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Tarot & Kort
- 3dtotal Publishing, Sasha Graham, Núria Tamarit, Faith Schaffer (1)
- 13th Press (1)
- A. E. Waite (2)
- A.E. Waite, Paula Coleman Smith (1)
- A.E. Waite, Sereptie (1)
- Adams & Poncet (1)
- Aleister Crowley (1)
- Alex Sanderson (1)
- Alexandre Musruck (1)
- Alice Ekrek (1)
- Alice Ekrek, Emily Anderson, Hamraz Ahsan (1)
- Alice Mastroleo (1)
- Alison Davies, Lindsay Squire (1)
- Angelo Nasios (1)
- Ann Keeler Evans (1)
- Ann Moura (1)
- Anna Maria Morsucci, Antonella Aloi (2)
- Anne-Marie McCormack (1)
- Anonymous, Robert Powell, Hans Urs von Balthasar (1)
- Anthony Louis (2)
- April Wall (1)
- Argus Kaldea (1)
- Arthur Edward Waite & Pamela Colman Smith (2)
- Avril Price (1)
- Bonnie Cehovet, Karyn Easton (1)
- BouchetteDesign (1)
- Caitlin Matthews (2)
- Carolyn M Kenney (1)
- Cassandra Eason (2)
- Cassandra Snow (1)
- Cassandra Snow, Siri Vincent Plouff, Lisa Marie Basile (1)
- Cat Willett (1)
- Chris-Anne (1)
- Christina Freija (1)
- Christina Freija ja Regula Elisabeth Fiechter (1)
- Christina Freija, Manik Dhyan, Alesteir Crowley (1)
- Christina Olsen (1)
- Christophe Poncet (1)
- Christopher Butler (1)
- Christopher Marmolejo (1)
- Claire Philip (1)
- Colette Baron-Reid (1)
- Courtney McBroom (1)
- Create Your Own Tarot Cards : A step-by-step guide to designing a unique and personalized tarot deck-Includes 80 cut-out practice cards! - (1)
- Dai Leon (1)
- David Fontana (1)
- Debra Zachau (1)
- Denise Hesselroth (1)
- Denise Jarvie (1)
- Donald Tyson (1)
- Dovid Krafchow (1)
- Eileen Connolly (1)
- Eleanor Hammond (1)
- Eleanore Alaiya (1)
- Ella Klar (1)
- Elliot Adam (1)
- Erin Regulski (1)
- Esther Joy Archer, Holly Adams Easley (1)
- Eudes Picard, Antiqua Sapientia, C. Bernardo (1)
- Evelin Bürger, Johannes Fiebig (1)
- Fortuna Noir (1)
- Fournier (2)
- Francesca Matteoni (1)
- Georgia White (1)
- Gerald-Johan Vanoise (1)
- Gerta O Egy (1)
- Gil Stafford (1)
- Hamaker-Zondag Karen (1)
- Henadzi Bialiauski (1)
- Il Meneghello (1)
- Isha Lerner (1)
- James R. Eads (2)
- James R.Eads (1)
- Jana Riley (1)
- Janet Boyer (2)
- Janina Renee (2)
- Jeannie Reed (1)
- Jeff Neves (1)
- Jennifer Dranttel (1)
- Jessica Dore (1)
- Jezmina Von Thiele, Paulina Stevens (1)
- Joanna Bourne (1)
- Johannes Fiebig, Evelin Burger (1)
- Josep Miquel Sobrer (1)
- Josephine Ellershaw, Hilary Parry Haggerty (1)
- Kerry Ward (2)
- Kirsi Gren (2)
- Leeza Robertson (2)
- Lo Scarabeo (4)
- Marcus Katz (2)
- Noel Eastwood (5)
- Paul Huson (2)
- Rachel Pollack (2)
- Robert Wang (2)
- Rubi Astrólogas (2)
- Sasha Graham (3)
- Stephan A. Hoeller (2)
- Susan Levitt (2)
- Tarotpuoti (4)
- Tarotpuoti Publishing (2)
78 Akter av Befrielse: Tarot för att Förvandla Vår Värld - Lane Smith
Lane SmithBoken är på engelska. Mjukband, 288 sidor. Guide till att läsa tarotkort som en gnista för gemenskapens engagemang och samhällsförändring. "Ett fy...
