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UFOlogi & konspirationsteorier
Custodians: Beyond Abduction - Dolores Cannon
Dolores CannonDolores Cannons arbete inom hypnos har tagit studien bortom bortförande. Dolores spårar fenomenet från det enkla till det komplexa. Genom att utfor...
Se merThe Encyclopedia of Moon Mysteries: Secrets, Conspiracy Theories, Anomalies, Extraterrestrials and More - Constance Victoria Briggs
Constance Victoria BriggsInformation: 142 pages, paperpag Our moon is an enigma. The ancients viewed it as a light to guide them in the darkness, and a god to be worshi...
Se merHistory Is Wrong - Erich Von Däniken, Nicholas Quaintmere
Erich Von Däniken, Nicholas QuaintmereErich von Däniken visar återigen sin talang för att avslöja de sanningar som hans samtida har missat. Efter att noggrant ha analyserat hundratals g...
Se merThe Convoluted Universe Book Two: Book Two: 2 - Dolores Cannon
Dolores CannonFor those who have enjoyed the challenges of Book One of this series, we present Book Two. Buckle your seat belts and get ready for another roller ...
Se merConversations with Nostradamus: His Prophecies Explained, Volume 2 (Revised & Addendum) - Dolores Cannon
Dolores CannonDen andra boken i serien innehåller 143 ytterligare fyrarader skrivna och dechiffrerade av Nostradamus själv. Dolores Cannon har genomborrat slöjan...
Se merConspiracies around me - Why does the truth not interest our brains? - Jukka Häkkinen
Jukka HäkkinenEach of us believes in conspiracies - our brains are not interested in the truth, only in survival. The current work of a brain researcher reveals ...
Se merStuff They Don't Want You to Know - by Ben Bowlin
Ben BowlinFrom the co-hosts of the hit podcast of the same name, this book is packed to the gills with fantastical stories and conspiracy theories - and the ...
Se merCatalog of the Unexplained - Leanna Greenaway & Beleta Greenaway
Leanna Greenaway & Beleta GreenawayonUtforska 400+ ämnen med denna enastående A till Ö-referensguide Fördjupa dig i de fängslande djupen av det esoteriska med Katalog över det oförklar...
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