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Obelisker, torn och pyramider
Beautiful clear rock crystal towers, different sizes
TarotpuotiVarje torn är unikt, storlek och form varierar.
Labradorite obelisk approx. 8-9 cm
TarotpuotiLabradorite CHAKRA: All chakras HOROSCOPE : Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius Curbs the negative aspects of the personality that consume energies...
Se merSelenite obelisk 10cm
Tarotpuoti4.0 / 5.0
1 Granskning av
CHAKRA: Everything COUNTRY: Morocco Selenite is a beautiful and versatile stone known for its subtle white appearance. It consists of calcium ...
Se merAmethyst tower 40-80g
Rock ParadiseAmetist-torn Vackert skuren och polerad ametisttorn med en spetsig topp. Sådana spetsiga stenar används ofta för att rikta energiflödet, till exemp...
Se merLabradorite obelisk approx. 7-10cm
TarotpuotiLabradorite is a stone with beautiful colors that protects and strengthens the aura. Highly sensitive persons benefit from labradorite when they ha...
Se merTourmaline quartz obelisk about 4-5cm
TarotpuotiSvart turmalin hjälper till att rena och känna sig jordad. Den skyddar mot negativa energier och strålning och är därför mest lämplig att placera n...
Se merLapis lazuli 6-9cm obeliski Afganistan
TarotpuotiLapis Lazuli on upea ja arvostettu kivi, joka tunnetaan erityisesti sen vahvasta yhteydestä luovuuteen, itseilmaisuun ja henkiseen kasvuun. Se liit...
Se merLepidolite obelisk approx. 10cm
TarotpuotiOrigin: India Picture is example only. Unique pieces! Each tower is carved from natural gemstone, meaning each one may slightly differ. Pl...
Se merRock crystal pyramid 4x4cm
TarotpuotiQuartz pyramid 4x4cm Approximate size of the piece: 4x4cm Approximate weight: 50g Origin: Brazil The parts that will be delivered are similar to th...
Se merFluorite obelisk 50mm
TarotpuotiHandgjorda FluoritobelisksUrsprungsland: Indien Material: Fluorit Storlek: I genomsnitt 50 mm Dessa fantastiska, handgjorda fluoritobelisker är in...
Se merKambaba Jasper obelisk 8-12cm
TarotpuotiHandsnidade ädelstenstorn KAMBABA JASPER Källa: Olika regioner BLANDADE STORLEKAR - 3" - 4" i genomsnitt! Kan innehålla naturliga sprickor, klyftor...
Se merLapis Lazuli orgonite pyramid 40mm
TarotpuotiLapis Lazuli Orgonite Crystal Pyramid with Copper 40mm Lapis encourages self-awareness, allows self-expression and reveals inner truth, providin...
Se merChakra Reiki obelisk approx. 7-10cm
TarotpuotiChakraobelisken med graverade Usui reiki-symboler. Högt rekommenderad av kristallhealers, reikiutövare och feng shui-specialister.De 7 chakraminera...
Se merAventurine pyramid approx. 2-2.5cm
Tarotpuoti CrystalsEnligt legender och folktradition sträcker sig pyramidens heliga form över 5 000 år tillbaka. Pyramidens form är en övernaturlig källa...
Se merSeleniitti obeliski ±10x4cm
Tarotpuoti CrystalsSelenit-obelisk (2 st) Selenit-obelisken kombinerar en kraftfull form med selenitens naturliga lyster. Obelisken är också känd som en ljuspelare oc...
Se merSelenite Crystal Tower (10 cm) - Raw stone from Morocco
Tarotpuoti CrystalsSelenite towers are responsibly mined and hand-shaped from mineral mines in Morocco. The mining is ethical and environmentally friendly, and the p...
Se merRock Crystal Tower
Tarotpuoti CrystalsThis is a natural material, so the size, shape and appearance of the crystals will vary from individual to individual. The crystals may have natur...
Se merPyrite obelisk approx. 7-10cm
TarotpuotiPyrite is a stone that helps to be firmly grounded and supports in getting better insight into personal motivations and beliefs. It helps to improv...
Se merSpinel Matrix Stone obelisk approx. 10cm
TarotpuotiOrigin: India Picture is example only. Unique pieces! Each mixed shape tower is carved from natural gemstone, meaning each one may slightly di...
Se merCitrine orgonite pyramid 40mm
TarotpuotiCitrine Orgonite Crystal Pyramid with Copper 40mm Citrine is a symbol of wisdom and happiness. It can make us feel confident, reduce fear and elimi...
Se merTourmaline quartz obelisk n4cm
Tarotpuoti ImportTourmaline Quartz is a shielding stone because of the combo of Quartz and Tourmaline. It's a great amplifier or returner based on the owners desires.
Seleniitti pyramidi 10cm
TarotpuotiCHAKRA: Kruunuchakra, Kolmassilmä HOROSKOOPPI: Kaksoset, Rapu MAA: Marokko Seleniitti on puhtaan valkoista valoa, joka on kapseloitu fyysiseen m...
Se merwood agate obelisk approx. 10cm
Taropuoti CrystalsThis wooden agate obelisk is a unique and powerful addition to your home or workspace. The obelisk is designed with care and skill, and its smooth ...