Se merThe Bible and the Tarot : A Personal Pilgrimage of Discovery - Gil Stafford
Gil StaffordPaperback: 234 pages, English “Beautiful, life-creating, loving, and profound: this may be the wisest tarot book ever written. Gil Stafford find...
Se merTarot for the Hard Work: An Archetypal Journey to Confront Racism and Inspire Collective Healing - Maria Minnis, Rashunda Tramble
Maria Minnis, Rashunda Tramble"An important and profoundly edifying book. . . . Perhaps the most important Tarot text that will define this decade.” — Benebell Wen, author of H...
Se merCardless Tarot: Choose Your Own Destiny Tarot Readings - Kerry Ward
Kerry WardI denna banbrytande bok presenterar tarotexperten Kerry Ward 45 av de mest insiktsfulla ödesläsningarna utan att du behöver lära dig betydelserna a...
Se merPlaying Card Divination - Stephen Ball
Stephen BallIf you're familiar with or have used Tarot cards before, you've maybe noticed that the minor Arcana cards resemble in style and structure the cards...
Se merFind Your Power: Tarot - Erin Regulski
Erin RegulskiTarotkort är en gränsspegel som ger en reflektion av ditt liv. När ett kort dyker upp i en läsning betyder det att det är dags att, utan ordlek, re...
Se merWomen of Tarot: An Illustrated History of Divinators, Card Readers, and Mystics - Cat Willett
Cat WillettKvinnor inom Tarot: En illustrerad historia om spåkvinnor, kortläsare och mystiker – Cat Willett Detta verk presenterar livet och prestationerna av...
Se mer365 Tarotupplägg: Avslöja magin i varje dag - Sasha Graham
Sasha Graham365 Tarotupplägg: Avslöja magin i varje dag - Sasha Graham Produktens språk: Engelska Sasha Grahams bok 365 Tarot Spreads är en omfattande guide so...
Se merFinding The Fool - A Tarot journey to Radical Transformation - Meg Jones Wall
Meg Jones Wall"Megs mästerliga prosa tar dig med på ett upplevelseäventyr där du kan kanalisera kortens essens och se hur de gäller för ditt liv. Med" Att hitta ...
Se merTarot - Crossing Worlds - Rachel Clarke
Rachel ClarkeOn a medieval world called Wayan, where wondrous beings unravel their Destiny through Tarot reading, a powerful sorceress commits a Shocking act b...
Se merThe Fool's Journey Through the Tarot Major Arcana #1 - Noel Eastwood
Noel EastwoodBook 1 of The Fool's Journey Series Have you ever wanted to know more about the relationship between the Fool and the Tarot Major Arcana cards? If...
Se merThe Fool's Journey Through The Tarot Pentacles #2 - Noel Eastwood
Noel EastwoodBook 2 The Fool's Journey Series Noel Eastwood's unique Blend of rollicking good Storytelling and the wisdom of the Tarot continues in this expand...
Se merThe Fool's Journey through the Tarot Swords #3 - Noel Eastwood
Noel EastwoodBook 3 The Fool's Journey Series Noel Eastwood's unique Blend of rollicking good Storytelling and the wisdom of the Tarot continues in this expande...
Se merThe Fool's Journey Through The Tarot Cups #4 - Noel Eastwood
Noel EastwoodBook 4 The Fool's Journey Series Noel Eastwood's unique Blend of rollicking good Storytelling and the wisdom of esoteria and the Tarot continues...
Se merRed Tarot: A Decolonial Guide to Divinatory Literacy - Christopher Marmolejo
Christopher MarmolejoDesigned to be used with any deck, Red Tarot is a Radical Praxis and decolonized Oracle that moves beyond self-help and divination to reclaim Taro...
Se merThe Fool's Journey Through The Tarot Wands #5 - Noel Eastwood
Noel EastwoodBook 5 The Fool's Journey Series Noel Eastwood's unique Blend of rollicking good Storytelling and the wisdom of esoterica and the Tarot continues ...
Se merUnderstanding the Tarot Court - Mary K. Greer, Tom Little
Mary K. Greer, Tom LittleJust who are those kings, queens, knights, and pages in the Tarot deck? Generally considered the most difficult part of the Tarot to interpret, the...
