and guides the reader to find their own way of experiencing and expressing empathy in a healthy and loving way, listening to their own intuition.
Empathy is different from sympathy. Experiencing empathy means experiencing the thoughts, experiences and feelings of another in ourselves so that we don't lose ourselves and forget our own feelings and needs. When we feel sympathy, on the other hand, we can experience the other person's reality so deeply that we merge with it completely and lose contact with ourselves. An empathic person can use his intuition to live by listening to himself and his feelings.