Se merSungite pyramid 4x4
Tarotpuoti CrystalsThe measurements in centimeters are approximately 4.64 cm wide and 1.91 cm high Sungite is a dark and shiny stone that belongs to the coal famil...
Se merSakkara sungite pyramid 10x10cm approx. 590g
TarotpuotiSungite is a dark and shiny stone that belongs to the coal family. It is mainly found in Russia, especially in the Karelia region. Sungiitti is kn...
Se merShungite pyramid 13x13cm
TarotpuotiUngefärlig storlek på bitarna: 13 x 13 cm Ungefärlig vikt på bitarna: 1,4 kg Ursprung: Shun'ga, Karelen, Ryssland Shungitprodukter kan färga av sig...
Se merOrgonite pyramid with moonstone and moon symbol 6 x 6 x 8.5 cm
Tarotpuoti CrystalsOrgonite pyramid with moonstone and moon symbol 6 x 6 x 8.5 cm Orgonite combines crystal, resin and metal into a harmonious whole, intended to b...
Se merSmoky quartz lodolite tip (collector's piece)
Tarotpuoti CrystalsLodolite, also known as garden quartz or landscape quartz, is a special and beautiful quartz that stands out for its stunning and fascinating incl...
Se merCrystal quartz semi-polished tip piece
Tarotpuoti CrystalsEn vacker kvartsbit har formats och delvis polerats till en spets. Stenens botten är jämnt skuren, vilket gör den lätt att ställa fram i hemmet, på...
Se merChakra Crystal Pyramid dia. 5 cm
Meraki GemstonesVackra sju chakra halvädelsten pyramider. Denna fantastiska pyramid innehåller följande ädelstenar: Ametist, Blå Aventurin, Sodalit, Grön Aventurin...
Se merSelenite orgonite pyramid 40 mm
TarotpuotiSelenite orgonite pyramid 40 mm The Selenite Orgonite Pyramid is a natural energy pyramid designed to cleanse the aura and remove blockages in ...
Se merAmazonite obelisk approx. 5-6cm
TarotpuotiCHAKRA: Hjärtchakra, halschakra HOROSKOP: Jungfru MAA: Brasilia Amazonit är en sten av fred, sanning, harmoni och kommunikation. Amazonit lugnar ...
Se merYooperlite tower - UV Reactive
Tarotpuoti ImportWhen Yooperlite is viewed under ultraviolet light, part of the stone starts to glow and shine! Each tower varies slightl...
Se merBlack obsidian tower 500-1300g
Tarotpuoti ImportBlack obsidian tower 500–1300 g Black Obsidian is a powerful protective and grounding stone that helps to clear negative energies and support sp...
Se merYellow Fluorite obelisk approx. 7-10cm
TarotpuotiGul fluorit verkar på solarplexuschakrat. Det är en sten som gör en glad och energisk. Stimulerar beslutsamhet. *En obelisk är en kraftfull form, ä...
Se merScolecite obelisk approx. 7-10cm
TarotpuotiSome believe that scolecite possesses attributes connected to alleviating stress, fostering emotional healing, and cultivating an inner sense of t...
Se merQue Sera obelisk 7-9cm
Tarotpuoti ImportShungite Pyramid 9cm
Modern ŌMSungite is a dark and shiny stone that belongs to the coal family. It is mainly found in Russia, especially in the Karelia region. Sungiitti is kno...
Se merChakra obelisk approx. 10.5 cm
Tarotpuoti7 Chakra Bonded Tower, en symbol för kunglighet, ära, ande, visdom, sanning, upplysning och vision. Denna naturliga ädelstenschakra-helande kristal...
Se merLabradorite Tower - India
Crystal River Gems LLCOrgonite pyramid Spiral - Amethyst: 7x7x6 cm
TarotpuotiOrgon betyder livsenergi (chi, eter eller prana). Orgonit är en sammansättning av kristall, harts och metall. Det skyddar mot skadlig (elektromagne...
Se merSeleniitti torni 10cm
TarotpuotiCHAKRA: Kruunuchakra, Kolmassilmä HOROSKOOPPI: Kaksoset, Rapu MAA: Marokko Seleniitti on puhtaan valkoista valoa, joka on kapseloitu fyysiseen mu...
Se merSelenite pyramid 6cm
TarotpuotiCHAKRA: Everything COUNTRY: Morocco Selenite is a beautiful and versatile stone known for its subtle white appearance. It consists of calcium ...
Se merOrgonite pyramid with sodalite, moon and star symbol 6 x 6 x 8.5 cm
Tarotpuoti CrystalsOrgonite pyramid with sodalite, moon and star symbol 6 x 6 x 8.5 cm Orgonite is made up of crystal, resin and metal, and is intended to balance ...
Se merSunstone obelisk approx. 7-10cm
TarotpuotiSunstone förbättrar ditt humör och stimulerar känslan av glädje, optimism och självförtroende. Det hjälper dig att bli beslutsam. Sunstone stimuler...
Se merRock crystal pyramid
Tarotpuoti ImportsBergkristallpyramid Valbara 2 storleksalternativ 8x8 och 10x10 cm
Här hittar du obelisker, torn och pyramider i kristall