Se merNew Directions in Tarot: Decoding the Tarot Illustrations of Pamela Colman Smith - Scott Martin
Scott MartinA look at how Pamela Colman Smith's theatrical knowledge and experience came into play when she drew the iconic cards of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck...
Se merTarot: Book of Cards - Sami Hirvikallio
Sami HirvikallioTarot: Book of Cards – Sami Hirvikallio The book is in English. Tarot: Book of Cards innovatively combines three full Tarot decks into the page...
Se merDiscover Psychic Tarot Reading, Tarot Card Meanings, Numerology, Astrology and Reveal What The Universe Has In Store for You - Sofia Visconti
Sofia ViscontiBoken är på engelska. "Den enda boken om tarot du någonsin kommer att behöva" Har du alltid varit intresserad av Tarot, men visste inte var du ...
Se merTarot Life Lessons: Living Wisdom from the Major Arcana - Julia Gordon-Bramer
Julia Gordon-BramerThe book is in English. Real-life stories using the Tarot as a tool of insight and self-transformation • Explores the living wisdom of the Tar...
Se merTarot Magic : A Handbook of Intuitive Readings, Rituals, and Spells - Fortuna Noir
Fortuna NoirLearn how to read Tarot cards and use them as a tool for personal growth with this easy-to-follow and enchantingly illustrated guide. Tarot readin...
Se merDivination 101 How To Intuitively Read Cards: Divination 101 is the only book you need to learn how to read Tarot and Oracle cards ... solve life's little mysteries, and more! - Anne-Marie McCormack
Anne-Marie McCormackDivination 101 är den enda bok du behöver för att lära dig att läsa tarot- och orakelkort intuitivt. Om du har känt dig dragen till att läsa korten...
Se merThe Art of Tarot - Christina Olsen
Christina OlsenA palm-sized visual history of Tarot cards, from hand-painted Renaissance Decks to the creations of modern artists like Salvador Dalí Origin...
Se mer"En kritisk introduktion till tarot: Att undersöka naturen av en tro på tarot - Simon Kenny"
Simon KennyHur fungerar Tarot? Varför är det så populärt idag? Är det bara för spåmän? Tarot har sett en nyligen ökning i intresse som förtjänar en förklaring...
Se merTarot for Practical People: New Way is the Easy Way - Alice Mastroleo
Alice MastroleoTarot for Practical People: New Way is the Easy Way – Alice Mastroleo The book is in English. This guide is aimed at anyone who wants to learn...
Se merKitchen Table Magic: Pull Up a Chair, Light a Candle - Melissa Cynova
Melissa CynovaDenna nybörjarguide till magi är som att sitta vid köksbordet med Melissa Cynova när hon visar hur man använder enkla böner, besvärjelser och ritua...
Se merThe Cards You're Dealt: How to Deal When Life Gets Real - Theresa Reed
Theresa Reed"Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or a Tarot newcomer, this book is not merely a guide. It's a revelation, a compass, Empowering its Readers t...
Se merThe Tarot & Astrology Handbook: The Quintessential Guide for Harnessing the Wisdom of the Stars to Better Interpret the Cards - Argus Kaldea
Argus KaldeaA Mystic Masterclass in Understanding the Cards Decode the Tarot and learn how the cards are influenced by the zodiac from astrological Counselor ...
Se merTarot original 1909 (book) - Arthur Edward Waite & Pamela Colman Smith
Arthur Edward Waite & Pamela Colman SmithArthur Edward Waite och Pamela Colman Smiths tarotlek Tarot från 1909 anses ha Lagt grunden för modern Tarot och är en av de mest popular tarotleka...
Se merJungian Tarot : levande symbols - Lisa Cronstedt
Lisa CronstedtTarot är våra inre bilder och används i personlig utveckling. De ger perspektiv på livet, pekar på kreativa lösningar och på en sannolik framtid. U...
Se merPower, Purpose, Practice: Finding Your True Self Through Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot - Kerry Ward
Kerry WardBuild a unique, multi-faceted Personality profile based on your birth date to help fuel your personal growth through every stage of life. Am I on ...
Se merTarot Symbolism Paperback paperback - Robert V. O'Neill (Preloved, Rarities, collectible vtg 1986)
Robert V. O'NeillFrom the super collectible rarities of the Tarotpuodi library, an almost unread copy of Robert V. O'Neill's work published in 1986 is offered. A ...
Se merTarot: No Questions Asked : Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading Practical Techniques and Exercises from the Tarot Lady - Theresa Reed, Rachel Pollack
Theresa Reed, Rachel PollackTap into your "sixth sense" and become a better, more confident Tarot reader. Most all Tarot books present card-by-card interpretations as well ...
Se merTarot and Hand Reading Classes - Rubi Astrologas
Rubi AstrólogasEverything is in the palm of the hands, in them hides your past, present and future. The ancient art of interpreting the symbols of the hands is kn...
Se merThe Changeling of Seasons : The Fool's Tarot, Volume 2: Extensions and Interactions- a Starting Point of Practice - Gerald-Johan Vanoise
Gerald-Johan VanoiseThe second book of my Trilogy is called “The Changeling of Seasons”, and is considered 'the Book of Formation(s)'. It further develops the abstrac...
Se merThe Magical Tarot - Samantha Lucy Guillaume
Samantha Lucy GuillaumeThe Magical Tarot invites the Reader to match the cards with the work of spells and magic spellcasting. It is the result of the passion and contin...
Se merThe fool's world: a Tarot guidebook - Rachael Jean
Rachael Jeana Tarot workbook, journal, and guidebook all in one. the prompts and space provided will eventually become a tailor made reference guide as it was...
Se merGet Tarot!: A Perfect Guidebook to Practice Tarot Reading - Francesca Matteoni
Francesca MatteoniLås upp din intuition genom korten och allt som har med Tarot att göra med denna intuitiva nybörjarguide.Med den växande globala osäkerheten överal...
Se merPsychology for Tarot Readers: Passionate Fire of Wands Paperback - Henadzi Bialiauski
Henadzi BialiauskiPsychology and Tarot are closely linked fields. In both, we're likely to encounter clients struggling with life crises, problems in relationships a...
Se merTarot Mysteries of Thoth: Initiation and Inner Alchemy - Tamara von Forslun
Tamara von ForslunSince the beginning of time, mankind has stood in awe of the universe and its many magical marvels—even the very planet Earth that we live on—reali...
Se merCelinda, High Priestess Tarot Card - Carolyn M Kenney
Carolyn M KenneyNågon sorts roman och berättelse är det här frågan om, har inte direkt med tarot att göra... Ibland är din bästa vän en plåga, och Celinda är nu en...
Se merThe Grand Etteilla - Julia Orsini, Mlle Lemarchand
Julia Orsini, Mlle LemarchandThis book is an English translation of 3 books on the Grand Etteilla Tarots; the Julia Orsini booklet from the 1840s, the Mlle Lemarchand booklet f...
Se merMastering the Major Arcana: An in-Depth Tarot Journey through the 22 Major Cards – Valentine Mason
Valentine MasonIntroducing "Mastering the Major Arcana: An in-Depth Tarot Journey through the 22 Major Cards ," a comprehensive and immersive guide crafted for Ta...
Se merTarot lessons. Discover the Secrets of this Ancient Art - Angeline Rubi, Alina A Rubi
Cassandra EasonThe Tarot is an ancient practice, a path by which we begin understanding towards ourselves, towards our inner sacred. The Tarot is an oracle, a me...
Se merPeacemaker's Tarot for the 21st Century - Volume I : Starting the Journey, Revisiting Sacred Ground - Ann Keeler Evans
Ann Keeler EvansThis is not your grandmother's Tarot. Not the Tarot of your childhood when you wondered whether you might find fame and fortune. Peacemaker's Taro...
Se merTarot of Marseille: A Guide to Interpretation - Anna Maria Morsucci, Antonella Aloi
Anna Maria Morsucci, Antonella AloiThe Tarot of Marseille is one of the most popular decks in the world. It is a timeless work, the origins of which are still shrouded in mystery. A...
Se merThe Tales Behind Tarot : Discover the stories within your Tarot cards - Alison Davies, Lindsay Squire
Alison Davies, Lindsay SquireIn an introduction to the Tarot unlike any other, join storyteller, Tarot Reader and teacher, Alison Davies, and read 78 unforgettable Tales behin...
Se merKortsystem relaterade till förutsägelse och symbolik.